Complete Pesher of the Crucifixion
© 2007 Dr. Barbara Thiering
9 AM TO 3 PM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
Simon Magus and Judas were hoisted up on their gibbets in the southern esplanade at 9:05 am. Jesus was not put until half an hour later, at 9:35 am on the western gibbet. See the Overview for the See the summary of events in the Overview. See Locations for the place. |
Figure 2B. Places at the crucifixion.
Figure 2C. Method of Crucifixion.
9 AM TO 3 PM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
Simon Magus and Judas were hoisted up on their gibbets in the southern esplanade at 9:05 am. Jesus was not put until half an hour later, at 9:35 am on the western gibbet.
See the Overview
for the
See the summary of events in the Overview.
See Locations for the place.
Figure 2B. Places at the crucifixion.
Figure 2C. Method of Crucifixion.
9 AM TO 3 PM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
9 AM TO 3 PM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
9 AM TO 3 PM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
9 AM TO 3 PM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
9:00 am .
John 19:14 By the fast time used in John's gospel it was noon, by the true time 9 am. Jesus now stood with the other two condemned men in front of the segment line where Pilate and Agrippa stood, with Annas moving to both sides of them to say the prayer for east and west.
| 14. ēn de paraskeuē tou pascha,
hōra ēn hōs hektē . kai legei tois Ioudaiois, Ide ho basileus hymōn.
14. It
was a
Preparation of the
Feast, an
hour it
about sixth. And he (RLR to Jesus v.13) says to the
Jews, "
see{eidon} the
king of you (plu.).
14. Although the true time was 9:00 am, the fast time still in operation was 12:00 noon. It was a Friday, on the date that was the 15th + 2 1/2 for Magians who used the 15th for the date of unleavened bread as in Leviticus . Jesus was brought at 9:00 am out through the back gate to the row in front of the dividing line of segments 8 and 9. On the dividing line, a row 12, Agrippa and Pilate stood in the center, Agrippa in his role of Caesar on the center west, Pilate as the superior center east. Annas as the priest who could be on both sides took two positions, changing from one to the other to say the double prayer for the hour. For the first one he stood east beside Pilate. Here he acted as an independent priest, an abbot, not under the authority of Agrippa For the second one he stood west beside Agrippa, deferring to him. On the first row inside the segment where the crucifixions would take place, there was room for 6 positions across as at the table. Thomas and Antipas as the two subordinate Herods took the guest positions as at the Last Supper. The three men to be crucified stood here. Jesus stood in the place of the king center west and Simon that of the Priest center east, with Judas in that of the levite deputy to Simon. James took the place of the Prince deputy to Jesus. Thus there were 2 cubits between Antipas and Simon. Jesus said to Antipas, "see{eidon} the king of you", meaning that Simon was the graduate in Antipas' house, the King of the Jews. |
9:00 am.
Mark 15:20b At 8:55 Jesus was taken down to near the back gate and given the second cursing of the three he would receive.
20b. kai exagousin auton hina staurōsōsin auton.
20b. And they (RLR to soldiers Merari vv.16-20a) lead-out
him (RLR to Jesus vv. 15-20a) in order that they (soldiers) would
crucify him (Jesus)
20b. At 9:00 am Merari brought Jesus outside the back gate and gave him his second cursing. |
9:00 am
Luke 23:26 At 9:00 am the leaders stood on the segment line to supervise the crucifixions. Antipas brought out to the crucifixion site the two men from his house. He placed Theudas, who would not be crucified, in the guard position on row 1. He brought Simon at first to the place in front of Jesus' gibbet, on row 3, where Simon prepared the T-shaped discipline-board to be tied on to his subordinate Jesus.
 | 26. Kai
hōs apēgagon auton, epilabomenoi Simōna tina Kyrēnaion
erchomenon ap agrou epethēkan autō ton stauron pherein opisthen tou
26. And
they (RLR to Antipas vv. 13-25) led-from him (RLR to Theudas v. 25), they (Antipas)
receiving-upon Simon a
Certain Cyrenian,
from a
field, they(Antipas)
placed-upon to him (RLR to Simon) the
cross to carry
behind of Jesus (genitive).
26. Luke draws on the fact that the rows on the segment line and in the next segment, were 1 cubit apart, meaning that a 1 minute prayer should be offered on each one. On the segment row 12, the 6 places across it were taken by leaders corresponding to the status of those occupying the seats at the sacred meal. They stood there from 9 am until noon to supervise the crucifixions. In the center east stood Pilate representing Rome as the superior, and west beside him Agrippa who took the title Caesar as an appointed representative of Caesar. Jonathan Annas took turns on each side of these, to say the eastern and western prayers, as indicated by the forms of his name. When he was not in the east, in the levite's position, he was replaced by Eleazar the Scribe, the levite to Agrippa. The two lesser Herods took the outer places on each side, those of guests, as at the Last Supper. At 9:00 am Antipas brought the two men who belonged to his house to the places for their crucifixion. Theudas was not to be crucified, and he and Merari stood at the center of row 1 as the guards. At 9:01 am Antipas came to row 1 to bring Simon to row 3, the place in front of Jesus' gibbet, on its west side, where he would prepare the discipline-board to be put on Jesus his subordinate. Simon was in the lowly status of a Roman who had been exiled to the province of Cyrene.
9:00 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:01 am
John 19:15 Annas stood to give a prayer in a loud voice on both sides of the two central leaders, on the east acting independently of Agrippa, on the west deferring to him as the Caesar, a representative of Rome.
| 15. ekraugasan oun ekeinoi, Aron
aron, staurōsan
auton. legei autois ho Pilatos, Ton basilea hymōn staurōsō.
apekrithēsan hoi archiereis, Ouk echomen basliea ei mē Kaisara.
Those Ones shouted
therefore, "
Lift up,
lift up,
him (RLR to Simon, king, v. 14). Pilate says to them (RLR to Those Ones.), "The
king of you (plu.) I will
crucify." The
Chief Priests
answered, "We do not have a
if not
15. Annas when east beside Pilate, "Those Ones" said the eastern form of the double prayer in a loud voice. When beside Pilate he acted independently of Agrippa. He had some sympathy with both Judas and Jesus, and he advised that they should be spared the pain and humiliation of the T shaped discipline board, tied to a man's back, on which the title was prominently written for all to see. In order to dissociate himself from Simon, he advised that the board should be used to curse him prior to crucifixion then strapped on him. Pilate knew that Annas had been an associate of Simon in the Diaspora, and pointedly spoke of Simon as "your king-graduate". Annas rapidly changed sides,so that the plural form Chief Priests was used, said the western prayer beside Agrippa, and declared that he had nothing to do with Simon's claim to be a rival to Agrippa-Caesar. Simon was now only a prisoner, reduced to deacon, as shown by the absence of a definite article with "basileus". |
9:01 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:01 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:01 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:02 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:02 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:02 am
Luke 23:27 At 9:02 am Helena came to stand on row 2, where she comforted Simon in front of her on row 3.
 | 27. ēkolouthei
de autō poly plēthos tou laou kai gynaikōn hai ekoptonto kai
ethrēnoun auton.
27. There
to him (RLR to Simon v. 26) a
multitude of the
Layman (genitive). And of
Women who cut. And they (women)
27. At 9:02 am it was permitted for a female to stand on row 2. The Gentile James Niceta came out with James. Helena the partner of Simon Magus came to row 2. She lamented the coming death of Simon, who stood briefly on row 3. |
9:02 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:03 am
John 19:16 Agrippa handed over to Annas the treatment of Simon. Annas gave Simon the cursing with the T-shaped discipline board, 2 1/2 cubits high, that was to be strapped to his back. Annas kept Jesus beside row 3 for another half-hour.
