September, 29 AD, Qumran (Acts 26:4)
Paul speaking In 60 AD recounts his career
Acts 26:4
| 4. Tēn men oun biōsin
mou ek neotētos tēn ap archēs genomenēn en tō ethnei
mou en te Hierosolymois isasi pantes Ioudaioi
| 4.
Therefore the
living of me out of
come about
from a
beginning in the
nation of me in
Jerusalem{Hierosolyma} (plural form)
Jews have
knowledge{oida} of.
| 4. Paul, born
September 17 AD (Acts 19:22 pesher he was 40 September 1, 57 AD), was 12 in September
29 AD. Following his Bar Mitzvah ceremony he was enrolled for his elementary
schooling at Qumran, in September of the
same year as the start of the gospel period. The order of Benjamin for which he
was being prepared had its main center in Jericho in the royal Herodian palace, 8 miles north of Qumran. Herod the Great as a
boy had also been a pupil at Qumran, taught by the Magian Menahem, a Diaspora Essene. Simon
Magus had replaced him, teaching Pythagorean mathematics. Antipas, the third
Herod, a married man, had charge of the boys, who were taught in the outer
precincts of the monastery.
Paul remained a
loyal member of the royal Herodian court, which was now under Agrippa I who
had returned from Rome
to his country in 23 AD.
In his Acts 26
account, Paul deals with events each September, his birthday month, when his
annual promotions took place.
Acts 26:5
| 5. proginōskontes me anōthen,
ean thelōsi martyrein, hoti kata tēn akribestatēn hairesin tēs hemeteras thrēskeias ezēsa Pharisaios
| 5. They (RLR
to All Jews v.4) with
gnostic knowledge{gnōstos} of me up high, when they (All Jews)
wish to
witness, that according to the
sect of our religion, I
lived a
| 5. Saul - who would
eventually change his name to Paul - began his more advanced education at the
age of 15 in September 32 AD. Antipas Herod handed him over to monastic
teachers, who would give him the learning taught in the Diaspora. He was now
admitted to the Pharisee order of Benjamin, which had included Hillel the Great
and his descendant Gamaliel. Its members had a stricter ascetic disciplne than
orthodox Pharisees, keeping the lunisolar calendar of the Mishmarot which was
based on the Essene solar calendar. They therefore acted as a separated sect,
holding the Jewish feasts at different times. They had learned from Essenes the
pesher technique for interpreting scripture.

6. kai
nyn ep elpidi tēs eis tous pateras hēmōn epangelias
genomenēs hypo tou theou
hestēka krinomenos
6. And
now{nyn} upon to a
Hope (feminine) of the
Promise (genitive)
come about at the
Fathers of us
God I stood
| 6. In September
33 AD Saul at the age of 16 began his higher education at Mird-Hyrcania,
passing the test for entry administered by Jonathan Annas. That season was
held by the Therapeuts to be the one to fulfil their prophecy of entry to the
Promised Land of political power. Therapeuts observed times according to their
views, preferring 3:00 am and 3:00
pm to the midnight and noon hours for the start of
the day and night. Following the Promised Land theory, Agrippa I was encouraged
to try to return to Rome
to make his bid to regain the Herodian monarchy that had been abolished in 6
Agrippa I's
young son, his heir, ("Hope"), born September 27 AD, was 10 years younger than
Saul. Known to be a promising student, Saul at 16 was made his junior tutor.
He retained a lifelong association with him.
Acts 26:7

| 7. eis hēn to dōdekaphylon
hēmōn en ektenaia
nykta kai hēmeran latreuon
elpizei katantēsai. Peri hēs elpidos engkaloumai
hypo Ioudaiōn, basileu
| 7. at which
(feminine, RLR to Hope v.6) the
twelve-tribe-system earnestly
Night. And
Day it (the 12-tribe-system) worshipping
hopes to meet. Around which
Hope I am
called out
| 7. In the same
month, September 33 AD, the daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was born,
leaving James the brother of Jesus to retain his position as the crown prince
of the Davids, their "Hope". He claimed the title "Jacob" (James), the father
of the 12 tribes of Israel. It had been given to their grandfather Jacob-Heli when he was made by
Herod the Great the patriarch of the west under the "Abraham", Hillel. The
"Jacob" was responsible for western Diaspora Jews and the Gentiles attached to
them. He was also the Chief Nazirite, head of married men who took short term
absences from marriage for spiritual retreats. He observed the post-position of
the solar calendar for teaching Gentiles, to keep them apart from Jews. Saul
was attacked by James, because the Davids were now opposed to the royal Herods.
Antipas Herod had also turned against Agrippa, supporting the anti-Herodian
party and opposing Saul. The Chief Therapeut Theudas was allied with Antipas
Acts 26:8

| 8. ti
apiston krinetai par' hymin ei ho theos nekrous egeirei
| 8.
anti-faithful is
judged beside
God raises
| 8. Agrippa could
hold both Pharisee nationalist and Sadducee pro-Roman attitudes. At present he
was using the T sign of Greek speaking pro-Roman Sadducees, for he was
looking for the favor of Rome. In this same season. James Niceta, a Gentile born 3 AD,
turned 30, reaching the highest educational grade on merit. He was honored by
Agrippa, who hoped that his family relationship to the potential emperor
Caligula would help his cause in Rome. Jonathan Annas, seeking favor with Agrippa, was
doubtful about whether he should allow James to act in ministry, for all the
sons of Joseph were hostile to the royal Herods.
Acts 26:9

| 9. egō
men oun edoxa emautō pros to onoma Iēsou tou Nazōraiou dein polla enantia
| 9. I
thought to myself
towards the
name of Jesus the
Nazirite, I ought to
opposite things
| 9. In
September 36 AD Saul was 19, observing his birthday September 1. Jesus was in
the Nazirite state on this date, having come out of monastic seclusion three
years after the birth of a daughter to renew his marriage for the conception of
another child. His reunion with Mary Magdalene would take place at the
equinox. Saul in Agrippa's house as a Pharisee had a different doctrine from
Jesus. He had also become militantly opposed to the Sadducee Jonathan Annas for
his liberal views on morality.
September 28, 37 AD, Tabernacles at Qumran (Acts 26:10) |
Acts 26:10

| 10. ho
kai epoiēsa en Hierosolymois,
kai pollous te tōn hagiōn egō en phylakais, katekleisa tēn para ton archiereōn
exousian labōn, anairoumenōn te autōn katēnengka psēphon
| 10. And I
made in
Jerusalem{Hierosolyma} (plural form). And
Many of the
Saints I locked up in
prison, receiving the
authority beside the
Chief Priests, they (RLR to Many) being
killed{anaireō} I brought down a
| 10. In
September 37 AD Saul turned 20, the age for a decision on whether to marry,
marriage being permissible at age 20 (1QSa 1:10 ).The alternative, which Saul
chose, was to adopt the dynastic rule, deferring marriage until the age of 36.
At the council
held on the solar 31st in that year, on Friday September 13, Jonathan Annas,
who had been appointed high priest of the Jerusalem temple in March, was opposed by a coalition of
Magians, Therapeuts and Pharisees with Nazirites. (Acts 6:9). Having received
the news that Agrippa in Rome had been given the monarchy by the new emperor Caligula,
they hoped for the appointment of a new high priest with an eastern
nationalist outlook, instead of the pro-Roman westernised Jonathan Annas. Saul,
a Pharisee, had taken a dislike to the Sadducee Jonathan Annas when he first
met him , and he remained his lifelong critic and opponent. On the solar Day of
Atonement, September 23, Jonathan was prevented from officiating in the
Mird-Hyrcania sanctuary. Saul aged 20 was classed as only a "young man" neanias
(Acts 7:58)
of grade 10, but was permitted to act as a vestryman attending to the priestly
vestments. He enjoyed watching the deposition of Jonathan.
At Tabernacles
five days later, September 28, Saul had come to Qumran, where he took part in a decsion concerning the
new proselytes from Adiabene, Queen Helena and her son Izates.
(Josephus, Antiquities 20, 34-48)
Saul voted with Eleazar of Galilee the Scribe that Izates should
be circumcised. Saul at this stage was an ardent nationalist, following the
tradition of Hillel and Gamlaliel in encouraging proselytisation of Gentiles,
but insisting that the men should be circumcised as a sign of their thoroughgoing
adoption of Jewish identity.
Matthew Annas,
now replacing his brother Jonathan as the Chief Abbot, had an eirenic attitude
on politics, attempting to keep all the factions together. He encouraged Saul
to qualify as an initiator of Gentiles.
Saul described
Jonathan as being "of the Saints", because Barnabas the brother of Jesus, "the
Saints", who had returned from Rome at the accession of Caligula, belonged to the
anti-Agrippa party, being a close associate of John Mark-Eutychus who had
betrayed Agrippa in Rome.
Jonathan, deposed, now turned against Agrippa.
The next stages as Spoken by Paul in 58 AD (Acts 22:3) |
After Tabernacles, September 37 AD, Saul
aged 20 went to Tarsus in Cilicia to begin his preparation as a dynastic celibate.
In September 38 AD, aged 21, he was back in Jerusalem for further study with Gamaliel .
On September 1, 39 AD, aged 22, he was again in Jerusalem
Acts 22:3

