Complete Pesher of the ResurrectionPart C: Word for Word Pesher of Individual PassagesGOSPEL OF MATTHEW© 2005 Dr. Barbara Thiering (Revised 2007)At the same time as Luke's gospel was adjusting the earlier record of the mission according to the interests of the new party of Christians, Matthew's gospel was doing the same, but with somewhat different emphases. Luke, and Jesus with him, were pro-Roman, with little time for the aggressive kind of Judaism they had previously known. Paul had undergone a political conversion to the side of the Romans, and that name was preferred by them, rather than Christians. But Peter, also in the court of Agrippa II, retained a greater sympathy with Judaism in its non-militaristic form. He retained also the opinion that Judaism should be represented by the liberal Annas priests, Sadducees who were tolerant of Gentiles. The head of the mission, its Pope, should be one of the Annas dynasty. Jesus should act as their lay deputy, not a priest himself. When Matthew Annas, one of the five Annas brothers, was appointed high priest between 41 and 43 AD, a great impetus was given to Peter's party. The schism with the Damascus mission of Simon Magus was decisively made, and the name Christian adopted by Peter's faction. With Peter were the Gentiles James Niceta and John Aquila. In his own account in Revelation 10:1-11, James Niceta records that in the last months of the reign of Agrippa I he had been deputed to write another gospel on behalf of "the Seven Thunders", a pseudonym for Matthew Annas. His book had at first been banned by Agrippa, the "voice from heaven", who said, "Seal up what the Seven Thunders have said, and do not write it down." A few months later Agrippa I met his end, and the book which became Matthew's gospel was continued, and published by 49 AD. More may be known from some observations always made by critical scholars. Matthew's gospel obviously incorporates Mark, as does Luke. Additionally, it has long passages of teaching, most notably the Sermon on the Mount. Luke includes some of these sayings, but not so fully. These additional sayings have been called Q by scholars, from German Quelle, "source". A tradition supplied by early church historians says that Matthew's gospel used the Logia, which at first were in Hebrew and later translated into Greek. In Acts 7:38 the word Logia appears, in a context that was apparently that of Israel in the wilderness, but its pesher concerns 6 AD. It speaks of the "church in the wilderness" - the Gentile branch of the Therapeuts - and adds that the leader received living oracles, logia zōnta. The Logia would have been the form of Jewish teaching that was intended for proselytes and uncircumcised Gentiles. The sayings were largely derived from Hillel, who in the reign of Herod the Great accepted proselytes and was the original "Abraham" of the mission. The Sermon on the Mount reflects his views, as has long been recognized. This material was available for both Luke's and Matthew's gospel, and was included to retain continuity with the earlier form of the mission. Matthew's gospel in particular brings out the Jewish aspects, and so succeeded in being placed first of the gospels when it was decided to retain the Jewish element. |
Matthew 27:45-66 |
3:00 pm |
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45. Apo de hektēs hōras skotos egeneto epi pasan tēn gēn heōs hōras enatēs. |
45. From a 6th hour a darkness came about upon All the earth until{heōs} a 9th hour. |
45. At the true 3:00 pm after the correction of three hours the cover was replaced over rows 9-12 of the north vestry. |
3:03 pm |
46. peri de tēn enatēn hōran aneboēsen ho Iēsous phōnē megalē legōn, Eli eli lema sabachthani, tout'estin, thee mou thee mou, hinati me engkatelipes. |
46. Around the 9th hour Jesus cried out{boaō} in a great voice saying, Eli eli lema sabachthani. This is, God of me, God of me, in order for T you have abandoned me. |
46. At 3:03 pm, after the Aramaic cry in the form given by Mark, Jesus repeated it in its Hebrew form. It was addressed to the Sadducee Jonathan Annas, accusing him of reducing Jesus to the laity. |
3:03 pm |
47. tines de tōn ekei hestēkotōn akousantes elegon hoti Elian phōnei houtos. |
47. Certain Ones (Thomas) of the ones standing (genitive) there, they having heard, said that "Elijah This one (Jesus) calls." |