John 19:17 Simon carrying his discipline board started at row 3, at the beginning of the sloping line where the crosses stood. It began at the division of the latrine marked as "unclean" for the use of pilgrims, with a skull hanging, one for Greek speakers, the next one down for Hebrew speakers.
John 19:16
| 16. tote oun paredōken auton
autois hina staurōthē, Parelabon oun ton Iēsoun.
therefore he (RLR to "Caesar", Agrippa v. 15)
gave-beside him (RLR to
a king, Simon v.15) to them (RLR to Annas Chief Priests v. 15) in order that he ( king), should be
16. At 9:05 am the crucifixions of Simon and Judas commenced. The gibbets were already in place, tree trunks 12 cubits high planted in holes in the ground 3 cubits deep. Agrippa handed over to Annas the treatment of Simon. Annas cursed Simon, pointing at him the T-shaped discipline board, 2 and a half cubits high. But he kept Jesus aside to be put up half an hour later, as he was only a lay subordinate. . |
John 19:17  | 17, kai
bastazōn heautō ton stauron exēlthen eis ton legomenon
Kraniou Topos, ho legetai Hebraisti Golgotha.
17. He (Simon RLR
subject of
participle to subject of last full verb in v. 16)carrying for
Himself the
came out{erchomai}
at the
place said to be of a skull, which is said in
Hebrew Golgotha.
17. Simon carrying his T shaped discipline board came out to the row equivalent to a row 3 in the 12 cubit segment of the southern esplanade. It lay next to the division of the latrine marking off the part for pilgrims, separate from the more northern part for priests. A skull hung over the door to show that "uncleanness" began at this point. It was at row 3 that the sloping 12 cubit line for the three crosses began. The western one, to be used for Jesus, stood at this point. At the next row down the skull was for Hebrew speakers, called Golgotha, for a lesser grade. |
9:03 am
Mark 15:21 Merari brought Simon Magus from his place of confinement to make preparations for his crucifixion. Simon was now reduced to the lowest possible status, that of a Roman exiled to the province of Cyrene. He was still supported as Pope by Theudas and Thomas. He was supported also by Jesus, and when he came to Jesus' western cross he helped prepare his discipline board.
Mark 15:22 Merari brought Simon to the line of row 4. His central gibbet stood between rows 5 and 4.
Mark 15:23 Merari
offered Simon a drink of wine mixed with a sedative. Jesus, in the role of an
exiled priest, was also offered the drink but did not accept it.
Mark 15:24 To prepare Jesus for his crucifixion Merari cursed him again then defrocked him, dividing in half the short circular surplice that was used by missionaries as a map of the world. Its sleeves forming an X shape. Merari threw lots for its two halves. While Agrippa received the eastern half, Jesus received the western one. A combination of letters, an X and a T, marked the place of Agrippa's house in Rome, the Vineyard.
Mark 15:21  | 21. kai
angareuousin paragonta tina Simōna Kyrēnaion erchomenon ap agrou, ton
patera Alexandrou kai Rouphou, hina arē ton stauron autou
21. And they (RLR to
Merari) compelled a
Certain Simon a Cyrenian
coming{erchomai} from a
field, the
of Alexander (genitive). And of Rufus (genitive), in order that he (RLR to Father, Simon) should
lift up the
cross of him (rule of possession, RLR to Jesus v. 20b).
21. Simon Magus had been kept in confinement in the congregation annexe since his condemnation by Pilate at 6:25 am. In the grading system that corresponded to geographical places he was now reduced to the area for exiled Romans in the province of Cyrene. He was now brought for his crucifixion to the southern esplanade. One of his roles was that of an "Isaac", the father of the twins Jacob and Esau. These roles were those of Theudas, head of the Therapeuts of Alexandria, and of Thomas the Twin, who being an Esau (related to Hebrew for "red" ) was called "red", in Latin Rufus. The name was used for him when he was in Rome (Romans 16:13 ). Simon Magus was the Pope, the Father, for these supporters. He was also supported by Jesus, and when he came to the place of Jesus' western gibbet, he helped prepare Jesus' discipline board. |
Mark 15:22  | 22. kai
pherousin auton epi ton Golgothan topon, ho estin methermēneuomenon Kraniou Topos.
22 And they (RLR to soldiers Merari) bring him (Father, Simon) to the
place Golgotha, which is
translated a
place of a
22. Merari led Simon to the row extending row 4, where in the latrine the skull for Hebrew speakers hung. Simon's central gibbet was placed between rows 4 and 5, on the sloping line of the three gibbets.
Mark 15:23
| 23. kai edidoun autō
esmyrnismenon oinon, hos
de ouk elaben.
23. And they (RLR to soldiers Merari) gave to him (Father, Simon) myrrh-mixed
Who (new subject) did not
23. To help him with the pain, Merari offered Simon a drink of wine mixed with a sedative. Jesus was present in the role of an exiled priest. He was offered the drink but did not accept it.
Mark 15:24  | 24. kai
staurousin auton kai diamerizontai ta himatia autou, ballontes klēron
ep auta tis ti arē.
24. And they (RLR to soldiers Merari)
him (RLR to Jesus as Who, v. 23). They (soldiers Merari)
part the
garments{himation} of him (Jesus), they (Merari) throwing a
upon them, a Tis-ti he (RLR to
Jesus) would receive.
24. In order to prepare Jesus for his crucifixion, Merari again cursed him. Then he defrocked him, taking the short circular surplice marked by an X at the sleeve seams and dividing its eastern part from its western part.He threw a lot for the two parts. Jesus received the western half, for Rome . On the edge of the sleeve were letters meaning that Agrippa was a Sadducee, his Rome house the Vineyard. |
9:03 am
Luke 23:28 When Simon left row 3 to go to his gibbet, Jesus came down to row 3. He turned due east in front of Helena on row 2 so that they were side by side. To distract her attention from Simon's suffering, he talked to her about female ministry.
Luke 23:29 Jesus described the different kinds of women's ministry as practiced by the Therapeuts.
Luke 23:28
28. strapheis
de pros autas Iēsous
eipen, Thygateres Ierousalēm, mē klaiete ep eme. plēn eph' heautas
klaiete kai epi ta tekna hymōn
28. Jesus,
having turned
them (feminine, RLR to Helena v. 27), said, "
Daughters of
Jerusalem{Ierousalēm} (singular form), do not
upon me.
Themselves (feminine)
weep. And
upon the
children of you
28. At 9:03 am Simon left row 3 to go across to his gibbet. Jesus came down to it so that he was standing in front of Helena on row 2. Jesus turned east so that he was standing side by side with Helena. During the 2 minutes when Simon was being put up on his gibbet Jesus distracted Helena's attention by talking to her about female ministry. He called her by the title of the bridesmaids in Canticles (1:5). In the literal Jerusalem, the part on the Mount of Olives, she belonged in the house of Antipas and his wife Herodias. Jesus said to her that she was to act in the position of a Widow, either a literal one or as a separated Sister-wife. She was not to take a male role, which would mean standing where Jesus stood. James Niceta could take the same position.
Luke 23:29  | 29. hoti
idou erchontai hēmerai en hais erousin, Makariai hai steirai kai hai
koiliai hai ouk egennēsan kai mastoi hoi ouk ethrepsan.