| 3. Egō
eimi anēr Ioudaios, gegennēmenos en Tarsō tēs Kilikias,
anatethrammenos de en tē polei tautē, para tous podas Gamaliēl pepaideumeos kata
akribeian tou patrōou nomou, zēlotēs hyparchōn tou theou kathōs pantes
hymeis este sēmeron.
| 3. I am a
man{anēr} a
Jew ,
born in Tarsus in Cilicia,
nurtured in this
city, beside the
feet of Gamaliel, made a
Child according to the
exactitude of the
law, being
zealous of
God as
You are
| 3. After Tabernacles 37
Saul aged 20 went to Tarsus in Cilicia for a year. He would
there be tested for admission to the dynastic celibate discipline by Atomus,
the pro-monarchist Magian who had been appointed to Tarsus to replace Simon
Magus now that Agrippa was in power. There Saul was "born", that is admitted to
the celibate life, since all celibates were "born again" into a new family. He
stayed for a year, then returned to Mird-Hyrcania where he was educated by
Gamaliel through grades 9, aged 21 in September 38, and 8, aged 22, September
39. He was given further understanding of the pesher interpretation of
scripture, as taught by the Therapeuts to grade 8 novices. Saul still held nationalist
views in his teaching of proselytes. Matthew Annas as the abbot in charge of
Gentile mission permitted Saul to continue for the sake of unity. Thomas Herod
was the Chief Proselyte, observing the lunisolar calendar of 31sts.
Friday, September 11, 39 AD, Mird-Hyrcania (Acts 26:11) |
Acts 26:11

| 11. kai
kata pasas tas synagōgas pollakis timōrōn autous enangkazon
blasphēmein, perissōs
te emmainomenos autois ediōkov heōs kai eis tas exō poleis
| 11. and
according to
All the
many times punishing them (RLR to Many v.10) I forced to
blaspheme, exceedingly
manic to them (Many) I
until{heōs}. And at the
cities outside.
| 11. In
September 39 AD Saul aged 22 continued his attack on Jonathan Annas, who was
associated with the homosexual Thomas Herod at the Mird-Hyrcania Hellenist
synagogue. Saul there advocated anti-Roman aggression. As he was not yet a full
initiate he followed the rule of the Therapeuts, whose ecstatic meetings were
held at Mird-Hyrcania, their "Mount Sinai". They also observed the 31sts of the solar
calendar. Gentile celibates under John Mark lived at Qumran.
Covering March, 40 AD in narrative form (Acts 9:1-8) |
Acts 9:1

1. Ho de Saulos, eti empneōn
apeilēs. Kai phonou eis tous mathētas tou kyriou, proselthōn tō
1. Saul,
still breathing
threatening. And
murder at the
disciples of the
Lord, coming towards to the
Chief Priest,
1. The Herodian scheme of years
derived from the Exodus imagery of the Therapeuts had planned a New Exodus for
the years 41 to 1 BC, then a forty year Holy War for the years 1 BC to 40 AD. The
anti-Herodian party had established their own system when they broke away from
Herod, but the loyal monarchists kept to it, and were deeply disappointed when
40 AD did not bring a victory against Rome at the end of their Holy War. Whenever such a non-fulfilment
wax experienced, the opportunity was taken by the council to blame sin in their
own ranks, with consequent changes in the leadership. In AD 40 Saul experienced
such a disappointment, and he blamed James Niceta, the relative of Caligula,
who was now discredited with the emperor's decline. Jesus, however, as the head
of all Gentiles, gave James Niceta comfort and support.
The disappointment did, however,
give an opportunity to the peaceful Matthew Annas, who advocated a less
aggressive missionary method, co-operating with Rome. Matthew's concern was with a strict standard of morality,
against the licence permitted by his brother Jonathan Annas. Matthew saw his
chance of keeping Saul's talents in the mission, and appointed him to go to Damascus to rebuke the
excesses permitted by Thomas Herod the Chief Proselyte. The proselyte Izates
was a polygamist who had 48 children, and he had been born of the incest of his
mother Queen Helena with her brother.
(Josephus, Antiquities 20, 17-19;
Josephus, Antiquities 20, 92)
Acts 9:2

2. ētēsato par' autou
epistolas eis Damaskon pros tas synagōgas, hopōs ean tinas heurē
tēs hodou ontas, andras te. Kai gynaikas, dedemenous agagē eis
2. He (Saul)
asked beside
him (Chief Priest, genitive) letters at Damascus
towards the
synagogues, the
how if
Certain Ones he (Saul) might
find being of the
Way, married
men{anēr} . And
Bound ones (accusative masculine ) he
(Saul) would lead at
Jerusalem{Ierousalēm} (singular form).
2. Saul as a Jew paid the promotion fee
due on March 1 to Matthew Annas. He was given a letter of authorisation to
the proselyte Hellenist synagogue of Thomas Herod in Damascus. Saul was deputed to
bring Thomas to penitence, and to bring Izates and Queen Helena into Agrippa's
court in Jerusalem, where they would attend the Hebrew synagogue for proselytes at the
Essene Gate, requiring a strict moral discipline. Queen Helena of Adiabene as a
proselyte had joined the female order of Asher which had been founded by the
great Jewish Queen Salome at the beginning of the 1st century BC. Like other
women of Asher includng her instructor Helena the mistress of Simon Magus,
Queen Helena sought
the priesthood of women. Saul as a Pharisee Hebrew opposed it (Acts 6:1).
Friday March 11, 40 AD Noon to 3 PM Damascus |
Figure 9. The room for the sacred meal.
Friday March 11, 40 AD. Noon. Damascus (Acts 9:3) |
Acts 9:3

3. en de to poreuesthai
egeneto auton engizein tē Damaskō, exaiphnēs te auton periēstrapsen
phōs ek tou ouranou,
3. In the
traveling it
came about
for him (RLR to Saul subject of last verb v.2) to be
near to
Damascus<, suddenly a Light
out of the
Heaven shone around him.
3. On the solar 31st , Friday March 11, 40 AD, Saul was at
the Damascus
monastery, a reproduction of Qumran. It had a vestry corresponding to Qumran loc 101, and in the
area outside it (loc 100) two circular pillar bases, 1 cubit in diameter. The
north base was the destination of pilgrims, called by the name of the city, "Damascus".
Inside the vestry, Saul stood on row
12. The room was constructed like that of Qumran, with a platform above the north end called the roof, on
which the priests stood to pray under the open sky. The platform came forward to
row 7. At noon, a
6x6 cubit light removable cover was taken off rows 6 to 12 , so that the
priest praying on the platform could be seen from the ground floor. The bright
sun above at noon
flooded the space on the floor where Saul was standing. On the platform stood
Jesus, the Light, as a deputy beside Simon Magus the superior priest of the Damascus monastery.
Friday March 11, 40 AD. 12:05 pm. Damascus (Acts 9 4-7) |
Acts 9:4

4. kai pesōn epi tēn
gēn ēkousen phōnēn legousan autō, Saoul Saoul, ti me diōkeis.
4. And he, Saul( participle RLR to
subject of infinitives v.3)
falling upon the
Earth, heard a
saying to him (Saul), "Saul, Saul, you
persecute me as
4. At 12.05 pm at the end of the 5 minute prayer
for the hour Jesus stepped forward to the edge of the platform above row 7.
Saul stepped back to row 13, the dais step, and knelt on it. Jesus spoke
directly to him, using his name twice because Saul in the center of row 13
belonged in both east and west. Jesus said, as a statement, "You as a
nationalist Pharisee oppose me in councils because I hold Sadducee pro-Roman
views, using the T sign of the cross."
Acts 9:5

5. eipen de, Tis ei, kyrie.
Ho de, Egō eimi Iēsous hon sy diōkeis
5. He (Saul, RLR to "him" v.4) said, "
Lord, you are a
Certain One." He (Jesus, addressed), "
I amJesus whom you
5. Saul said, " You are only a Lord, an equal of the village priest, and you
are the chief teacher of proselytes". Jesus replied, "I am an actual priest, and
also a layman, whom you oppose in councils.
Acts 9:6

6. alla anastēthi kai eiselthe
eis tēn polin kai lalēthēsētai soi ho ti se dei poiein.
stand up. And come at
at the
city. And it will be
spoken to you what you must
make as a
6. "Become a celibate initiate, a
deputy. You will minister to celibate Gentiles of the order of Dan, who are
classed with pilgrims at the north base. As a celibate you will hear spoken
prayers offered on the hour, and among Gentiles you will speak Greek, so using
the sign of the cross, the Greek letter T instead of the Hebrew X for Taw, the
highest promotion grade.
Acts 9:7

7. hoi de andres hoi
synodeuontes autō eistēkeisan eneoi, akouontes men tēs phōnēs
mēdena de theōrountes.
7. The
men{anēr} who were on the
with him (SRLR to Jesus v.5) stood speechless, hearing the
No One.
7. Gentiles of the married order of
Asher were permitted to offer prayers on the half-hour only, and they were
silent prayers.
(Revelation 8:1, "there was silence in 'Heaven' on the
half-hour") James Niceta , who was being protected by Jesus, observed 12:30 pm in this way. He stood on
row 12, and Jesus spoke to him also from the platform. There were 4 cubits
between James Niceta on row 12 and row 7 on the ground floor, where James
brother of Jesus, who had joined the Damascus anti-Herodian party in AD 38, stood under row 7 on the
Friday March 11, 40 AD. 3:00 pm. Damascus (Acts 9:8) |
Acts 9:8

8. ēgerthē de Saulos
apo tēs gēs aneōgmenōn de tōn ophthalmōn autou
ouden eblepen. cheiragōgountes de auton eisēgagon eis Damaskon.
8. Saul was raised
from the
Earth, the
eyes of him (Saul) being opened, he
They ( RLR to men v.7 ) taking him (Saul) by the
hand, led him (Saul)
at Damascus
8. At 3:00 pm Saul was promoted to row 10. Friday
3 pm was the beginning of the sabbath by a strict rule, treated as the
beginning of night, so Saul's evening lamp was lit. On row 6 the levite
announced the commencement of the sabbath. James Niceta on instructions from
Jesus led Saul out to the east side of the north base, where he stood as a
deputy to the teacher of Gentiles on the base.
The initiation of Saul at age 23 in Damascus
Friday September 9, 40 AD
Acts 22:4 and Acts 26:12-18 |
Friday September 9, 40 AD. Midnight Thursday. Damascus (Acts 22:4) |
Acts 22:4