47. Thomas, the subordinate of Theudas, understanding Hebrew better than Greek, said, "Jesus is recognising Jonathan Annas as Pope in succession to the Baptist." |
3:05 pm |
48. kai eutheōs dramōn heis ex autōn kai labōn spongon plēsas te oxous kai peritheis kalamō epotizen auton. |
48. And immediately{eutheōs}, a number1 out of them(RLR to Certain Ones) running. And receiving (masc sing, RLR to 1 running) a sponge, he having filled with vinegar. And putting around to a reed he gave him(RLR to This One Jesus) to drink{potizō}. |
48. At 3:05 the guard Merari stood beside Thomas, who held the container of poisoned wine. Merari filled a sponge with the liquid and squeezed it into a cup. He held the cup on a 2 cubit measuring rod up to the mouth of Jesus, who drank it. |
3:30 pm |
49. Hoi de
loipoi elegon, aphes idōmen ei erchetai Elias sōsōn auton. |
49. The rest (masc plu Thomas) said, "Leave, let us see{eidon} if Elijah comes{erchomai} saving him(RLR to This One Jesus v.48)." (The text continues from Vaticanus and Sinaiticus)Another receiving a lance pricked of him(RLR to Jesus) the side. And water came out{erchomai}. And blood. |
49. At 3:30 when Jesus became semi-conscious Thomas stood back and said, "Do not help him. I am 2 cubits away. Will Jonathan Annas return and rescue him?" (Further text in Vaticanus and Sinaiticus). John Mark took his lancet and made a first test for death, pricking Jesus' side. Water spurted out from the waterbag, followed by blood. |
3:30 pm |
50. Ho de Iēsous palin kraxas phōnē megalē aphēken to pneuma. |
50. Jesus again having cried out{krazō} in a great voice left the Spirit. |
50. At 3:30, partly revived by the prick in his side, Jesus cried out as a dynastic king. He renounced his loyalty to Jonathan Annas . |
3:30 pm |
51. Kai idou to katapetasma tou naou eschisthē ap' anōthen heōs katō eis dyo, kai hē gē eseisthē, kai hai petrai eschisthēsan, |
51. And see{eidon} the veil of the sanctuary split from above until{heōs} down, at 2. And the earth quaked. And the rocks split. |
51. At 3:30 a repetition of the atonement ceremony was symbolically enacted, the east-west curtain divided in the center, for both leaders and members of the congregation. It now meant a schism among the Therapeuts of Egypt, some of whom were changing political sides. There was a schism also in the party of James the brother of Jesus. |
3:30 pm |
52. kai ta mnēmeia aneōchthēsan kai polla sōmata tōn kekoimēmenōn hagiōn ēgerthēsan |
52. And the tombs were opened. And many bodies of the sleeping{koimaomai} saints arose. |
52. At the same moment, at 3:30 pm, James at the caves finished opening their doors, first the dungeon in 7Q then the door of 8Q, according to the rule for its use as a sabbath latrine. He was now acting as the king instead of Jesus, which meant that the next brother Joses-Barnabas was the crown prince. As a young man of 24(born 8 AD) he was an acolyte doing night duty at the Menorah, so was now asleep in the monastery. |
3:35 pm |
53. kai exelthontes ek tōn mnēmeiōn meta tēn egersin autou eisēlthon eis tēn hagian polin kai enephanisthēsan pollois. |
53. And ones coming-out{erchomai} of the tombs after the arising of him (RLR to Spirit Jonathan Annas in v.50), came-at{erchomai} at the holy city. And they(RLR to ones coming-out) appeared to Many. |
53. At 3:35 pm James after leaving the dungeon door and going up the steep path arrived at the 150 cubit line at the southern end of the esplanade, to join Jonathan Annas who had accompanied him to this point to supervise the opening of the caves, but was too holy to go beyond the line. |
3:35 pm |
54. ho de hekatontarchos kai hoi met' autou tērountes ton Iēsoun idontes to seismon kai ta genomena ephobēthēsan sphodra, legontes, Alēthōs theou huios ēn outos. |
54. The centurion (Greek form). And the ones with{meta} him(RLR to centurion) keeping Jesus, seeing{eidon} the earthquake. And the things coming-about, they(RLR to ones with him) feared exceedingly, saying, " Truly a Son of a God was This One." |
54. John Mark was on the east side of Jesus. Merari his equal was on the west side, with Theudas on row 12. Merari, following the rules of Therapeuts, pricked Jesus again on his left side as another test for death, and when he also found that he was still alive, Merari said, "Jesus is alive, reduced to the status of a presbyter, the legitimate David subordinate of Jonathan Annas" (At 3:35 Jesus was taken down from the cross, for those with medical knowledge were aware that with his head sunk on his chest his breathing would be impeded. He was laid on the ground, unconscious and apparently dead when seen from a distance.) |