29. that
see{eidon} there
in which they (not RLR to tekna v. 28, as a neuter
plural noun takes a singular verb; RLR to Themselves (feminine) in v. 28) will say, '
Blessed the
barren ones (feminine). And the
wombs which have not borne. And
breasts which have not given suck.'"
29. Jesus, advising Helena to keep to a feminine role, endorsed the three kinds of female ministry that the Therapeuts allowed. They were a) that of a Miriam, a Virgin, a "barren one" until she married. She could rise to be a bishop grade 4 or a Sister grade 5, but no higher. She could not be equal to a male celibate Saint, only a lesser Blessed One. b) that of a Sarah, a deacon grade 6. In the original system she taught proselytes but not uncircumcised Gentiles. c) that of an Eve, an initiate grade 7. She sat on the "bosom", row 10 west at the sacred meal, and did not teach the Jewish "babes", only Gentiles.
9:03 am
Matthew 27:32 At 9:03 am Jesus on row 3 western prepared Simon's discipline board, as Simon had done for him a minute before. Simon then moved out to the front of his central gibbet, where Merari took part in the preparations for his crucifixion. Matthew's account then goes to 9:30 am.
| 32. Exerchomenoi
de heuron anthrōpon Kyrēnaion onomati Simōna. touton ēngareusan
hina arē ton stauron autou.
32.They (RLR to Merari vv. 27-31)
found a
Man{anthrōpos} a Cyrenian with a
name Simon.
This One
they (Merari) forced in order that he (This One, Jesus) should
lift up the
cross of him
(not to This One as owner, but to Simon previous "he").
32. At 9:03 am Jesus stood on row 3 west in front of his gibbet, where he in his turn prepared the discipline-board of Simon. Simon, reduced to the status of exiled Roman, moved out to the front of his gibbet on row 4, where Merari helped in the preparations for his crucifixion. Matthew omits the intervening events, going straight to 9:30 am when Jesus was being prepared for crucifixion. |
9:05 am
John 19:18 Simon was brought out to the central cross and cursed by Annas. He was hoisted up into the position that would keep him alive for some days or more, in the most acute discomfort and humiliation. Judas was treated similarly, but without the discipline board with the title. Jesus as the third man, less important, was kept on the ground for another half hour.
 | 18. hopou
auton estaurōsan, kai met autou allous dyo enteuthen kai enteuthen,
de ton Iēsoun.
the where they (RLR to Annas Chief Priests vv. 15, 16)
crucified him (RLR to Simon vv. 16, 17). And
with him (Simon) number 2
other ones hence. And
hence, a
middle one (accusative) Jesus (accusative).
18. Annas brought Simon to the central cross, and used his discipline board to curse him again. Then with the discipline board strapped to his back he was hoisted up on to his cross, using ropes slung across the main crossbar of the gibbet, fastened to his board on the ground, then hauling him up in position, with the ropes fastened to the back of the tree trunk. A rope tied him to the post around his chest. his arms were raised so as to lie on the crossbar, with the hands nailed at the ends. A narrow ledge at his buttocks was not wide enough to sit on, but the man could swing back onto it to keep himself alive for the long period intended. His feet dangled, not fastened to the cross, but kept together with a chain so that he could not grasp the tree trunk with them. Judas was treated similarly on the eastern cross, but he did not wear the discipline board with the title as he was only a levite. Jesus, being only a bishop and a third man, as indicated by the word "middle", was not put up yet. The word "middle" did not mean the middle cross, although it was intended that the non-pesharist should take it in that way, but meant a bishop who at the table sat in the middle of row 7. |
9:05 am
Mark 15:25 At 9:05
am, when Simon
and Judas were put up (not stated), Merari cursed Jesus again.
 | 25. ēn
de hōra tritē kai estaurōsan auton.
25. It
was a third
hour. And they (RLR to soldiers Merari)
crucify him (RLR to Jesus vv. 23, 24).
25. At 9:05 am, when Simon and Judas were put up (as shown in John ), Merari cursed Jesus again. |
9:05 am .
Luke 23:30 At 9:05 am at the time Simon was to be put up on his gibbet, Jesus talked to Helena about John Mark's influence in forming Jesus' Gentile party.
Luke 23:31 Jesus spoke of Antipas' ministry for himself and Gentiles at Passover in the spring, contrasting with the priestly season in the autumn, Atonement-Tabernacles.
Luke 23:30
| 30. tote arxontai legein
tois oresin, Pesete eph hēmas,
kai tois bounois, Kalypsate hēmas.
Then they
(RLR to "breasts", an Eve) will
begin to say to the
upon us. And to the
Hills, Hide us,
30. At 9:05 am when Simon Magus was being hoisted on his gibbet, Jesus continued to speak to Helena. He spoke of the "Eve" in his system, John Mark, who objected to his master Agrippa even though he was a freedman in his house. John Mark told Agrippa to repent, kneeling on the dais step in the vestry. To Antipas, John Mark said, "Allow me to escape Agrippa in your house." John Mark's actions on these matters had been instrumental in the formation of Jesus' party.
Luke 23:31  | 31. hoti
ei en tō hygrō xylō tauta poiousin, en tō xerō ti genētai
31. that
if{ei} in the green
tree they (RLR to Hills, Antipas, v. 30)
These Things, in the
dry a
31. Jesus referred to Antipas' claim to ministry for himself and Gentiles at Passover in the spring, while for Jews the primary feast was in the autumn, at Atonement-Tabernacles. It was for that reason that Christians preserved the spring feast but not the autumn one. |
9:05 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:06 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:06 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:06 am
Luke 23:32 Simon Magus was in place on his gibbet. Jesus remained on the ground in front of his, attended by Antipas.
 | 32. ēgonto
de kai heteroi kakourgoi dyo syn autō anairethēnai.
32. They (RLR to Hills, Antipas, vv. 30, 31)led. And
bad-workers 2
with him (RLR to Jesus v.28) to be
lifted up (infinitive).
32. At 9:05 am the preliminaries for Simon's crucifixion were completed and he was in place on his gibbet. Jesus, who was not to be put up for another half-hour, remained on row 3 in front of his gibbet, attended by Antipas.
9:06 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:25 am.
John 19:19 In preparation for Jesus' crucifixion, the titles in the three languages were written on the half-cubit squares of his T- shaped discipline board, the squares that would surround his head. Jesus himself wrote the Hebrew one on the eastern square. Pilate wrote the Latin one. The Greek one was written on the square for above his head, its meaning that he had been excluded from the celibate house to the married state, and was merely a graduate in Antipas' house.
John 19:20 Annas standing on the west side of Pilate read out the Latin for Pilate to confirm. The three titles were confirmed as correct. Jesus was now brought to the western gibbet, a cubit thick, in the space corresponding to rows 3 and 4 of the latrine where the skulls hung.
John 19:21 There was then a play on a language point, from the way Jesus had written the Hebrew title. The rule for the construct did not allow the definite article before the word for "king". The ambiguous expression could be understood as meaning that Jesus was only a deacon grade 6, not a graduate grade 3. Jesus had allowed the ambiguity to remain. Annas said that the Greek form should correspond, should omit the article, so as to say that Jesus was only a deacon.
John 19:22 Pilate said, "I have confirmed the Greek and Latin, but not the Hebrew. Allow it to remain".
John 19:19  | 19. egrapsen
de kai titlon ho Pilatos kai ethēken epi tou staurou. ēn de
gegrammenon, Iēsous ho Nazōraios ho basileus tōn Ioudaiōn.