4. hos tautēn tēn
hodon ediōxa achri thanatou, desmeuōn kai paradidous eis phylakas
andras te kai gynaikas
4.Who (Saul) this
binding. And giving-beside at
men{anēr}. And
4. In September, 40 AD, Saul was
due for his decisive initiation into the ascetic community at the age of 23. The
significant ceremony was conducted on the solar 31st , Friday September 9, 40 AD,
beginning at midnight. Since for Saul it began his period of mission to eastern
proselytes, it was carried out in Damascus. He was to begin his work in the east, for the Shem
division of the order of Dan in Arabia.
In Damascus Simon Magus was the
superior priest over eastern mission. He allowed Gentiles of higher grades to
remain uncircumcised, and Saul strongly opposed him in councils. Stating his
views on the occasion of his initiation, Saul again stood up for his principles,
saying that Izates should be confined to the grade of deacon. With him, he
opposed Queen Helena for her claim that women could be priests.
Friday September 9, 40 AD. Noon. Damascus (Acts 26:12) |
Acts 26:12

| 12. En
hois poreuomenos eis tēn Damaskon met' exousias kai epitropēs tēs tōn archiereōn
| 12. I
traveling at
Damascus with
authority. And
procuratorship of the
Chief Priests.
| 12. The record
of Saul's September promotions is continued in his account in Acts 26:12-18. At
noon on Friday September 9, 40 AD, he arrived at the north
base outside the Damascus vestry. His status was that of a traveling missionary, to be given
authority to initiate Gentiles. Matthew Annas in Jerusalem had endorsed Saul as a
candidate and his representative, overlooking political differences in order to
keep the eastern mission together with the west.
Friday September 9, 40 AD. 12:05 pm. Damascus (Acts 26:13) |
Acts 26:13

| 13. hēmeras
mesēs kata tēn hodon eidon, basileu, ouranothen hyper tēn
lamprotēta tou hēliou perilampsan me phōs kai tous syn emoi
| 13. of a
day according to the
Way I
king (vocative),
above the lamplight of the
Sun a
Light{phōs} shining
on me. And the ones
with me
| 13. At 12:05 pm inside the vestry Saul sat
on row 10 on the south side of the meal table, with 2 cubits between himself
and row 7. Saul saw and addressed Apollos on row 7. Since the non-fulfilment
of 40 AD, Apollos had replaced the elderly Theudas as Chief Therapeut.
Jesus and Simon
Magus again stood on the platform, Simon as the Zadokite Sun on row 6, Jesus as
his deputy the Light, holding the lamp on row 7 above.
Saul on row 10
east sat beside James Niceta on 10 west the "bosom". Saul had changed his
attitude under Matthew Annas' influence, and James Niceta was now his fellow
missionary and subordinate.
Friday September 9, 40 AD. 1 pm. Damascus (Acts 26:14) |
Acts 26:14

| 14. pantōn
te katapesontōn hēmōn eis tēn gēn ēkousa phonēn
legousan pros me tē Hebraidi dialektō, Saoul Saoul, ti me diōkeis,
sklēron soi pros kentra laktizein
| 14.
All We
falling -down at the
Earth, I heard a
Voice saying
me in the Hebrew dialect, "Saul, Saul, you
persecute me as
Hard for you towards
goads to kick."
| 14. At 1 pm it
was time for reading the Law from row 13 to the congregation at the common
table, placed between rows 13 and 15..Saul went down to row 12, turning south,
and held up the scroll containing the words of the Law in Hebrew. Thomas Herod
knelt on row 13 to read out from the scroll the words of the sacred text. Jesus
came down to row 13, to the west side of Thomas
the reading, Jesus still on row 13 spoke to Saul in Hebrew, both because he was
applying the Law, and because Saul while in the east would use Hebrew. Jesus
repeated the formula he had used the previous March, confirming that Saul
belonged in both east and west, and the fact that he was a Pharisee who opposed
Jesus' Sadducee pro-Roman views. In an expression he had not used in March, he
likened Saul to an ox kicking against the goad, for Saul as a grade 8
pre-initiate with his initiation not finalised until 3 pm, still in the class
of the Beasts on the 30th, was equal to an "ox" grade 8, who was paired with
an "ass" grade 9.
Friday September 9, 40 AD. 2 pm. Damascus (Acts 26:15) |
Acts 26:15

| 15. egō
de eipa, Tis ei, kyrie. Ho de kyrios eipen, Egō eimi Iēsous hon sy diōkeis
| 15. I said, "A
Certain One you are, Lord. The
Lord said, "
I am Jesus whom you
| 15. At 2 pm Saul from row 12 said to Jesus, "You are the chief teacher of proselytes, but you are only an equal of the village
priest." Jesus was now on the ground floor, as the platform was not used after
noon on Friday.
He sat on row 7 in the place of a bishop. He said again, "I am an actual
priest, and also a layman. You Saul oppose me in councils.
Friday September 9, 40 AD. 3 pm. Damascus (Acts 26:16) |
Acts 26:16

| 16. alla
anastēthi kai stēthi epi tous podas sou. Eis touto gar ōphthēn
soi, procheirisasthai se hyperetēn kai martyra hōn te eides me hōn
te ephthēsomai soi,
| 16. "
stand up. And stand upon the
feet of you. For at this thing I am
seen{eidon} by you, to appoint you as an
underling. And a
witness of the things you
saw{eidon}, things of which I will be
seen{eidon} to you.
| 16. At 3 pm the initiation was finalised.
Jesus instructed Saul to put on a celibate initiant's vestment, on a raised
stand on row 12, then to come forward to row 10. He now made Saul a grade 7,
equal to a celibate Gentile so able to meet with them. He was appointed to the
eastern Diaspora. At councils he would sit in the place of the eastern guest,
with 2 cubits between himself and Jesus on row 7 west beside the priest.
Acts 26:17

| 17. exairoumenos
se ek tou laou kai ek tōn ethnōn, eis hous egō apostellō se
| 17. (Jesus , participle
RLR to infinitive v.16) lifting you (Saul) out of the
Layman. And out of the
Gentiles, at whom (masculine plural RLR to v.13 ones traveling, James Niceta ) I
send-from{apostellō} you.
| 17. Jesus
continued concerning Saul's future promotions. In September 41 AD when he
went to Arabia he would be a deputy to Brother James. In September 42 AD when Agrippa II turned 15 and became a
student, Saul would be his tutor, thus influencing the future court to the
values of the ascetic mission. He would also be sent to Gentiles of the
married order of Asher, led by James Niceta, who would enter an abbey, adopting
an open form of celibacy.
Acts 26:18

| 18. anoixai
ophthalmous autōn, tou epistrepsai apo skotous eis phōs kai tēs
exousias tou Satana epi ton theon, tou labein autous aphesin hamartiōn kai
klēron en tois hēgiasmenois pistei tē eis eme
| 18. Jesus
(infinitive to pariciple v.17) to open the
eyes of them (RLR to "whom"
v. 17 James Niceta) to
turn upon upon from
darkness at
Light{phōs}. And of the
authority of
Satan upon God, them (RLR to "whom" James Niceta) to receive removal of
sins. And a
lot in the
sanctified ones of
Faith which is at me.
| 18. Jesus would
permit James Niceta to enter an abbey, acting as a lay bishop carrying a lamp
for study of the Law. He would be appointed as bishop to Ephesus in Asia Minor. He would give up his loyalty
to Rome, obeying Jesus. His authority
to initiate Gentiles would not come from the militant Pharisee Theudas, but
from Matthew Annas.He would make a commitment to celibacy, thus making it
posible for him to replace John Mark as the Chief Gentile. Barnabas would be
the levitical bishop to him, consecrated by Matthew Annas.
Midnight beginning Tuesday September 27, 40 AD, the post-position, Damascus. (Acts 9:9) |
Acts 9:9

9. kai ēn hēmeras
treis mē blepōn. Kai ouk ephagen oude epien.
9. And he (RLR to Saul 9:8) became
Day 3 not
seeing{blepō}. And he (Saul) did not
eat, as a
neither he (Saul)
9. Since this verse refers to "Day
3" that is a Tuesday the 31st for the solar calendar, it must mean the
post-position when the 31st was on a Tuesday, since AD 40 was in the Night
Position when the 31st was on a Friday, and it was not an intercalation period
when there were double positions.
Saul had now been made a grade 7 the
same as celibate Gentiles, so could meet with them on an equal basis. But in
the east Gentiles were kept separate from Jews, attending meetings at a
different time, at the post-position. Saul attended his first such meeting on
Tuesday September 27, at midnight - as shown by the word order - because the Julian beginning of days were observed by Gentiles.
Saul as now a member of class C ("not D")
drank wine, the privilege of full initiation (1QS 6:10-13). But the Qumran wine was unfermented, Hebrew
tirosh, whereas in the Diaspora fermented wine was used. In the pesher
"drink" is used with fermented wine only. It was regarded as non-sacred wine
and was taken on a non-sacred day, such as the post-position. It was taken
later than the sacred bread, so at this hour those present "did not eat". Saul
did not sit on row 10 which he occupied when with Jews, a row on which there
were 3 cubits between himself and the levite on row 6. With Gentiles he sat
with their leaders on row 13, looking south to the common table.
After September 40 AD Saul went to the mission center in Arabia
to begin his work of proselytising other Semites than Jews. In his own account
in Galatians 1:17, "I went away to Arabia, and again I returned to Damascus."
Friday March 1 , 43 AD Saul was in
the Jerusalem Cenacle building, at a noon meal with Agrippa I and Matthew
Sunday March 3, 43 AD Saul left the Essene
Gate in Jerusalem on Saturday 3 pm, walking 27 hours to Qumran arriving Sunday
6 pm, for a secret meeting to discuss the assassination plot with Peter.
Friday March 8 Saul was in Damascus for a
promotion 6 months before he reached grade 4, that of lay bishop. Simon Magus
opposed his promotion, Jesus supported it. The proceedings were continued the next
day, Saturday March 9, and Sunday March 10.
Saturday March 23, evening Saul again went
to Qumran, on their day 15 Unleavened Bread observance, to discuss the plot
further with Peter. Barnabas and John Mark were at Qumran in the Gentile
monastic area, but Paul did not meet with them. He did meet with James in the outer
Tuesday March 26, Saul was again in Damascus.
With Jesus and James Niceta, he was expelled from Damascus by Herod of Chalcis.
Wednesay March 27 at noon Saul with Jesus and
James Niceta passed through Qumran on their way to Jerusalem.
On Thursday March 28 Saul with Jesus and James
Niceta was at the Essene Gate in Jerusalem, together with Barnabas, John Mark
and James, who had joined them when they passed through Qumran on the
Wednesday. The Thursday night was marked by intense disputes on political
matters, the plot against Agrippa I being under way. Saul was the only one loyal
to Agrippa, and he was told by both Matthew Annas and Jesus that he must go
outside the country out of the way of the plot, so as to retain his position
as tutor of the young prince Agrippa.
Friday March 29 at 3 am Saul left with James for Caesarea
on his way to Tarsus in Cilicia. Travelling by donkey, 12 hours, they reached Caesarea
on Friday 3 pm when James' sabbath began. Then Saul went on to Tarsus, where he
stayed until December 43 AD when Jesus came to Tarsus and brought him
into the Antioch party calling themselves Christians.
Friday March 1, 43 AD. noon. Jerusalem (Acts 26:19) |
Acts 26:19