3:35 pm and 3:50 pm |
55. ēsan de ekei gynaikes pollai apo makrothen theōrousai, haitines ēkolouthēsan tō Iēsou apo tēs Galilaias diakonousai autō. |
55. There were there many Women from afar seeing{theōreō}, the Certain Ones (nom.fem.) who followed Jesus from Galilee, serving (fem. plu.) him(Jesus). |
55. At 3:35 Helena stood on the north base, as head of a congregation extending from rows 12 to 17. She was a head of proselytes. She led the four women carrying Jesus covered with his cloak down to the end of the esplanade, and when he had been put in cave 8Q at 3:50 pm she stood on the first step outside the caves (Figure 5), which like other places where the bishop of Galilee stood, could be called "Galilee". She was ready to act as a deacon to Jesus, knowing him to be still alive. |
4:00 pm |
56. en hais ēn Maria hē Magdalēnē kai Maria hē tou Iakōbou kai Iōsēph mētēr kai hē mētēr tōn huiōn Zebedaiou. |
56. in whom (fem plu) was Mary the Magdalene. And Mary she of James. And of Joseph a Mother. And the Mother of the sons of Zebedee. |
56. In the same class as Helena was Mary Magdalene. Mary of Cleopas, the young girl betrothed to James, was present. Also Mary the mother of Jesus, who was also the mother of James-Joseph. Helena had the role of Mother Sarah, head of Asher Gentiles, including James Niceta and John Aquila. |
4:00 pm |
57. Opsias de genomenēs ēlthen anthrōpos plousios apo Harimathaias, tounoma Iōsēph, hos kai autos emathēteusthē tō Iēsou. |
57. Evening{opsia} coming about, there came{erchomai} a rich Man{anthrōpos} from Arimathea, named Joseph, Who. And He discipled to Jesus. |
57. At 4:00 pm at the 150 cubit line at the end of the southern esplanade James-Joseph had remained after opening the caves. His center was at Mird-Hyrcania. As the David crown prince he was the permanent head of villagers, who worked for a living and owned private property. He taught Gentiles represented by James Niceta. |
4:00 pm |
58. houtos proselthōn tō Pilatō ētēsato to sōma tou Iēsou. Tote ho Pilatos ekeleusen apodothēnai |
58. This One coming-towards{erchomai} to Pilate asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded to be given-from. |
58. Pilate had come down to the end of the esplanade to oversee the dungeon. James stood beside him and offered a bribe for Pilate to declare him the successor of Jesus, believed by Pilate to be dead. James asked for ownership of the sacred monstrance of Jesus. At 4:05 Pilate announced that he, Pilate, now had the status of a levite. |
4:05 pm |
59. Kai labōn to sōma ho Iōsēph enetylixen auto en sindoni kathara, |
59. And receiving the body, Joseph wrapped it in a clean tunic, |
59. At 4:05 down at the caves James held the sacred monstrance of Jesus and wrapped it in its cloth covering, as was done when it was not being used in worship. |
4:05 pm |
60. kai ethēken auto en tō kainō autou mnēmeiō ho elatomēsen en tē petra, kai proskylisas lithon megan tē thyra tou mnēmeiou apēlthen. |
60. And he(RLR to James-Joseph v. 59) put it (the body) in the new{kainos} of him tomb, which he carved in the Rock. And having rolled-towards a great Stone to the door of the tomb he came-from{erchomai}. |
60. James held it as a sign of his kingship at the dungeon doorway, which he now locked at the set time of 4:05. Since the Rock had been returned to block the eastern shaft, he now rolled the Stone from its outer position to its place on the east side of the dungeon door, ensuring that the western cave remained open. Then he moved to the western door (where he gave Merari the monstrance to put with Jesus, John 19:40). (He went back to join Pilate at the Gentile service north of the vestry, to keep him out of the way.) |
5:00 pm |
61. ēn de ekei Mariam hē Magdalēnē kai hē allē Maria kathēmenai apenanti tou taphou. |
61. There was there Mary Magdalene. And the other Mary, they sitting (fem plu) opposite{apenanti} the burial place. |
61. At 5 pm at the queen's house Mary Magdalene and Helena were directing female ablutions. Their building stood south-west of the caves. |
6:00 pm |
62. Tē de epaurion, hētis estin meta tēn paraskeuēn, synēchthēsan hoi archiereis kai hoi Pharisaioi pros Pilaton |