19. He (RLR to
Jesus v.18) wrote.
And a title (accusative) Pilate. And he (RLR to Pilate)
upon of the
cross. It
written, Jesus the
Nazirite the
king of the
19. Jesus' T-shaped discipline board lay with him on the ground near the western gibbet. It was to have his title written on the three half-cubit squares in three languages. Since Pilate could not write Hebrew, Jesus himself wrote the Hebrew on the eastern half-cubit square. Pilate as a graduate in Antipas' house had the same title, the Hebrew form reducing his status, as shown in v.21. Pilate wrote the Latin on the western half-cubit square beside the place for the head. On the half-cubit square above the head the Greek was written, meaning "Jesus excluded from the celibate house, reduced to the married state, merely a graduate in the house of Antipas".
John 19:20
| 20. touton oun ton titlon
polloi anegnōsan tōn
Ioudaiōn, hoti engys ēn ho topos tēs poleōs hopou estaurōthē
ho Iēsous. kai ēn gegrammenon Hebaisti, Rōmaisti, Hellēnisti.
This the title
Many of the
Jews read, that
was the
place of the
city the
where Jesus was
crucified. And it was
written in
Hebrew, Latin, Greek.
20. At the time for checking the work of a scribe, Annas on the west side of Pilate read out aloud the Latin one for Pilate to confirm. The word "rex" for "king" in Latin, although without the article, could not mean a mere deacon. Matthew shows that the word hic was added, representing the article.The three titles in the three languages were now confirmed as correct. Jesus was brought to the western gibbet, a cubit thick, filling the space between row 3 and row 4 of the segment, beside the depictions of skulls, the Greek on row 3 and the Hebrew on row 4. They corresponded to the positions at the south base inside the grounds. Jesus' T-shaped discipline board was now used, pointed at him to curse him. |
John 19:21  | 21. elegon
oun tō Pilatō hoi archiereis tōn Ioudaiōn, Mē graphe,
Ho basileus tōn Ioudaiōn, all hoti ekeinos eipen, Basileus eimi tōn
21 The
Chief Priests of the
Jews said
therefore, "Do not
write, 'The
king of the
nevertheless that
That One said, 'A
I am of the
21. Annas then pointed out that when Jesus had written the Hebrew he had not used the definite article before the word for "king" because the rule for construct expressions did not allow it. When it was understood as having no article, the expression could mean that Jesus was only a deacon grade 6, not a graduate grade 3. He had allowed that inference to remain, for Hebrew readers. Annas urged that the Greek should also omit the article, meaning that he was only a deacon. |
John 19:22  | 22. apekrithē
ho Pilatos, Ho gegrapha, gegrapha.
22. Pilate
answered, "The thing I have
written, I have
22. Pilate said, "I have confirmed only the Greek and the Latin, not the Hebrew. Allow what Jesus has written to remain."
9:25 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:25 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:25 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:30 am.
John 19:23 Merari as the lesser levite was deputed to curse and crucify Jesus as a lesser person. At 9:30 am he cursed Jesus again, and this time defrocked him, removing the short circular surplice that missionaries to the Diaspora wore, using it as a map of the world. The X shape of the sleeve seams pointed to the NE, SE, NW and SW places in the world. Merari divided it into its 4 parts, the two sleeves and the front and back, the west sleeve representing part 4 for a bishop grade 4. The east sleeve was given to Agrippa. Herodians included in their vestments a long continuous scarf worn round the neck for priestly duties such as forgiving sins. It had no seam at the neck, symbolizing the unity of east and west.
| 23. Hoi oun stratiōtai
hote estaurōsan ton
Iēsoun elabon ta himatia autou kai epoiēsan tessara merē, hekastō
stratiōtē meros, kai ton chitōna. ēn de ho chitōn
apharos, ek ton anōthen hypsantos di' holou.
23. The
when{hote} they
crucified Jesus
received the
garments{himation} of him (Jesus). And they (soldiers)
made number 4
parts, to
soldier a
part. And the
scarf. The
out of the upper things, woven,
through a
23. At 9:30 am Jesus, still on the ground, was again cursed, this time by Merari the lesser levite because he was a person of lesser importance. This time he was defrocked, the short circular surplice removed from him. Its shape when laid flat was used by travelling missionaries as a map of the world, the X for the sleeve seams marking the NE, NW, SE and SW places. Each sleeve between the seams represented a major division called a "part", the singular of the word used for the east and the plural the west. Of the 4 parts, sleeves and front and back, the west part was numbered 4, being the least important, for a bishop grade 4 only. In addition to a surplice Herodians used a continuous scarf without a seam worn around the neck for priestly duties such as forgiveness of sins. It signified the unity of both sides of the world under a Herod.
9:30 am
Mark 15:26 The Hebrew letters for Jesus' grade, attached to his headband, projected into the space above his head where the Greek words for his grade were written.
| 26. kai ēn hē epigraphē tēs
aitias autou epigegrammenē, Ho basileus tōn Ioudaiōn.
26. And the
writing-upon of the
asking of him (RLR to Jesus) was
written-upon, the
king of the
26. The Greek version of Jesus' title was written on the half-cubit square above his head. Two Hebrew letters were attached to his headband, pointing up into the space. They were Qof, the letter given at grade 3 graduation, and above it Resh for grade 2, the letter that Antipas used as "the Jews", the third in the Herodian system of Taw 0, Shin 1, Resh 2. Since Antipas had paid the bribe to Pilate that brought Jesus to the cross, the letters also stood for "bribe", an "asking". |
9:30 am
Luke 23:33 At 9:30 am the preparations for Jesus' crucifixion began. While Merari stood in front of his gibbet to haul him up, Antipas stood on row 4 to be ready to fasten the ropes over the crossbar to the back of the post.
| 33. kai hote ēlthon epi ton
topon ton kaloumenon Kranion, ekei estaurōsan auton kai tous kakourgous, hon men ek dexiōn
hon de ex aristerōn.
33. And
they (not an RLR to "bad-workers" Simon in v. 32, as an infinitive only was used,
to which a full verb does not refer back; the subject of "came" is Antipas v. 32)
upon the
called a
there they (Antipas)
him (RLR to Jesus vv. 28, 32). And the bad-workers, whom
out of
right things, whom
out of left things.
33. At 9:30 am the preparations for Jesus' crucifixion began. While Merari stood in front of his gibbet to hoist him up, Antipas went to row 4 to be ready to fasten to the post the ropes coming down from the crossbar. Antipas joined in the cursing of Jesus. The other two men were already up, with Judas on the east, out from the center, and Simon on the center one, out from the western one. This formula while accurate disguised the fact that Jesus was in the third place, the least important. |
9:30 am
Matthew 27:33 At 9:30 Merari beside row 3 west began preparations for the crucifixion of Jesus, who stood in front of his gibbet on row 3. The gibbet stood between rows 4 and 3, in line with the skulls in the divisions of the latrine.
Matthew 27:34 As the preparations were being made, Merari offered Jesus a drink of wine mixed with poison in case he wanted to suicide from the outset. Jesus refused it.
Matthew 27:33
| 33. Kai elthontes eis topon
legomenon Golgotha, ho
estin Kraniou Topos legomenos.