| 19.Hothen,
basileu Agrippa, ouk egenomēn apeithēs tē ouraniō optasia
| 19. Whence,
king Agrippa, I did not
come about
anti-persuasion to the
heavenly appearance.
| 19. Paul's Acts
26 account now moves to Friday March 1, 43 AD, in Jerusalem, in the presence of
Agrippa I in that year (the vocative "king Agrippa" is not an address to Agrippa
II, to whom the account was spoken by Paul in 60 AD, but a fact of the
narrative, that a king Agrippa was present at the time of the narrative in 43
AD and was addressed by Saul. Since the accession of Claudius in 41 AD Agrippa
I had been confirmed as king and given extra territories).
At this season,
March 43, Saul announced his political conversion to a pro-Roman attitude and
peaceful missionary methods, using persuasion not aggression. He announced it
first to his master Agrippa at the noon meeting in the Jerusalem Cenacle building for
the 1st of the Julian month. Matthew Annas was the "heavenly vision",
announcing the noon hour from the platform,
when the cover was removed and the sun shone down to the ground floor. He had
helped bring about Saul's conversion to Sadducee methods.
Sunday March 3, 43 AD at Qumran
In Galatians 1 and 2 Paul, writing in the late 40's, is
giving an account of his career in the context of his argument that it was
necessary to progress out of the Jewish form of the ascetic mission into one in
which Gentiles had full equality. He is not writing in a pesher form, but when
he uses place names and dates he draws on the language of pesher. It may be
seen that in 1:18- 2:10 he is recording the events of 43 and 44 AD, the two
years during which the Christian party broke away from its Jewish matrix.
In 1:18 -21 his words, in RSV translation, are:
18. Then after year 3, I went to Jerusalem (plural form)
to visit Cephas. And I remained with him fifteen days (pesher: day 15).
19. Another of the apostles I did not see, except James the
brother of the Lord
20. In what I am wrtiting to you, before God, I do not lie.
21. Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia.
His term "year 3" (etē
tria) follows the usage of etos "year"
to mean the year starting on the 1st of the Julian month. With a number, it
means March 1 in the years numbered from the reign of the emperor. In Acts
19:10 etē dyo, "year 2" means March 1, 56 AD, year 2 of Nero, who
became emperor in October 54 AD, his year 1 counted by this method as March 1,
55 AD. In Galatians 1:18 etē tria means
March 1, 43 AD, year 3 of Claudius, counting from 41 his year of accession as
year 1. Meta etē tria , "after
year 3", using meta with the accusative, means the next day after.
Paul had been in Jerusalem on Friday March 1, 43 AD, and the following day,
Saturday March 2 at 3 pm, when travel was again permitted, had left for Qumran,
"Jerusalem" in the plural form. After the 27 hours' walk through the wilderness
he was at Qumran on Sunday evening at 6 pm for talks with Peter (Cephas) about
the growing feeling against Agrippa.
He continues that he was there again on Day 15."Remain" in
pesher usage means "observe a festival day". This means Saturday evening March
23. Day 15 was that of a version of the feast of Unleavened Bread. For those
Exodus 12:18, both the Passover and Unleavened Bread were on the
same evening in March, 14/I, which would have been Friday March 22, a fortnight
after Friday March 8. . But those at Qumran, such as Barnabas and John Mark,
followed the ruling of
Leviticus 23:6, that the Passover fell 14/I, but the Unleavened
Bread 15/I, "day 15". In 43 AD, it fell on Saturday evening, March 23. (The
difference on this matter gives the solution to the fact that for John's gospel
the pascha was on Good Friday, whereas for the Synoptics it was the
previous day, Thursday. Pascha in the pesher means the Unleavened
In his account in Galatians Paul omits the other momentous
events of March 43, going straight to his departure for Tarsus in Cilicia,
recorded in Acts 9:30. He naturally makes no mention of what lay in the
background, the plot to assassinate Agrippa I, in which he himself played no
Friday March 8, 43 AD Noon to 3 PM Damascus
(Acts 22:3-21 Spoken by Paul Pentecost 58 AD)
(see above for vv.3 and 4 on earlier years) |
Friday March 8 , 43 AD. Noon, Damascus (Acts 22:5) |
Acts 22:5

5. hōs kai ho
archiereus martyrei moi kai pan to prebyterion. Par hōn kai epistolas
dexamenos pros tous adelphous eis Damaskon eporeuomēn axōn kai tous
ekeise ontas dedemenous eis Ierousalēm hina timōrēthōsin
5. And the
Chief Priest
witnesses to me. And
All the
presbytery beside of whom (plural genitive,
RLR to "Women" Queen Helena 22:.4) ). And I having received
towards the
Brothers at
traveled, leading(future participle). And the
ones (masculine singular form)being there at
Jerusalem{Ierousalēm} (singular form) in order that they (bound ones) might be
5. On Friday March 8, 43 AD a
ceremony was held in the Damascus vestry, in the same form as the one that had
been held there on March 11, 40 AD (described in Acts 9:3-8). The parallel
occasion, described by Paul himself in Acts 22:5-21, was held in the North
Solar intercalation year 43 AD, at the Night position 31st beginning the
intercalation early in the month, Friday March 8.
Matthew Annas, now in power as the
high priest in the Jerusalem temple, was still following his ideal to keep east and west
together, as well as his strict interpretation of the ascetic discipline, which
meant that Izates should be punished for his continuing polygamy. Saul, 6
months before becoming a grade 4 lay bishop, aimed to earn merit by bringing Izates
to the synagogue for proselytes at the Essene Gate for rebuke.
Saul, arriving at the Damascus north base at noon,
delivered Matthew's letter of authorisation to Brother James, who at a time when hostility to Agrippa I
was growing had resumed membership of the eastern proselyte mission. Herod of
Chalcis the brother of Agrippa I was now the third Herod, having replaced
Antipas Herod who had been exiled. Chalcis was leading the plot against Agrippa in Damascus. He was of the same
grade as Queen Helena, but opposed her ordination, as told in Luke's parable
of the widow and the unrighteous judge (Luke 18:1-8).
Acts 22:6

6. Egeneto de moi poreuoemenō
kai engizonto tē Damaskō peri mesēmbrian exaiphnēs ek tou
ouranou periastrapsai phōs hikanon peri eme
6. It
came about with me
traveling. And
around noon, suddenly out of
Heaven a
to shine around me.
6. Saul as a traveling
missionary had come from the north base into the vestry, standing on row 12. The
cover over rows 6 to 12 had been removed. At 3 minutes past noon Saul stepped to the deputy's
position east of row 12 center. Jesus in the role of levite remained as deputy
beside Simon Magus, in line with Saul.
Friday March 8, 43 AD . 12.05 pm. (Acts 22:7) |
Acts 22:7

7. epesa te eis to edaphos kai
ēkousa phōnēs legousēs moi, Saoul Saoul, ti me diōkeis.
7. I
fell at the
ground. And I heard a
Voice saying to me, "Saul, Saul, you
persecute me
7. At 12:05 pm Saul knelt in the levite's position
east of center on row 13. He heard the voice of Jesus from the platform, "Saul,
belonging in both east and west, you oppose me in the council because of my
pro-Roman views."
Acts 22:8

8. egō de apekrithēn
, Tis ei, kyrie. Eipen te pros me, Egō eimi Iēsous ho Nazōraios
hon sy diōkeis
8. I answered, "You are a
Certain One,
Lord." He said
towards me, "
I am Jesus the
Nazirite whom you
8. At 1:00 pm Friday it was time for the reading of
the Law to the village congregation. Saul stepped on to row 12 to hold the scroll,
and Jesus came to row 13 . Saul said to him, "You are an initiator of
proselytes, but only the equal of a village priest." Jesus said in front of
him, "I am an actual priest, and also a layman, now in the status of a married
man who will resume his marriage in three months' time. You oppose me in the
Acts 22:9

9. hoi de syn emoi ontes to
men phōs etheasanto tēn de phōnēn ouk ēkousan tou
lalountos moi.
9. The ones
with me
saw{theaomai} the
Light{phōs}, the
Voice they did not hear of the one
speaking to me.
9. At 1:30 pm the silent prayer for the half-hour
was due. James Niceta, a Gentile bishop subordinate to Saul, observed the half-hour
silent prayers (Revelation 8:1) . From his seat on row 10, he looked up through
5 cubits to the stand on the platform, which was 4 cubits, the height of a man,
above the floor. Jesus gave a spoken prayer from the platform for Saul to hear,
in order to say that Gentile prayers were heard by heaven equally with those of
Acts 22:10