62. The next day, the certain one is after the preparation, the chief priests were led with. And the Pharisees towards Pilate. |
62. At 6:00 pm the 31st began, beginning the intercalation to the post-position. It was now another version of the Friday beginning of the sabbath. Jonathan Annas held the usual Friday evening meeting in the north vestry, one where there was no sacred meal because of the Friday evening fast. Pilate as a Gentile was excluded from the meeting, and Caiaphas remained with him outside the north vestry as the reigning high priest answerable to Rome. |
6:00 pm |
63. legontes, Kyrie, emnēsthēmen hoti ekeinos ho planos eipen eti zōn, Meta treis hēmeras egeiromai. |
63. saying (masc plu), Lord, we remember that that deceiver said, yet living, after three days I arise . |
63.Caiaphas said, "Pilate, representative of Caesar, I am informed orally that Simon Magus said when acting as a bishop to Gentiles, 'I am a priest, whose promotion day is the 1st of the month, Wednesday in the Day position, not the day before, the 31st, Tuesday in the Day position, which is for laymen.' |
6:00 pm |
64. keleuson oun asphalisthēnai ton taphon heōs tēs tritēs hēmeras, mēpote elthontes hoi mathētai autou klepsōsin auton kai eipōsin tō laō, ēgerthe apo tōn nekrōn, kai estai hē eschatē planē cheirōn tēs prōtēs. |
64. Command therefore the burial place to be made secure until{heōs} the 3rd day, not-when the disciples of him(RLR to deceiver) coming{erchomai} should steal him(RLR to deceiver). And they(RLR to his disciples) say to the Layman, "He(RLR to deceiver) has been arisen from the dead ones{nekros}(genitive). And the last deception will be worse than(of) the first one (fem)." |
64. Since under the Julian calendar the 1st of the solar month in the Night position can be interpreted as beginning this coming midnight, give the legal order that guards should be set now, at 6:00 pm, which for the non-Julian calendar is the beginning of the Night position 31st. At 9:00 pm, which will be midnight for the fast Magian chronometers, John Mark, now the Gentile student of the Magus since Jesus is dead, will come and take the money of Gentile monastics controlled by Simon Magus. John Mark will then say to James 'Simon Magus has become Pope, supported by Gentiles.' Then Simon's false Julian calendar will be adopted, honoring Helena the Moon and the priesthood of women." |
6:00 pm |
65. ephē autois ho Pilatos, Exete koustōdian. Hypagete asphalisasthe hōs oidate |
65. Pilate uttered to them (RLR to disciples v.64), "you have a guard. Lead under, secure as you know{oida}." |
65. Pilate said to John Mark, "You have Theudas as the superior guard, on the east side on the hour. Let the sides be reversed so that Merari is on the east on the half-hour to guard the dungeon. You have higher knowledge to understand the system" |
6:30 pm |
66. Hoi de poreuthentes ēsphalisanto ton taphon sphragisantes ton lithon meta tēs koustōdias |
66. The ones journeying secured the burial place, sealing the Stone with{meta} the guard. |
66. At 6:30 pm, after Pilate and Caiaphas had returned to Jerusalem, the guard system was used to help Jesus. On the half-hour Merari changed sides at the center on the inner path, first standing in front of the open door of the hospital chamber where Jesus lay, then in front of the dungeon door. Not bound to keep the sabbath until midnight, Merari unlocked the dungeon door, lifted out the Rock which had sealed the dungeon, and placed it on the east side of the dungeon door, pushing the Stone further out beside the Rock. He thus "sealed" the Stone. The other guard, Theudas, was at the same time changing to the west side on the outer path. (The two guards brought
Simon on his
stretcher-couch up from the dungeon and let him down into the western
cave. With Simon alone in the western cave, the process of reviving Jesus
went on. Simon was returned to the dungeon just before midnight, the
Rock replaced and its iron door locked.) |
Matthew 28:1-15 |
3:00 am |
1. Opse de sabbatōn, tē epiphōskousē eis mian sabbatōn, ēlthen Mariam hē Magdalēnē kai hē allē Maria theōrēsai to taphon. |
1. Evening{opse} of sabbaths, at the lighting- upon at a 1 of the sabbaths, came{erchomai} Mary the Magdalene. And the other Mary to see{theōreō} the burial place. |