33 . And they (RLR to Merari vv. 27-32)
at a
place said to be Golgotha, which is said to be a
place of a
33. At 9:30 am it was time for the crucifixion of the third and least important man, Jesus. Merari came to row 3 western, beside the skull on row 3 of the latrine, a row above row 4 where the skull for Hebrew speakers hung. |
Matthew 27:34  | 34. edōkan
autō piein oinon meta cholēs memigmenon. kai geusamenos ouk
ēthelēsen piein.
34. They (RLR to Merari vv. 27-33)
gave to him (RLR to This One, Jesus, v. 32) to
gall mixed.
And he (Jesus, subject of participle RLR to masculine subject of last full verb, This One v. 32) having
tasted did not
will to
34. As a drink with a sedative had been offered to Simon just before he was put up at 9:05, recorded in Mark, a drink was offered by Merari to Jesus, this one containing poison in case he wanted to suicide before the agonizing pain that was coming. He did not accept it at this stage.
9:33 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:33 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:33 am
Luke 23:34 Antipas took part in the division of the circular surplice, treating as levitical the western half given to Jesus.
34. diamerizomenoi
de ta
himatia autou ebalon klērous.
34. They (RLR subject of participle to Antipas subject of "came" in v.33)
parting the
of him (RLR to Jesus vv, 28, 32, 33, genitive) threw
34. Antipas took part in the defrocking and division of the surplice-map, treating the western side for Jesus as levitical not lay. Luke does not record the completion of Jesus' crucifixion at 9:35 am. |
9:33 am.
Matthew 27:35 Merari cursed Jesus by pointing his discipline-board at him, then defrocked him. His surplice-map was divided in two, with Agrippa being given the eastern half.
Matthew 27:36 Jesus lay face down on the ground, with Merari crouching beside him to attach his
Matthew 27:37 On the half-cubit square for Latin the lack of an article with "rex" was made up for by the addition of the word for "this", hic. It is translated by Greek houtos. It also did not use the word Nazirite, which was only found on the Greek above his head.
Matthew 27:35  | 35. staurōsantes
de auton diemerisanto ta himatia autou ballontes klēron,
35. They (RLR to Merari vv. 27-34)
crucifying him (RLR to Jesus vv. 32-34)
parted the
garments{himation} of him (Jesus),throwing a
35. Merari cursed Jesus by pointing his discipline-board at him, then defrocked him, taking his short circular surplice used as a map of the world and dividing it in two. Of its two halves, Merari gave the eastern one to Agrippa, treating it as levitical.
Matthew 27:36  | 36. kai
kathēmenoi etēroun auton ekei.
36. They (RLR to Merari vv. 27-35)
kept him (RLR to Jesus vv. 32-36)
36. Merari crouched on the ground, with Jesus lying face down, ready to attach his discipline board.
Matthew 27:37  | 37. kai
epethēkan epanō tēs kephalēs autou tēn aitian autou
gegrammenēn, Houtos estin Iēsous ho basileus tōn Ioudaiōn.
37. And they (RLR to Merari vv. 27-36)
up-upon of the
head of him (RLR to Jesus vv. 32-37) the
asking of him
This One
is Jesus the
king of the
37. Merari tied the discipline-board to Jesus' back, with its labels in the three square half-cubits. The western one in Latin also did not use the word Nazirite, and did not use the article with "rex". It made it clear that the article was intended by adding the word for "this", hic. It also showed by symbols that Antipas' bribe was responsible for Jesus' being there, depicting him with the Hebrew letter indicating the grade that he used in Rome. |
9:35 am
John 19:24 Merari on row 2 of the segment in front of Antipas on the outer west of row 1 now prepared Jesus on row 3 for crucifixion, tying around his chest the rope that would be attached to the ropes for hauling him up. Merari while he was doing it said to Antipas that the Herodian scarf should not be split at the neck, as it would signify a schism. But Antipas was permitting a difference in forms of ministry between east and west. Then at 9:35 am Merari hauled Jesus up on his gibbet.
24. eipan
oun pros allēlous
Mē schisōmen auton alla lachōmen peri autou tinos estai. hina hē
graphē plerōthē, Diemerisanto ta himatia mou heautois kai epi
ton himatismon mou ebalon klēron. Hoi men oun stratiōtai tauta epoiēsan.
24. They (RLR to soldiers v.23)
therefore said
One Another, "Do not split it (the scarf v.23),
nevertheless let us cast
around it, it will
be of a
Certain One." In order that the
Writing should be
fulfilled, "They (RLR to One Another)
parted the
garments{himation} of me to
Themselves. And
upon the
clothing of me they (One Another) threw a
lot." The
These Things,
24. Antipas was standing on the outer west of row 1 of the segment, with Merari in front of him on row 2, attaching the ropes to Jesus on row 3 that would haul him up. Merari as a Herodian said, "Do not split the scarf at the neck, which would indicate a schism between east and west. Let us treat it as levitical, for priestly duties, belonging to Agrippa." A verse in the Old Testament (Psalm 22:19) was now fulfilled, meaning, "They ( Antipas) allowed a difference in forms of ministry between east and west". He allowed Jesus' vestments to be levitical, for priestly duty. Then at 9:35 am Merari raised Jesus on the western gibbet, the ropes over the crossbar having been attached to a rope around his chest. The ropes over the crossbar were pulled from behind, hauling him up, then their ends were fastened to the gibbet behind. |
9:35 am
Mark 15:27 Merari cursed Simon again, then hoisted Jesus up on his gibbet. There were now three men in a row, Jesus on the west, Simon in the center, and Judas on the east.
 | 27. Kai
syn autō staurousin dyo lēstais, hena ek dexiōn kai hena ex
euōnymōn autou
27. And
him (RLR to
king, Jesus v. 26) they (soldiers Merari)
crucify number 2
thieves, a number 1
out of the
right things. And a number 1
out of the left things of him (Jesus, genitive).
27. At 9:35 am Merari cursed Judas, then he hoisted Jesus up on his gibbet. Judas' gibbet was on the east of that of Simon. Those of Simon and Jesus, as the Priest and King who could sit at the center of the table, were called the "right" and the "left" respectively. So Judas was "out of the right" east of Simon, and Simon was "out of the left" east of Jesus. This use of the special terms for positions obscured the fact that Jesus was only on the western gibbet.
Verse 28 is not
found in
Vaticanus and other major texts of Mark 15.
9:35 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
9:35 am
Matthew 27:38 Jesus was hoisted on to the western gibbet, Judas and Simon being already up on theirs.
 | 38. Tote
staurountai syn autō dyo lēstai, heis ek dexiōn kai heis ex
Then number 2
thieves are
with him (RLR to Jesus v. 37), a number 1
out of the
right things. And a number 1
out of left things.
38. At 9:35 am Jesus was hoisted on his western gibbet. The other two were already up, making three in a row. Judas, who was not wearing a discipline-board, was cursed with one on the ground. Judas and Simon were reduced to the initiate grade 7, Judas out from Simon, who as a pair with Jesus was on the right, with Jesus on the left. The same method used by Mark and Luke was preserved by Matthew to disguise the fact that Jesus was only on the western cross. |
11:00 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
11:00 am.
Mark 15:29 Monastics believed that the Restoration expected on this day, the 31st, might come at 11 am, the hour when they ceased work and took their immersion bath. It did not come, and Thomas acting for Agrippa blamed the three men for the impediment.
Mark 15:30 Thomas promised Agrippa, who was standing on the segment line north of Simon's gibbet, that the Restoration could still come in his favor at the noon sacred meal.
Mark 15:31 Annas added the suggestion that Jesus could be helped to come down by James Niceta. But he had no power to help Simon Magus.