10. eipon de, Ti poiēsō,
kyrie. Ho de kyrios eipen pros me, Anastas poreuou eis Damaskon, kakei soi lalēthēsetai
peri pantōn hōn tetaktai soi poiēsai
10. I said , "
T I will do, Lord". The
Lord said
towards me, "Having
stood up,
travel at
Damascus, and there it will be
spoken to you around
All Things (genitive) of whom (plural, RLR to ones becoming, James Niceta v.9) it is appointed to you to
10. At 3:00 pm. Saul made the announcement that he
had already made to Agrippa in Jerusalem, that he had changed his politics as a result of the benign
reign of Claudius, and would henceforth adopt the pro-Roman Sadducee method of
ministry, using the sign of the cross. Jesus came down to row 13 so as to
express a close association with him. He told Saul to remain in his celibate
status, and to go out to the north base, where the prayer for 3:05 pm
would be spoken. Saul was
to continue in the house of Agrippa, who was currently pro-Roman.
Friday March 8, 43 AD, 3:05 pm, Damascus (Acts 22:11) |
Acts 22:11

11. hōs de ouk
eneblepon apo tēs doxēs tou phōtos ekeinou, cheiragōgoumenos
hypo tōn synontōn moi ēlthon eis Damaskon
11. I did not
Glory of that
Light{phōs} I, led by a hand
under the ones
becoming with to me, came at
11. Simon Magus,
still in charge of eastern mission but anti-Agrippa and anti-Rome,
sat on row 6, as the platform was not used after noon on Friday. Saul refused to go to row 10,
with 3 cubits between them, as it would mean that he was a minister of Simon. Jesus
sat on row 7 at the table, in front of Simon.
At 3.05 pm James Niceta stood on the elevated
north base to announce the hour for his version of the sabbath, and Saul approving
his doctrine stood beside him on the east at ground level.
Friday March 8, 43 AD 6 PM to Midnight Damascus |
Friday March 8, 43 AD 6:05 pm Damascus (Acts 22:12) |
Acts 22:12

12. Hananias de tis, anēr
eulabēs kata ton nomon, martyroumenos hypo pantōn tōn katoikountōn
12. Ananias a
Certain One;
(next noun in apposition, a different person) a
man{anēr} according to the
Law, who was
witnessed to
All the
12. At 6:00 pm of the same day, Friday March 8, a
meeting was held in the Damascus vestry. On Friday evenings there was no meal, but a council
meeting was held until the 9 pm village bedtime. Simon Magus as a proselytiser sat on the
ground floor on row 6, with Apollos the Chief Therapeut, a member of Agrippa's
house, sat as levite in front of him. Herod of Chalcis sat in the place of the
western guest.
Friday March 8, 43 AD 9:00 pm, Damascus (Acts 22:13) |
Acts 22:13

13. elthōn pros me kai
epistas eipen moi, Saoul adelphe, anablepson. Kagō autē tē hōra
aneblepsa eis auton.
13. He (RLR to good-receiving man
v.12, Apollos) coming
me. And having stood upon said to me, Saul
see{blepō} up. And in the
same hour I
saw{blepō} up
at him.
13. At 9.00 pm Herod of Chalcis and
Simon Magus left, observing the Jewish sabbath tradition of those keeping the
Julian calendar, resting from 3 hours before midnight. Apollos stayed to give
a message to Saul from Matthew Annas and Agrippa in Jerusalem. At first he came
to row 13 in front of Saul on row 12, to show solidarity with him. At 9.05 pm Apollos stood on row 6 on
the ground floor, replacing Simon Magus. He invited Saul to come up to row 10
to express his higher status. Saul did so, looking north to Apollos on row 6 with
3 cubits between them.
Friday March 8, 43 AD. 9:05 pm , Damascus (Acts 22:14) |
Acts 22:14

14. ho de eipen, Ho theos tōn
paterōn hēmōn proecheirisato se gnōnai to thelēma
autou kai idein ton dikaion kai akousai phōnēn ek tou stomatos autou
14. He (addressed), said, "The
God of our
Fathers has appointed you to have
knowledge{gnōstos} of his
will. And to
see{eidon} the
Righteous One And to hear a
Voice out of the
mouth of him(Righteous One, Jesus)
14. Apollos was to deliver a message
from Matthew Annas in Jerusalem. He said to Saul, "Matthew Annas, who acts as priest to
Therapeuts, knows that you are now in accord with his missionary methods and
those of Jesus. He appoints you to act as a celibate lay bishop with a
monastic education to the village class including Gentiles. You may sit on row
10, with Jesus in his Nazirite status sitting on row 7. Or when Jesus as a
Nazirite sits on row 13, serving water instead of wine at the village common meal,
and giving teaching, you Saul may sit as his deputy east of him.
Friday March 8, 43 AD. 9:05 pm, Damascus. (Acts 22:15) |
Acts 22:15

15. hoti esē martys autō
pros pantas anthrōpous hōn heōrakas kai ēkousas
15. "You will become a
to him (RLR to Righteous One Jesus v.14)
Men{anthrōpos}, of whom(plural, All Men) you have
seen{horaō. And you have heard."
15. Apollos continued with the message
he had been given by Agrippa, who had heard of the plot and was trying to win
over his critics. " When Agrippa I as the Zadokite at the Jerusalem Cenacle sits
on row 6 east, with Jesus beside him on row 6 west as his deputy, you Saul as
a Diaspora bishop may sit in front of him. Or when Agrippa sits on row 7 to
preside over a Jewish council, you Saul may sit on row 10 as his servant,
hearing the proceedings."
Saturday March 9, 43 AD, 3:00 pm, Damascus. (Acts 22:16) |
Acts 22:16

16. kai nyn ti melleis,
anastas baptisai kai apolousai tas hamartias sou epikalesamenos to onoma autou
16. And
T you are
about to . Having
stood up be
baptized. And wash away the
sins of you, calling upon the
name of him (RLR to Righteous
One, Jesus, v.15)
16. On Saturday at 3:00 pm, when the sabbath was over,
Apollos instructed Saul to express his change of politics by going through stages
corresponding to those of the "Resurrection". His announcement on Friday at 3 pm had corresponded to Jesus' cry
on the cross, which expressed his repudiation of the Jewish priesthood. Saturday
night, beginning with the end of the sabbath at 3 pm, would be the night of his symbolic
raising from the dead, since that night was now celebrated by Christians, who
had changed the "resurrection" from the Jewish Friday night. It would end on
Sunday at 3 am,
corresponding to the dawn when the empty tomb was found.
Apollos on Saturday at 3 pm gave further instructions to
Saul from the north base at Damascus. He was to go the cistern used by pilgrims inside the wall
leading into the monastic grounds, corresponding to Qumran loc 56-58. He would
there take an immersion bath, renewing his commitment to celibacy. He would
invoke the name of Jesus as his religious superior.
Saturday March 9, 43 AD midnight, Damascus. (Acts 9:10) |
Acts 9:10

10. ēn de tis mathētēs
en Damaskō onomati Hananias. Kai eipen pros auton en horamati ho kyrios,
Hanania. Ho de eipen, Idou egō, kyrie.
10. A
Certain One
disciple became in
Damascus with a
name Ananias. And the
Lord said
towards him (Ananias) in a
"Ananias". He (Ananias, addressed) said, "
10. At midnight on Saturday March 9, 43 AD, the solar 1st of the month
for the promotion of priests, the hour was announced from the north base
outside the Damascus Simon Magus, with Jesus as his deputy in front of
him. Jesus called him Ananias, his adopted name used as a pseudonym. Simon
said, "I as a teacher of proselytes stand on the north base, Lord."
Figure 1. The Qumran buildings
Figure 15 The Outer Hall and Pantry
Photo LL The podium in the outer hall.
Photo MM The "pantry".
Saturday March 9, 43 AD, midnight, Damascus. (Acts 9:11) |
Acts 9:11

11. ho de kyrios pros auton,
Anastas poreuthēti epi tēn hrymēn tēn kaloumenēn
Eutheian. Kai zētēson en oikia Iouda Saulon onomati Tarsea. Idou gar
11. The
him (RLR to Ananias v.10) , "Having
stood up,
travel upon the
street{rymē} called
Straight. And
seek in the
house (feminine) of
Judas, Saul with the given name Tarsus. For
see{eidon} he
11. Jesus said in front of Simon, "As a celibate missionary go
to the beginning of the pilgrims' path within the
monastery grounds.(Qumran loc 79). Then go into the outer hall and its attached
annexe (Qumran
locs 77 and 86). Apollos the Chief Therapeut is now the Prince of the
Congregation (1QM 5:1), holding the position of Theudas who was the successor
of Judas Iscariot. Saul, who began his celibate career in Tarsus, is on row 13.
From row 10 in the outer hall, test him for merit. He is making a petition for
forgiveness for his past political errors.
Saturday March 9, 43 AD, midnight, Damascus. (Acts 9:12) |
Acts 9:12

12. kai eiden andra en
oramati Hananian onomati eiselthonta. kai epithenta autō tas cheiras hopōs
12. "And he(Saul) has
seen{eidon} a
man{anēr} in a
vision{orama}, Ananias by
name coming at. And he
(Ananias) placing the hands upon to him(Saul) , the
How he (Saul) might
see{blepō} up".
12. "At 6 pm this evening, Saturday, Saul after his
bath was in the outer hall on row 13, the first row of the congregation. He saw
you, Simon, using the pseudonym Ananias, on row 10 on the rock podium. You
gave him the right to collect money gifts from Gentiles, with the right, when
penitent, to sit on row 10 himself, looking towards the priest on row 6. Go now
and finish his promotion ceremony from the same positions."
Sunday March 10, 43 AD, 12.05 am, Damascus. (Acts 9:13) |
Acts 9:13