1. At 3:00am, treated by villagers as the New Year of the south solar sabbatical year, Mary Magdalene who had been on the steps came forward to act as an assistant guard , standing on the outer path. Helena acted as an assistant guard replacing John Mark, standing on the western inner path, so that she could see down the western shaft, still open, to SL11, under which money of Asher Gentiles was hidden. |
3:00 am |
2. kai idou seismos egeneto megas. angelos gar kyriou katabas ex ouranou kai proselthōn apekylisen ton lithon kai ekathēto epanō autou. |
2. And see{eidon} a great earthquake came about. For an angel of a Lord(genitive) having gone down out of heaven. And coming-towards{erchomai} he(RLR to angel) rolled the Stone from. And he(RLR to angel) sat up upon of it (Stone). |
2. At 3:00 Simon dressed in the white papal robe was brought by Theudas and Merari to the top of the eastern shaft. The dungeon door had been unlocked and the Rock lifted out and placed beside it, next to the Stone further out. Simon sitting in his basketware couch was placed on the two stones. Then the Rock was replaced in order to confine Judas, leaving the dungeon door open. Simon sitting in his couch above the Stone manoeuvred it forward to its usual position beside the dungeon door. Then Simon on his couch was carried up to the top step, sitting across its 2 cubits. |
3:00 am |
3. ēn de hē eidea autou hōs astrapē kai to endyma autou leukon hōs chiōn. |
3. The seeing of him(RLR to angel) was as lightning. And the garment{endyma} of him white as snow. |
3. Simon wore the regalia of Pope "Lightning", including the jewelled turban of a Zadokite. Unlike the Baptist Pope, who in the married state followed the Therapeuts by wearing an animal skin garment in winter, Simon wore a white vestment all the year round. |
3:05 am |
4. apo de tou phobou autou eseisthēsan hoi tērountes kai egenēthēsan hōs nekroi |
4. From the fear of him(RLR to angel) the keeping ones quaked. And they(RLR to keeping ones) came about as dead ones{nekros}. |
4. Theudas now supported Simon and was appointed his deputy, with authority over Merari who had been bribed to help Simon so was in a state of sin. |
3:05 am |
5. apokritheis de ho angelos eipen tais gynaixin, Mē phobeisthe hymeis, oida gar hoti Iēsoun ton estaurōmenon zēteite. |
5. The angel having answered said to the Women, Do not fear, you (plu), for I know{oida} that you seek Jesus the crucified one. |
5. At 3:05 Simon on the top step instructed Helena on the inner path, "Do not act as a mere presbyter with the Therapeuts, another Miriam. From the higher learning of ascetics, I treat you as having the same rank as Jesus, when he is in his lay state outside the monastery, a lay bishop. |
3:05 am |
6. ouk estin hōde, ēgerthē gar kathōs eipen. deute idete ton topon hopou ekeito. |
6. He(RLR to Jesus) is not here, for he has arisen according as he said. Come see{eidon} the place where{hopou} he lay. |
6. But Jesus is not now in the fully married state. He is now at the grade of a village priest. Look up through 2 cubits to the top step, where he rested on his way out of the cave. |
3:05 am |
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7. kai tachy poreutheisai eipate tois mathētais autou hoti ēgerthe apo tōn nekrōn, kai idou proagei hymas eis tēn Galilaian, ekei auton opsesthe. Idou eipon hymin. |
7.And quickly journey, say to the disciples of him(RLR to Jesus v.6) that "He has arisen from the dead ones{nekros}. And see{eidon} he leads before you at Galilee, there you will see{horaō} him. See{eidon} I have said to you." |
7. Stay here until 4:05 am , then go to the queen's house, and say to John.Mark , "Jesus is now equal to a village priest, a teacher of Gentiles. He will lead you at 4 pm from the queen's house to Ain Feshkha, 2 hours away. At the evening service at 6 pm he will preside at the table, and you, John Mark, will sit on the opposite side of the table. I (Helena) may teach you, John Mark, with 2 cubits between us" |
4:05 am |
8. kai apelthousai tachy apo tou mnēmeiou meta phobou kai charas megalēs edramon apangeilai tois mathētais autou. |
8.And they quickly coming-from{erchomai} (fem plu) from the tomb with{meta} fear. And of great joy they(Women, Helena) ran to announce to the disciples of him(RLR to Jesus v.7) . |
8. At 4:05 am Helena was outside the western half-door, while Theudas still acted as a guard. Then at the queen's house at the 6 am sunrise service in the courtyard she acted as a guard with Mary Magdalene, the pregnant David queen. Helena acted as a celibate equal to John Mark. |