Mark 15:29  | 29. kai
hoi paraporeuomenoi eblasphēmoun auton kinountes tas kephalas
autōn kai
legontes, Oua ho katalyōn ton naon kai oikodomōn en trisin hēmerais,
29. And the travelers-beside
him (RLR to the last "number 1" in v. 27, Simon) shaking the
of them (not RLR to "travelers-beside", due to ownership rule, but to thief 2, Judas, v.27).
And they (travelers-beside subject of participle) saying, "
Woe the one loosing the
sanctuary, And the one
household making
in 3
29. On this day of expectation of a Restoration, monastics believed that it might come at 11 am, the hour when every day they ceased work and took an immersion bath.When it did not come they blamed heresy for the impediment. Thomas acting for Agrippa blamed Simon, accusing him of militarism, "blasphemy". He reached up and removed Judas' headband, the sign of his initiation. Then he turned to Jesus, who was responsible for the prediction that had been repeated by Peter, that the Gentile party would separate from the homeland in 43 AD, when the calendar changed to the Day position. Thomas applied to Jesus the Woe that Jesus had spoken against Agrippa at the Last Supper, a prediction of a change in 7 years' time, in 40 AD. |
Mark 15:30  | 30. sōson
seauton katabas apo tou staurou.
30. "
yourself, one having gone-down
from the
30. Thomas continued that Jesus acted as a member of the Magian Jason mission. He suggested that Jesus might come down from the cross, thus giving a message about the plan of rescue. |
11:00 am
Luke 23:35 At 11:00 am monastics expected a fulfilment of the prophecy of a Restoration, at the time of day when they ceased work and took an immersion bath. James with the monastics stood on row 11 behind Agrippa. Antipas, whose interest was in rescuing Simon, stood behind Pilate as his translator. Thomas stood behind Eleazar in the levite position. These three, James, Antipas and Thomas all spoke Hebrew. Antipas was in a position to suggest to them secretly that they should help in the rescue of Simon.
 | 35. kai
heistēkei ho laos theōrōn. exemyktērizon de kai hoi
archontes legontes, Allous esōsen, sōsatō heauton, ei houtos
estin ho Christos tou theou ho eklektos
35.And the
}. They (RLR to Antipas vv. 30- 34)
sneered. And the
saying, "He (RLR to the Layman, James)
others, let him
This One
is the
Christ of
God, the
Elect One.
35. At 11:00 am Essene monastics expected a fulfilment of the prophecy of the Restoration, at the hour when they always ceased work and took an immersion bath. James, hoping for it, moved to the eastern levite position on row 11 before the segment line, where a prayer was said at 11:00 am, so that there were 4 cubits between him and Simon Magus hanging on row 4. Antipas now behind Pilate as his translator, beside James, said, "James acting on behalf of Agrippa as the 'Noah' saves Gentiles like James Niceta, so let him help rescue Simon Magus. Is Jesus on the western cross the legitimate David by Sadducee rules? If so, James is only the Prince, who in boyhood acts as the 'Noah'. Antipas, between James and Thomas, speaking Hebrew, was saying to them secretly that they could help in the rescue of Simon. Both subordinate Herods were prepared to act against Agrippa. |
11:00 am
Matthew 27:39 At the non-fulfilment of the prophecy at the hour that would favor monastics, 11 am, Thomas representing Agrippa blamed Simon's militarism, and removed Judas' headband that stood for his initiation.
Matthew 27:40 Thomas blamed Jesus also, for predicting the formation of a separated Gentile party in 43 AD, and for participating in the Magian Jason mission. But, knowing the rescue plan, he hinted to Jesus the possibility of escape.
Matthew 27:39
| 39. Hoi de paraporeuomenoi eblasphēmoun auton
kinountes tas kephalas autōn
39. The travelers-beside
him (SRLR to Simon, "one out of the left" in v.38), shaking the
of them (RLR not to "travellers-beside" - owner rule - but to "thief 2", Judas, v. 38).
39. At 11:00 am the monastics led by Agrippa expected a fulfilment at the hour they ceased work and took an immersion bath. When it did not come Thomas, representing Agrippa, blamed Simon Magus' militarism. Thomas also removed the sign of Judas' initiation by reaching up with a long stick and removing his headband, which was fastened on the left side.
Matthew 27:40
40. kai
legontes, Ho katalyōn
ton naon kai en trisin hēmerais oikodomōn, sōson seauton, ei
huios ei tou theou, katabēthi apo tou staurou.
40. And they (Thomas, RLR to
"travelers-beside" v.39) saying, "The one loosening-down the
sanctuary. And in
days number 3 making a
if{ei} a
Son you (sing)
are of
God. (genitive) Go down
from the
40. Thomas then turned to Jesus, blaming him for a different reason, that he had predicted a separation from the Qumran headquarters, with a new party outside the country established in 43 AD, when the calendar changed to the Day position with the 31st on a Tuesday, Day 3. He said that Jesus also acted in the Magian Jason mission. It was questionable whether Jesus was the legitimate David. But Thomas, who knew of the rescue plan, also hinted that Jesus could escape,
11:05 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
11:05 am
Mark 15:32 Annas on the west of the segment line said that Jesus as the legitimate David should seek help to come down. It would encourage Sadducee doctrine. Judas who was again cursed reviled Jesus.
 | 32. ho
Christos ho basileus Israēl katabatō nyn apo tou staurou,
hina idōmen kai pisteusōmen. kai hoi synestaurōmenoi syn autō ōneidizon auton.
32. Let the
Christ the
king of
Israel go down
from the
cross, in order that we
see{eidon}. And we
believe. And the ones
with him (RLR to the Christ)
reviled him (the Christ).
32. Annas calling Jesus
legitimate David and the true Messiah of Israel said that if he did
find a way
of coming down it would encourage Sadducees. Judas now cursed again at
monastic non-fulfilment reviled Jesus.
11:05 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
11:05 am
Matthew 27:41 At 11:05
am Annas with Eleazar of Galilee and James re-affirmed their loyalty to Agrippa.
Matthew 27:42 Annas said that Jesus saved Gentiles such as James Niceta, so he did not have power to save Simon Magus. If Jesus came down it would encourage Sadducee views.
Matthew 27:41
| 41. homoiōs kai hoi archiereis
empaizontes meta tōn
grammateōn kai presbyterōn elegon,
Likewise. And the
Chief Priests
mocking{empaizō} (no object)
with the
Scribes (genitive). And of
presbyters they (Chief Priests) said,
41. At 11:05 am when there was still no fulfilment Annas on the west re-affirmed his alliance with Agrippa, together with Eleazar of Galilee Agrippa's levite, and with James now siding with Agrippa. Annas mocked Simon Magus, having become Pope in his place. Annas said, |
Matthew 27:42
| 42, Allous esōsen, heauton ou
dynatai sōsai.
basileus Israēl estin, katabatō nyn tou staurou kai pisteusomen
ep' auton.
42. "
he (RLR to "Son", Jesus in v.40)
Himself he (Jesus) does not have
power to
save. A
king of
is. Let him (king)
now{nyn} go down
from the
cross. And we will
upon him (king).
42. "Jesus when with Agrippa's Noah mission initiated Gentiles such as James Niceta. That means that he was not in the Magian Jason mission to proselytes. Let Jesus escape from the gibbet. I as Sadducee will support him".