13. apekrithē de
Hananias, Kyrie, ēkousa apo pollōn peri tou andras toutou, hosa kata
tois hagiois sou epoiēsen en Ierousalēm,
13. Ananias answered,
Lord, I have heard
Many around this
as many as
bad things he (Saul v.12) has
made to the
Saints of you in
Jerusalem{Ierousalēm} (singular form)
13. The discussion between Jesus and
Simon Magus was taking place as part of the process of testing Saul for
promotion. Simon Magus opposed it. He said: "Lord, Jonathan Annas, who is now
with the Magians as a fellow Samaritan, has told me about Saul. He is on
Agrippa's side. At the Jerusalem synagogue for proselytes he attacks your brother Barnabas,
who with John Mark is superior of Gentile monastics, saying that Barnabas is a
Magian. Barnabas and John Mark are against Agrippa. Saul is against them both
for that reason and because they are permanent monastics.
Sunday March 10, 43 AD, 12.05 am, Damascus (Acts 9:14) |
Acts 9:14

14. kai hōde echeu
exoiusian para ton archiereōn dēsai pantas tous epikaloumenous to
onoma sou.
14. And here he (RLR to Saul v. 13) has
authority beside of the
Chief Priests to
All the ones
calling upon your
14. "But Matthew Annas permits him
to initiate Gentiles. He belongs to Agrippa's house, teaching the young prince
Agrippa, who has become a follower of yours, although remaining Jewish."
Sunday March 10, 43 AD, 3 am, Damascus. (Acts 9:15) |
Acts 9:15

15. eipen de pros auton ho
kyrios, Poreuou, hoti skeuos eklogēs estin moi houtos tou bastasai to
onoma mou enōpion ethnōn te. kai basileōn huiōn te Israēl.
15. The
Lord said
towards him (SRLR to Saul v.14) , "
Travel, that an
Elect vessel
This One
becomes to me, to carry the
name of me
Gentiles. And of
sons of
15. At 3 am Jesus and Simon Magus were in the outer
hall. Saul stood in the doorway on row 12, waiting to be either sent up or sent
down according to the decision. Jesus on row 13, ready to send Saul up, said to
Simon on row 10 concerning Saul, "You, Simon, remain a missionary in the east.
Saul is to change to the west, in my party. As a tutor of the young prince
Agrippa, who turns 16 this year, he will enable him to advance my doctrines in
his court when he becomes king. Saul holds the strict view on morality. The
prince will be made an honorary member of class C, that of lay graduates under
the lay Messiah of Israel.
Sunday March 10 , 43 AD 3:00 am, Damascus. (Acts 9:16) |
Acts 9:16

16. egō gar hypodeixō
autō hosa dei auton hyper tou onomatos mou pathein.
16. "For I will show to him (This
One, Saul v.15),
as many things he (Saul) must
above of the
name of me."
16. "I, Jesus , will teach him the
rule as a fellow-member of my dynastic celibate class in an abbey. As a
celibate in the outside world, he will act as my representative."
Sunday March 10, 43 AD, 3:05 am, Damascus. (Acts 9:17) |
Acts 9:17

17. Apēlthen de
Hananias. Kai eisēlthen eis tēn oikian. Kai epitheis ep' auton tas
cheiras eipen, Saoul adelphe, ho kyrios apestalken me, Iēsous ho ophtheis
soi en tē hodō ē ērchou, hopōs anablepsēs. Kai plēsthēs
pneumatos hagiou.
17. Ananias came from. And he (Ananias) came at the
(feminine). And having placed upon, upon him (RLR to Saul v.16) the
hands, he (Ananias) said, "Saul
brother, the
Lord has
sent(me) from{apostellō},
Jesus. (Next word in apposition, participle as noun equivalent), a person (Apollos) was
seen{eidon} by you in the
Way by which you came,
How you might
see{blepō} up. And you be
filled with a
Spirit a
holy (genitive).
17. At 3:05 am the
decision was made. Simon Magus came down into the doorway beside Saul. He gave
him the collection plate for Gentile gifts and said, "Presbyter Saul, Jesus as
the Lord has rejected my opinion. His equal Apollos will teach you in your new
understanding of the mission to proselytes. You as a presbyter, penitent, may
sit on row 10, seeing the levite on row 6. You will become a lay bishop in
September 43 AD, and a provincial bishop of Asia
Minor a year later."
Sunday March 10 , 43 AD, 6.05 pm , Damascus. (Acts 9:18) |
Acts 9:18

18. kai eutheōs
apepesan autou apo tōn ophthalmōn hōs lepides, aneblepsen te.
Kai anastas ebaptisthē
19. kai labōn trophēn
18. And
immediately{eutheōs} there
from of him, (RLR to "person seen" in apposition, Apollos) from the
eyes, as scales. He (Apollos)
saw{blepō} up . And having
stood up he was
(Addition v.19a below) And he (Apollos) receiving
food was strengthened.
18. The same evening a meal was
held, of the same kind as the meal at Mar Saba on the Sunday evening after the "resurrection". It was the
meal taken at a meeting of the Therapeuts, where the food was eaten at 8 pm, with bread and no wine. At 6.05 pm in the outer hall, the
evening lamp of Apollos the Chief Therapeut was lit on row 7, its metal shutter
opened so that the light could be seen. At 8 pm he went to row 10 to prepare for the meal, with Jesus presiding
on row 6. Before the meal he was given a ritual washing, using water in large
waterpots kept in the annexe. At 8 pm he sat on 10 center east, a position standing for Strength,
with Saul beside him on the "heart". The non-sacred bread was eaten.
Saturday Evening March 23, 43 AD at Qumran
(See above on Sunday March 3, 43 AD, concerning Day 15, March 23 from Galatians)
Saul left Qumran on Sunday March 24 and rode on horseback 12
hours to Damascus. |
Monday March 25, 43 AD noon, Damascus (Acts 9:19b) |
Acts 9:19

19b. Egeneto de meta tōn
en Damaskō mathētōn hēmeras tinas.
19b. He (Apollos to 9:17, 18, in apposition)
came about
with the
disciples(genitive) in
Certain Days .
19b. Following the North Solar intercalation
of March 43 AD, the meeting days 30th and 31st fell again on Monday March 25
and Tuesday March 26. The Monday was the main meeting day for the Therapeuts, who
were in the class of non-monastic "hypocrites" of the Didache, who fasted on
Monday and Thursday (Didache 8, 1).
Apollos as the Chief Therapeut
observed the Monday as the day of fulfilment. At noon he stood on the north base at Damascus, with James Niceta
as his equal in front of him.
Monday March 25, 43 AD, 12:05 pm, Damascus. (Acts 9:20) |
Acts 9:20

20. kai eutheōs en tais
synagōgais ekēryssen ton Iēsoun hoti houtos estin ho huios tou
20. And
immediately{eutheōs} in the
he (RLR to Apollos v.19b) preached Jesus, that
This One
becomes the
Son of
20. At 12:05 pm in the outer hall, used as a
Hellenist synagogue on fasting days, Apollos holding Sadducee views said that
for the pro-Roman party Jesus was the legitimate David.
Monday March 25, 43 AD, 6 pm, Damascus. (Acts 9:21) |
Acts 9:21

21. existanto de pantes hoi
akouontes. Kai elegon, Ouch houtos estin ho porthēsas eis Ierousalēm
tous epikaloumenous to onoma touto. Kai hōde eis touto elēlythei hina
dedemenous autous agagē epi tous archiereis.
All the
out. And they (Hearers) said, "
That One (not This One), becomes he
who has destroyed at
Jerusalem{Ierousalēm}(singular form) the ones
calling upon this
name. And here at this he (That One) has come
in order that he might lead them (ones calling upon)
bound upon the
Chief Priests"
21. At the evening meeting on Monday
the solar 30th, March 25, Herod of Chalcis opposed Saul. Chalcis said, "Saul in 40
AD as an eastern missionary had a murderous hatred of James Niceta as a Roman relative
of Caligula. Now Saul has ceased to be nationalist, is friendly to James
Niceta, and will take him into Matthew Annas' abbey. James Niceta still accepts
some Jewish identity."
Tuesday March 26, 43 AD Noon, Damascus. (Acts 9:22) |
Acts 9:22

22. Saulos de mallon enedynamouto
kai synechynnen Ioudaious tous katoikountas en Damaskō, symbibazōn
hoti houtos estin ho Christos.
22. Saul rather was in a
Power. And he (Saul) confused
Jewsdown-dwelling in
Damascus, he (Saul) unifying that
This One is the
22. Tuesday March 26 was the
intercalated solar 31st, a day of high expectation for the fulfilment of
prophecy. Noon
was its high point. Saul demanded the right to stand on the north base to announce the hour,
contesting the position with Herod of Chalcis. Saul expressed unity with
Apollos, declaring the Sadducee view that Jesus was the legitimate David.
Tuesday March 26, 43 AD, 12.05 pm. Damascus. (Acts 9:23) |
Acts 9:23

23. Hōs de eplērounto
hēmerai hikanai, synebouleusanto hoi Ioudaioi anelein auton.
23. When were fulfilled
Days, the
Jews counselled to
kill{anaireō} him (SRLR to Christ v.22)
23. At the meal inside the vestry
beginning at 12.05 pm, when the 31st was observed and brought no fulfilment, Herod
of Chalcis
convinced the council that the failure was due to Jesus and Saul. Jesus should
be exiled from Damascus.
Tuesday March 26, 43 AD, 12.05 pm and 12.05 am, Damascus (Acts 9:24) |
Acts 9:24

24. egnōsthē de tō
Saulō hē epiboulē autōn. Paretērounto de, kai tas
pylas hēmeras te. Kai nyktos hopōs auton anelōsin
24. The counsel of them (
Jews) was made
known{gnōstos} to Saul. They (Jews)
kept beside. And the gates, of
Day. And of
How him (Saul) they (Jews) might
24. Saul was told of the decision
by celibates. Herod of Chalcis was in charge of the guards. He set a guard at
the north base. At 12.05 am he condemned Saul also as one who had changed sides , and exiled
Wednesday March 27, 43 AD, 12.05 am, Damascus. (Acts 9:25) |
Acts 9:25