6:05 am |
9. kai idou Iēsous hypēntēsen autais legōn, chairete. Hai de proselthousai ekratēsan autou tous podas kai prosekynēsan autō. |
9. And see{eidon} Jesus met them (fem plu RLR to Women Helena v. 5), saying, Rejoice. The ones (fem. plu.Mary Magdalene) coming-towards{erchomai} seized of him the feet. And they (Mary Magdalene) worshipped{proskyneō} him. |
9. At 6:05 am Jesus led the prayers, standing 2 cubits away from Helena and greeting her as the wife of Simon. Mary Magdalene as the wife of Jesus standing in front of him embraced the jar in which he as bishop stored the shared welfare money, for her support when he had returned to the monastery. She paid the Roman tribute from her order of women through him, since it was the 1st of the month. |
6:05 am |
10. tote legei autais ho Iēsous, Mē phobeisthe. Hypagete apangeilate tois adelphois mou hina apelthōsin eis tēn Galilaian, kakei me opsontai. |
10. Then Jesus says to them(fem plu, RLR to the ones coming towards, Mary Magdalene in v.9), "Do not fear. Lead under, announce to the brothers of me in order that they come-from{erchomai} at Galilee, and there they will see{horaō} me." |
10. At 6:05 am Jesus said to Mary, Do not be a mere presbyter with the Therapeuts, but a lay bishop. At 4 pm when James arrives at the queen's house, act as a celibate with him. He will go on to Ain Feshkha. His place is 2 cubits away from me." |
3:00 pm |
11. Poreuomenōn de autōn idou tines tēs koustōdias elthontes eis tēn polin apēngeilan tois archiereusin hapanta ta genomena. |
11. They(RLR to brothers v.10) journeying, see{eidon} Certain Ones of the guard coming{erchomai} at the city announced to the chief priests An All Things come about. |
11. At 3 pm Saturday James was inside the Qumran grounds finishing his version of the sabbath. Thomas the subordinate of Theudas stood in front of the north base, on which Jonathan Annas was standing. Merari was present, having ceased guarding Simon Magus. Thomas announced that James Niceta had been promoted to be equal to proselytes. Thomas acted as a celibate with Jonathan Annas. The anti-resurrection faction was now being formed, led by the Sadducee Jonathan Annas and by Thomas, the Doubter, with James as a moderate. |
3:05 pm |
12. kai synachthentes meta tōn presbyterōn symboulion te labontes argyria hikana edōkan tois stratiōtais |
12. And they(Certain Ones, with participle RLR to previous subject, not chief priests) being led with, with{meta} the presbyters, a council, they (Certain Ones) receiving much silver gave to the soldiers. |
12. At 3:05 inside the vestry a council meeting was held, attended by Thomas, James and Merari. Thomas was given the levitical tithes paid in silver previuously held by Judas. He gave money from them to Merari as a bribe. |
3:05 pm |
13. legontes, Eipate hoti Hoi mathētai autou nyktos elthontes eklepsan auton hēmōn koimōmenōn |
13. Saying, "Say that, 'The disciples of him(RLR to Jesus v.10) coming{erchomai} of night stole him(RLR to Jesus v.10), we sleeping{koimaomai}.' |
13. Thomas said to Merari, "Say that 'John Mark came at 9 pm, the village bedtime, to the western cave and took the money of celibate Gentiles concealed in the chamber below, thus helping Jesus who has authority over John Mark's order.' |
3:05 pm |
14. kai ean akousthē touto epi tou hēgemonos, hēmeis peisomen auton kai hymas amerimnous poiēsomen. |
14. And if{ean} this is heard upon of the governor(genitive), we will persuade him(RLR to Jesus v.10). And we will make you free from care." |
14. When Pilate is being instructed, I Thomas will keep Jesus in the Sadducee party, who practice mission by persuasion not by warfare. I will prevent you, Merari, from being punished by Agrippa.". |
3:05 pm |
15. hoi de labontes ta argyria epoiēsan hōs edidachthēsan. Kai diephēmisthē ho logos houtos para Ioudaiois mechri tēs sēmeron hēmeras. |
15. They (new subject with article and participle) receiving the silver made as they were taught. And This Word is uttered-through beside Jews until{mechri 6pm} the Today. |
15. Merari was given higher levitical status with the silver, the form of money paid to levites. He was prepared for acting as a priest. James set out for Ain Feshkha where he would attend the evening meeting with Antipas. The next day he would attend the meeting at Mar Saba, a Herodian Nazirite house (recorded in Lk 24: 13-35). |
Resurrection Word for Word Pesher