11:35 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
11:35 am
(Mark has ended.) |
11:35 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
11:35 am
Matthew 27:43 Annas indicated to Agrippa that he was prepared to act as his subordinate and hand over the welfare tithes to him.
 | 43. pepoithen
epi ton theon, rysasthō nyn ei thelei auton. eipen gar hoti theou
43. "He (RLR to king, Agrippa v. 42) trusts
God. Let him (king)
now{nyn} deliver
if{ei} he (king)
wills him (God).
For he (God) said that, I (no pronoun)
am of a
God a
Son .
43. There was a further disappointment at 11:35 am, when there was no fulfilment for Gentiles in abbeys.By the use of RLR and terms for grades Annas now conveyed to Agrippa the fact that he was prepared to be a subordinate of Agrippa, as the high priest had been to Herod the Great. He would hand over the welfare tithes to Agrippa. Annas could say "of a God (grade 3 without article) I am a Son (grade 4 bishop)" because Annas acted as a bishop when receiving taxes from villagers.
12:00 noon.
John 19:25 At 12 noon, when the male leaders were away at their Friday noon sacred meal in the vestry, women and Gentiles associated with Jesus came to the segment line and the one below it, to do what they could for Jesus. Mary mother of Jesus stood opposite Jesus, with the young woman betrothed to James beside her on the west and Helena beside her on the east. Mary Magdalene stood in front of Mary Mother on row 1, closer to Jesus. At his cross, John Mark stood beside him on the west and Merari on the east. James Niceta, a deputy of Helena in the order of Asher, stood in front of her.
 | 25. eistēkeisan
de para tō staurō tou Iēsou hē mētēr autou kai hē
adelphē tēs mētros autou, Maria hē tou Klōpa kai Maria
25. They (RLR to soldiers, Merari, v.24)
stood beside to the
cross of Jesus (genitive), the
of him (RLR to each soldier, Agrippa, v. 23). And the
Sister of the
of him (each soldier, Agrippa), Mary she of Cleopas. And Mary Magdalene.
25. At 12 noon the leaders went back to their Friday noon sacred meal in the vestry, which would last for 3 hours. Women and Gentiles, to whom Jesus was the superior, took the opportunity to come to the segment line to see if they could do anything for Jesus. Only the lowest levite Merari remained, as he did not take a sacred meal. Jesus hanging on the front of the gibbet, facing north, was on row 3. Merari stood next to the east side of the post, and John Mark next to the west side. On the segment line row 12, marking the limit for celibates, Mary mother of Jesus stood opposite him.On her west side stood the young woman betrothed to James, already using the title Miriam. On her east side, in line with Merari, stood Helena the partner of Simon Magus. Both she and Merari were also close to Simon's cross. Both were heads of the order of Asher, to which the Gentile James Niceta belonged. He stood in front of Helena as a deputy, she being "Salome the mother of the sons of Zebedee". Mary Magdalene stood on row 1 in front of Mary Mother, in line with Jesus and closer to him. "Of him" with both Mary Mother and Helena, when taken with the RLR rule that it could not refer to a genitive, shows that both these women were heads of the Gentile orders of Dan and Asher that were part of Agrippa's mission. |
12:00 noon
(Mark has ended.) |
12:00 noon
Luke 23:36 At 12 noon the monastics with Agrippa were at their sacred meal in the vestry. The women, Gentiles and guards were left at the crucifixion scene. Annas and Thomas remained on the segment line to supervise. Merari showed Jesus that he had ready the drink of wine mixed with poison, if Jesus wanted it.
Luke 23:37 Merari said, "As a graduate in Antipas' house and the legitimate David, you serve with Simon Magus in his Jason mission to Gentiles ".
Luke 23:38 12 noon was a time when Jesus should make a really final return to the celibate state. On one reading of the Hebrew title, he was no longer a Nazirite in the married state.
Luke 23:39 When no fulfilment of the prophecy came Judas on the eastern gibbet took revenge on Jesus by declaring that Jesus was indeed a Magian militant in the non-Sadducee faction of Antipas' house. Jesus should remain an associate of Simon Magus in the Jason mission to proselytes.
Luke 23:40 Thomas Herod, the heir of Agrippa, said to Jesus that he was a member of the Therapeuts only, looking to Annas as the Aaron, but was only a judge.
Luke 23:41 Thomas explained his own status, that he was the Herod crown prince equal to the David, given levitical status. Theudas of the Therapeuts now replaced Jesus who had returned to the celibate state. Theudas also practiced the Herodian form of ministry, and he accepted Gentiles such as James Niceta.
Luke 23:42 It was Theudas who was now This One, having followed the customs of Therapeuts, replacing the David when he returned to the celibate state. Theudas was still keeping the fast time, which had not yet been corrected for him, so 12 noon was 3:00 pm for him. By a play on the numbers he was able to say that Jesus was as if in the status of a bishop in the abbey giving water to pilgrims at 3 pm.
Luke 23:43 Theudas said to Annas, "At 6 pm in the upper part of Cave 8 you will supply the medicines for the antidote for Jesus".
Luke 23:36  | 36. enepaixan
de autō kai hoi stratiōtai proserchomenoi, oxos prospherontes autō.
36. They (RLR to "others", James Niceta v.35)
mocked{empaizō} to him (RLR to Christ, Jesus v. 35). And the
coming-towards{erchomai}, bringing-towards
to him (Jesus).
36. It was 12 noon, when the monastic leaders with Agrippa were at their sacred meal in the vestry. The guards Theudas and Merari remained at the crucifixion scene, supervised by Annas as Priest and Thomas as levite. As John's gospel shows, the 4 women were present in line with the gibbet of Jesus. Merari beside Jesus showed him that he had ready the drink of wine mixed with poison, if Jesus wanted it. Merari's main duty was to guard Simon, and he had some sympathy with Jesus, as he would illustrate later that night.
Luke 23:37  | 37. kai legontes, Ei sy ei ho
basileus tōn
Ioudaiōn, sōson seauton.
37. They
(RLR to soldiers Merari
v. 36) saying, "
if{ei} you (sing.) are the
king of the
37. Merari, who was a Sadducee, said, "Are you, Jesus, the legitimate David and a graduate in the house of Antipas? You serve as a member of the Magian Jason mission to proselytes, the original role of the Davids." (The Magian mission to pagans, founded during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus, used a ship drama of initiation with the imagery of the Greek hero Jason. It observed the Magian times such as 12 noon. Agrippa had changed it in 31 BC to the more biblical Noah imagery.)
Luke 23:38  | 38. ēn de kai epigraphē ep' autō
, Ho basileus tōn Ioudaiōn houtos.
38. He (RLR to Jesus, king v. 37).
was. And a
writing-upon to him (Jesus), The
king of the
This One.
38. On one version of the rule, 12 noon was the time when Jesus should finally return to the celibate state. The Hebrew for his title had not included the word "Nazirite", although it was implied in the word for "this" (zeh) since that meant the western seat, used by a layman in the Nazirite state. The ambiguous Hebrew could be read as implying the article (see on John 19:21-22) and at the hour of his decisive return, it could be interpreted as meaning that he was no longer a Nazirite in the married state.
Luke 23:39  | 39. heis
de tōn kremasthentōn kakourgōn eblasphēmei auton legōn,
Ouchi sy ei ho Christos, sōson seauton kai hēmas.
39. A number 1 of the
him (RLR to king, Jesus, v. 38) saying, "
Not-X you (sing.)
are the
And us."