25. labontes de hoi mathētai
autou nyktos dia tou teichous kathēkan auton chalasantes en spyridi.
25. The
disciples of him(Saul) receiving of
Night through the
wall put down him(Saul) letting down in a
25. At 12:05 am Jesus and Saul left
the Damascus
monastery secretly, via the window in the "pantry". As concealment, they were
carried in the basketware couches in which priests and celibates were carried.
James Niceta arranged them. They were brought down from the height on which
the monastery was built, to the road below, where horses were waiting for them.
This episode is referred to by Paul in
2 Corinthians 11:32-33).
From midnight Tuesday March 26 the three on horses, Jesus,
Saul and James Niceta travelled the 180 kilometers from Damascus, across the Jordan
at Jericho, and down to Qumran, reaching it Wednesday at noon. See Travel Rates in the Lexicon. The horse rate was 75 stadia per hour, about 15 kilometers,
so they took 12 hours. They then left the horses and changed to the slow
walking place of ascetics through the wilderness, taking 27 hours from Qumran
to the Essene Gate in Jerusalem, reaching it Thursday March 28 at 3 pm.
The events of the
Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29, 43 AD, are given in all three passages,
Acts 9, 22 and 26. These were two days of crisis, when the foundations for the
assassination of Agrippa I were laid. The texts when woven together show that
three factions met together in Jerusalem on these dates, which were the + 2 1/2
version of the seasonal meeting days.
The party that was totally opposed to Agrippa for his
high-handedness consisted of Herod of Chalcis, James the brother of Jesus,
and Jonathan Annas. Simon Magus the leader was not present in Jerusalem. Also
against Agrippa were Matthew Annas and Jesus, with Barnabas and John Mark, as
well as Apollos and James Niceta. Peter was not present in Jerusalem on this
occasion. These, who would soon adopt the name Christian, were internally
divided on the issue of Gentile celibacy. The only supporter of Agrippa was
Saul. But Matthew Annas and Jesus had brought about his political conversion,
so that he joined them as a penitent at the Jerusalem meetings.
Saul was well aware that the young prince Agrippa, his student,
had been so attracted to Jesus that he had become a Christian. But if his
father Agrippa I got wind of the plot that was forming against him, and
associated Saul with it, he would dismiss Saul as tutor of his son. The
moderate anti-Agrippa party led by Matthew Annas foresaw the imminent death of
Agrippa I, but wanted to retain their place in the royal court, knowing that
they would gain great power by their influence over the timid prince. So one
outcome of the councils over these two days was to send Saul away to Tarsus in Cilicia,
his former school, to keep him out of the way.
The other outcome was that the plotters established secret
meeting places in the outposts of secluded monasteries. The married class,
including Herod of Chalcis, Brother James, and Peter, made their base at Lydda,
an outpost of the alternate Essene monastery on the coast. The celibates came
to Qumran, and to its outpost at Ain Feshkha, where Simon Magus ruled. Matthew,
Apollos, and Jesus, with Barnabas and the Gentiles, arrived at Ain Feshkha at 3 am on the Saturday morning. There they waited for news of Agrippa, who throughout 43 AD
would veer back and forth between Sadducee and Pharisee opinions, finally
alienating the Christians when in his Pharisee mode he dismissed Matthew Annas
in September 43.
Tuesday March 26, 43 AD in Damascus
Wednesday March 27, 43 AD at Qumran
Thursday March 28 midnight in Jerusalem at the Essene Gate synagogue
(Acts 26:20) |
Acts 26:20

| 20. alla
tois en Damaskō prōton te kai Hierosolymois, pasan tēn chōran
tēs Ioudaias kai tois ethnesin apēngellon metanoiein kai epistrephein
epi ton theon, axia tēs metanoias erga prassontas.
| 20.
Nevertheless to those in
Damascus first , And in
Jerusalem{Hierosolyma}(plural form),
All the
region of Judea. And to the
Gentiles I
announced to
repent. And to
turn-upon upon
practicing (masculine
accusative participle) works deserving of repentance.
| 20. On
Tuesday March 26 Saul was with James Niceta at the Damascus north base. After
leaving at midnight he with Jesus and James
Niceta passed the next day at noon through Qumran, where the young prince Agrippa was receiving instruction
in the celibate life. In Jerusalem, at the Essene Gate at midnight, Saul handed the prince over to Matthew Annas,
his teacher for the next six months until he turned 16. With Matthew he would
go to Ephesus in Asia Minor, then on to Rome for his higher
education. (Acts 10 on June 43, Revelation 10 on September 43)
Figure 11 The Essene buildings in Jerusalem. (click for larger view)
Figure 12 The Essene Quarter.
Figure 1. The Qumran buildings
Thursday March 28, 43 AD, 3 pm, Essene Gate Jerusalem. (Acts 9:26) |
Acts 9:26

26. Paragenomenos de eis
Ierousalēm epeirazen kollasthai tois mathētais. Kai pantes ephobounto
auton, mē pisteuontes hoti estin mathētēs.
26. He (nominative participle to
last singular masculine subject of verb, Christ v.22. ) having
come about beside at
(singular form) tempted to join with the
disciples. And
All Ones
feared him (Christ) ,
Not-believing Ones that he (Christ)
becomes a
26. On Thursday March 28 at 3 pm Jesus with Saul and James
Niceta arrived after their journey fromDamascus at the Essene Gate in Jerusalem. Jesus acted as a levite still protecting James Niceta who
was out of favor. Herod of Chalcis had arrived there already, having come by horse
all the way. He was a Pharisee, a married man under the rules of the
Therapeuts, holding that Jesus was only a teacher of Gentiles.
Thursday March 28, 43 AD, 4 pm, 5 pm. At the Exegetes' School, 1 hour up from the Essene Gate
on Mount Zion.
(Acts 9:27) |
Acts 9:27

27. Barnabas de epilabomenos
auton ēgagen pros tous apostolous. Kai diēgēsato autois pōs
en tē hodō eiden ton kyrion. Kai hoti elalēsen autō. Kai pōs
en Damaskō eparrēsiasato en tō onomati tou Iēsou.
27. Barnabas receiving him (Christ) led
towards the
apostles. And he (Barnabas) gave
exegesis to them (apostles) , a
How (penitent Saul, play on Hebrew word) in the
saw{eidon} the
Lord. And that he (the Lord)
spoke to him (Saul). And a
How(Saul) in
Damascus acted
boldly in the
name of Jesus.
27. At 4 pm, the hour for Gentile
(John 1:39) Barnabas brought his brother Jesus up to the Exegetes' school
on the slope of Mount Zion, an hour north of the Essene Gate. John Mark, who was
still the go-between for the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, stood on the
equivalent of row 12 and Jesus stood in front of him. It was a statement,
contrary to Herod of Chalcis, that Jesus was the legitimate David.
Barnabas gave exegesis to John Mark.
Saul had previously been against him and Barnabas in Jerusalem, as stated in
Acts 9:13.
Saul was now a penitent, in fellowship with them under the guidance
of Jesus. A penitent could be described as a "How", playing on the Hebrew word
eika, "how" which opens and characterises the Old Testament book of
Lamenations. He was one who expressed lament. At the equivalents of the north
and south bases, Saul as a penitent stood on the south base, for Sinners,
while Jesus gave the spoken prayer for 4 pm. Saul had become a penitent at the
Damascus north base, and he was now forgiven but still kept low, at 5 pm the
time for women standing on the north base himself.
Thursday March 28, 43 AD 6 pm At the north base of the Cenacle building, Jerusalem. (Acts 22:17) |
Acts 22:17

17. Egeneto de moi
hypostrepsanti eis Ierousalēm kai proseeuchomenou mou en tō hierō
genesthai me en ekstasei
17. It
came about to me, having
turned under at
(singular form). And as I was
praying in the
temple, to
come about me in an
17. In the version given by Paul
himself in Acts 22, he records his arrival at the Essene Gate at 3 pm on Thursday March 28, followed
by the 6 pm evening
meal, which was held in the building higher up on Mount Zion, in the vicinity of
where the Cenacle building now stands. The meal was held in the vestry, and
persons excluded from it had to stand at the north base outside. Saul as a
penitent was excluded, and he stood there, offering a petition for forgiveness.
He wore the garments of a layman of the Therapeuts, not those of a dynastic
The building
higher up on Mount Zion was the original Essene
monastery before the exile to Qumran, having the same structure as Qumran. The vestry was the
equivalent of loc 101 at Qumran. The bases for exclusion stood in the equivalent of loc
Thursday March 28, 43 AD 6 PM Cenacle in Jerusalem (Acts 26:21) |
Acts 26:21

21. heneka
toutōn me Ioudaioi syllabomenoi en tō hierō epeirōnto
21. On account of these things
Jews receiving me in the
temple tempted to appoint.
21. In Paul's
other personal account of the evening meal in Acts 26, he records the attack on
him by Herod of Chalcis, who confined him to the north base. He had excluded
Saul from Damascus. On this less
signficant meeting day, the married men led by Herod of Chalcis took charge at
the meal, together with Jonathan Annas and Brother James. As shown in Acts
22:20 (below), the part of the meal from 9.30 pm onwards, when fermented wine
was drunk freely, was marked by disputes between the two factions of Sadducees
on moral questions. Matthew Annas had arrived, as celibates could do after a
session of married men, released Saul, sent him to the north of the room as a
vestryman, and attacked the licence of Jonathan Annas with such vehemence that
the Damascus party planned to have Matthew Annas dismissed and exiled. They
would have the power to do so at any time that Agrippa changed to Pharisee
nationalist views.
Thursday March 28, 43 AD midnight. Essene Gate synagogue (Acts 9:28) |
Acts 9:28