39. Judas on the eastern gibbet was hanged, but not "crucified", that is cursed, because he did not wear the T-shaped discipline-board for Greek speakers. When he had been handed over to Pilate for crucifixion, the word used for him was "hanged" (Matthew 27:5). Judas was also a Magian militant. When no fulfilment came at 12 noon, Judas in revenge said that Jesus was indeed a militant. He was associated with Simon Magus in the house of Antipas,whose emblem was a circle containing an X. Jesus as the legitimate David and a Magian should act in the Jason mission to proselytes. Judas also belonged to it.
Luke 23:40
| 40. apokritheis de ho
heteros epitimōn autō
ephē, Oude phobē sy ton theon, hoti en tō autō krimati ei.
Another one having
answered rebuking him (SRLR to Christ, v.39)
uttered, "
Neither you (sing.)
God, that in the
judgement you
40. Thomas Herod on the segment line as levite to Annas, supervising the gibbet of Judas, said that Jesus should be in Agrippa's house and pay the fees for initiation and promotion. Being a celibate Pharisee he spoke to Jesus as a member of a different party, " You are a graduate in class C, following the practices of the Therapeuts, looking to Annas as the Aaron. You may act as a judge to Gentiles, but no more. |
Luke 23:41  | 41. kai
hēmeis men dikaiōs, axia gar hōn epraxamen apolambanomen. houtos
de ouden atopon epraxen.
41. And we
suitable things of which we have
practiced we
This One
Nothing non-
place has
41. Thomas continued that he as the Herod crown prince was equal to the David as the Righteous One. He officiated in the Herodian form of ministry, in which laymen were given levitical status. Theudas, who was also a This One when he replaced the David returned to celibacy, practiced Herodian ministry, accepting Gentiles such as James Niceta in the doorway of abbeys
Luke 23:42  | 42. kai
elegen, Iēsou, mnēsthēti mou hotan elthēs eis tēn basileian sou.
42. And he (RLR
to This One v. 41)
said, "Jesus (vocative),
remember me
when{hotan} you
at the
kingdom of you."
42. Theudas as a guard center east of row 1 spoke to Jesus on his gibbet. Theudas was acting on the fast time, which was not yet adjusted for him. So for him 12 noon was the same as 3:00 pm. In the abbeys at 3 pm the David standing on the podium as a bishop gave the drink of water to arriving pilgrims. Jesus was now on a row 3 the next above a row 4, and by a play on the numbers for rows and grades Theudas said Jesus had now come into the Kingdom, the abbey ministry, by returning to celibacy.
Luke 23:43  | 43. kai
eipen autō, Amēn soi legō, sēmeron met emou esē en tō
43. And he (SRLR to Theudas, not to Jesus in the vocative)
said to him (RLR to "God", Annas v. 40, last masculine singular that is not Theudas), "
Amen I say to you (sing,"God"),
Today you
with me
are in the
43. Theudas then spoke to Annas, "God", the last masculine singular in v.40 that is not Theudas. He was again playing on the double times and the terms for places . It was the 31st, the Today for the fulfilment of prophecy, which should come at differing hours according to parties - for some noon, for some 3 pm, for some 6 pm. Jesus on row 3 was beside the line in the latrine which was one above row 4. Row 4 was used by laymen as a latrine at 4 am and 4 pm every day. The row above it was where they washed after using it, on their way back to a "cleaner" state. It was a "Paradise" contrasting with "Hades"at the latrine level. The same terms were used for the sabbath latrine in cave 8 later that same afternoon when the sabbath had begun. In playing on the times and places in this way, Theudas was hinting to Annas that when it was the true 6 pm, when the 31st really began, Annas could help Theudas by supplying the medicines to be used in cave 8 to revive Jesus. The plan of rescue was now known to those at the crucifixion scene, in the absence of Pilate and Agrippa. The plan was intended for Simon Magus, with Jesus only as a subordinate, but the friends of Jesus were giving equal attention to him. It was carried out as shown in the Resurrection pesher.
12:00 noon
Matthew 27:44 At 12 noon, when there was again no fulfilment and the monastics had gone in to their sacred meal, Judas was again cursed from the ground for the failure. He attacked Annas for changing sides to Agrippa.
| 44. to d'auto kai hoi lēstai hoi
syn autō ōneidizon auton.
44. The
same. And the
with him (RLR to Son, Annas, v.43)
reviled him (Son, Annas)
44. At noon when the monastics went in for their sacred meal and Annas remained outside for another hour, Judas, who was cursed again from the ground for a non-fulfilment, having been a levite to Annas, attacked him for changing sides to Agrippa when Agrippa had not protected Judas. |
12:05 pm.
John 19:26 Mary Mother and John Mark both belonged to the celibate order of Dan, whose sacred meal was called the Agape, the occasion for purely spiritual love. Across the 2 cubits between them, Jesus entrusted his mother to John Mark as her deputy. That meant that she was allied with an enemy of Agrippa.
 | 26. Iēsous
oun idōn tēn mētera kai ton mathētēn parestōta
hon ēgapa, legei tē mētri, Gynai, ide ho huios sou.
26. Jesus
seeing{eidon} the
Mother. And the
standing-beside whom she (RLR to Mother)
loved, says to the
Mother, "
see{eidon} the
Son of you".
26. There were 2 cubits between Jesus on row 3 and Mary Mother on row 12, the segment line. The same was true of John Mark beside Jesus on the west. Both John Mark and Mary Mother belonged to the celibate order of Dan and attended the Agape meal for Gentile celibates, an occasion for purely spiritual love. Jesus entrusted his mother to John Mark, making her"Mary Mother of John Mark". That meant that she had become associated with an enemy of Agrippa. |
12:05 pm
(Mark has ended.) |
12:05 pm
(Luke has ended.) |
12:05 pm
(Matthew has ended.) |
12:30 pm.
John 19:27 At the half-hour, the time for the prayer of James Niceta of the order of Asher, John Mark recognized him as a permanent Nazirite. He gave him a position on the east side of Jesus, and directed him to accept Mary Mother as his superior.
| 27. eita legei tō mathētē, Ide
hē mētēr sou. kai ap ekeinēs tēs hōras elaben ho mathētēs autēn
eis ta idia
27. Then he (RLR
to Son, John
Mark, in v. 26) says to the
disciple (not with "loved"),
see{eidon} the
Mother of you. And
hour the
received her (RLR to Mother Mary v. 26)
at the
27. At the half-hour it was time for the prayer of James Niceta of the married order of Asher. He was a permanent Nazirite. He came down to replace Merari on the east side of Jesus, so that there were 2 cubits between him and Mary, who remained on row 12. John Mark said to James Niceta, "Mary Mother is your superior when you follow the permanent Nazirite rule." The purpose of Jesus was to separate James Niceta from Helena, who was the female head of the order of Asher. For James Niceta Simon Magus had become Beast 666, and Helena a"harlot". The hours between noon and 3 pm are not covered because the leaders were having their noon sacred meal in the vestry at that time, not returning to the crosses until 3:00 pm. |
12:30 pm
(Mark has ended.) |
12:30 pm
(Luke has ended.) |
12:30 pm
(Matthew has ended.) |
NOTE. The next verses in all four gospels belong with the Resurrection, which is dealt with in Section 7. They take up the story at noon, when the monastics were in the vestry for their sacred meal. For those following the Synoptic dating, it was time to adjust for the fact that their chronometers were 3 hours fast as a result of their method of intercalation. They caused the Three Hours' Darkness by leaving over the cover between row 7 and 13 that would normally have been removed at noon. (See Chronology,Three Hours' Darkness in Section 3).