28. kai ēn met autōn
eisporeuomenos. Kai ekporeuomenos eis Ierousalēm, parrēsiazomenos en
tō onomati tou kyriou.
28. And he (Saul, the How in 9:27 )
became with them (apostles 9:27), he (Saul)
traveling at. And he (Saul)
traveling out at
(singular form), he acting
boldly in the
name of the Lord (genitive) .
28. The celibates left the Cenacle
at 10 pm at the
end of the evening meal, and went down 2 hours to the synagogue at the Essene
Gate, reaching it at midnight, when the Julian beginning of the day was observed. Here
Saul was fully forgiven and permitted to act like a levite, bringing Gentiles
in and out of the synagogue (1QSa 1: 22-23 ). It was at this time that he gave instruction to the
young prince Agrippa, as he recorded in Acts 26:20 (above). He handed him over
to Matthew Annas, who would remain with him during the next six months to
prepare for his sixteenth birthday,
Friday March 29, 43 AD, 12.05 am. Essene Gate synagogue (Acts 9:29) |
Acts 9:29

29. elalei te. Kai synezētai
pros tous Hellēnistas. Hoi de epecheiroun anelein auton.
29. He (Saul)spoke. And he
sought with
towards the
They (Hellenists) put hands upon to
kill{anaireō} him (Saul).
29. At 12.05 am Saul gave a spoken prayer. Jonathan
Annas had come to the Essene Gate for the midnight session. Saul used his new authority to attack him,
expressing the hostility he had always felt for him. Jonathan, knowing that
Saul was the only pro-Agrippa member present, argued that Saul should be sent
into exile.
Friday March 29, 43 AD 3 AM Essene Gate (Acts 22:18) |
Acts 22:18
18. kai idein auton legonta
moi, Speuson kai exelthe en tachei ex Ierousalēm, dioti ou paradexontai
sou martyrian peri emou
18. And to
see{eidon} him (RLR to
Jesus 22:14 and 15) saying to me, "Hasten. And come out
quickly out of
(singular form), because they (RLR to All Men Agrippa 22:15) do not receive your
witness around me.
18. Paul continues his account in
Acts 22. On the Friday at 3 am at the Essene Gate, he was in the place of servant to Jesus.
Jesus said to him, " Leave the Essene Gate and depart from the city via the valley of Hinnom, passing at 4 am through the latrine. Agrippa
will expel you from his court, and from the position of tutor to the prince, if
he knows you act in mission as my follower."
Friday March 29, 43 AD, 3 am, Essene Gate. (Acts 22:19) |
Acts 22:19

19. kagō eipon, Kyrie,
autoi epistantai hoti egō ēmēn phylakizōn kai derōn
kata tas synagōgas tous pisteuontas epi se.
19. And I said, "Lord,
stand upon that I
guarding. And
binding according to the
synagogues the
Believing Ones upon you.
19. Paul quotes what he said to
Jesus at this crisis."Agrippa knows me only as a tutor. I teach the prince,
who has become a believer in you. But I make sure that he remains Jewish. He
attends a Greek-speaking Hellenist synagogue.
Friday March 29, 43 AD , 3 am , Essene Gate. (Acts 22:20) |
Acts 22:20

20. kai hote exechynneto to
haima Stephanou tou martyros sou, kai autos ēmēn ephestōs kai
syneudokōn kai phylassōn ta himatia tōn anairountōn auton.
20. "And
when{hote} the
blood of
Stephen(genitive) the
witness of you was poured out. And I as a
became standing-upon. And well-
thinking with. And
imprisoning the
garments{himatia} of the ones
him (SRLR to God, 2:14, not to Jesus 22:18 as Saul is addressing him)."
20. Saul continued with an account
of what had happened the previous evening. "Last evening at 9.30 pm in the Cenacle vestry, Jonathan
Annas the Hellenist was present.. It was the time when fermented wine was taken
freely and holy vestments were not worn, but were left in the north part of the
vestry. Jonathan Annas' liberal party turned against Matthew Annas on the
issue of morality. I Saul, as a penitent had been reduced to the status of
vestryman, attending to the vestments, and could not take part."
Friday March 29, 43 AD, 3 am, Essene Gate. (Acts 22:21) |
Acts 22:21

21. kai eipen pros me,
Poreuo, hoti egō eis ethnē makran exapostelō se
21. And he (RLR to God v.20, Matthew Annas) said
towards me, "
Travel, for I
send-(you) from{apostellō} at
21. Matthew Annas now added to
Jesus' instruction, for the same purpose, to keep Saul employed as tutor of the
young prince Agrippa . The conspirators foresaw the death of Agrippa I, and the
advantage to them of being already established in the court of Agrippa II.
Friday March 29, 43 AD 3:05 am, Essene Gate. (Acts 22:30) |
Acts 9:30

30. epignontes de hoi
adelphoi katēgagon auton eis Kaisareian . kai exapesteilan auton eis
30. The
led him (RLR to Saul 9: 29) down, at Caesarea. And they (Brothers)
sent(him) from{apostellō} at Tarsus.
30. Brother James was deputed by
Matthew to escort Saul to Agrippa's abbey in Caesarea and from there to send him off to Tarsus in Clicia. Being of
village status, they traveled by donkey, a journey that would take 12 hours
(see Travel Rates and Distances in the Lexicon.) James, keeping the traditional
sabbath rule, would not travel after 3 pm on Friday, so they left on Friday at 3:05 am. .
At the same time Matthew's party
of celibates left the Essene Gate for their secret hideout at the Qumran outpost at Ain Feshkha.
They walked following the ascetics' route, for 24 hours, reaching Ain
Feshkha Saturday 3 am, three hours before 6 am, when on their interpretation
the sabbath began.
Saturday March 30, 43 AD Ain Feshkha south of Qumran (Acts 9:31) |
Acts 9:31

31. Hē men oun ekklēsia
kath holēs tēs Ioudaias. Kai Galilaias. Kai Samareias eichen eirēnēn,
oikodomoumenē. Kai poreuomenē tō phobō tou kyriou. Kai tē
paraklēsei tou hagiou pneumatos eplēthyneto.
31. The
therefore down the whole
Judea. And of
Galilee. And of "
Samaria it (the Church) had
in the household. And it (the Church)
traveling in the
Fear of the
Lord(genitive). And in the one
called-beside of the
Spirit a
Holy it (the Church) was made a
31. Matthew Annas as the abbot was
at Ain Feshkha. He was the superior of pilgrims who camped on the Qumran esplanade and also
attended at Ain Feshkha three hours south of Qumran. Apollos as the Chief Therapeut used the meal room in the
northern section of the west wing. Simon Magus used the upper floor of the
two-storey wing. Matthew Annas presided over abbey members in the north wing.
He was still a member of Agrippa's court, while Agrippa remained Sadducee. Matthew
conducted mission together with Apollos his deputy abbot. Jesus was present in
his status as an equal of a village priest. Barnabas was the levitical deputy
abbot to Matthew, who made James Niceta the Chief Gentile.
Acts 26:22

22. epikourias
oun tychōn tēs apo tou theou achri tēs hēmeras tautēs
estēka martyromenos mikrō kai megalō, ouden ektos legōn hōn
te hoi prophētai elalēsan mellonton ginesthai kai Moysēs
22. I (Saul,
participle RLR to subject of verb 26:20) experiencing help from
until{achri} the
Day This, I stood
witnessing to a
Little One{mikros}. And to a
Great One, a
Nothing outside saying (participle RLR to
Saul), of the things which the
spoke, the things
about to
come about. And Moses.
22. Paul's own
account in Acts 26 brings his pre-Christian history through June and
September 43 AD. In Tarsus in June he received letters sent by Matthew Annas on the 31st of the
June solstice, Tuesday June 25. Seeing himself as engaged in Diaspora mission
for the pro-Roman party, Saul formed the group of missionaries who would be
confirmed at a subsequent council as appointed to the uncircumcised
(Galatians 1:9 at the council of year 14,
January 1 44 AD at Qumran). They were Titus, head of the "sons of Ham" of
the order of Dan, to whom Saul was appointed now that he had been transferred
to the west. Titus was the "Little One", corresponding to a Gershon presbyter.
Barnabas, head of all celibate Gentiles on behalf of Jesus, was a levitical
bishop corresponding to a Kohath. At the celibate meal at noon on the solar 31st, Tuesday
June 25, the noon prayer was said by Saul.
Atomus the Magus performed the functions of the Chief Therapeut, as Tarsus was an abbey in the
Herodian revision. The primary feast would be in September, at
Atonement-Tabernacles. After the noon meal, the Law was read at 1 pm by Atomus.
Acts 26:23

23. ei
pathētos ho Christos, ei prōtos ex anastaseōs nekrōn phōs
mellei katangellein tō te laō kai tois ethnesin
suffering the Christ.
If{ei} a
first one out of
standing up of
lifeless ones, a
Light{phōs} about to announce to the
Layman. And to the
23. On September 1, AD 43 Jesus returned to the
celibate state, for Mary Magdalene was 3 months pregnant following a conception
in June. There was a question about his exact status, as always for a dynast
during the pregnancy. There was also a question about whether he was only a
layman at this time. He, however, acted as the Light, saying that December 43
would be the season for announcing the formation of the Christian party.
He said that
Jewish Christians at Qumran
and Jerusalem would be included, led
by James. On this day, September 1, 43 AD, the young prince Agrippa, celebrating his 16th
birthday in Ephesus, would become a valuable
member of the Christian party. His hereditary title was to be a "Noah" in the
mission to celibate Gentiles of Dan, "Shem", "Ham" and "Japheth"
The further history of Paul from 44 AD to 64 AD is given in
the Narrative of Stages 2 and 3 of this Section "From Qumran to Rome". (Click title above to return to the index and select these narratives.)