poiei pantas , tous mikrous kai tous megalous, kai tous plousious kai tous ptōchous, kai tous
eleutherous kai tous doulous, hina dōsin autois charagma epi tēs cheiros autōn tēs dexias ē epi to metōpon autōn 13:16 (The list begins with the lowest in status and goes to the highest, in
orer of grades and days).And she (RLR to Helena of Asher as the third icon of the Beast v. 15)
makes (officiates to)
All Ones
(the wealthy Antipas Herod II ,grade 2, eventually treasurer of
Jerusalem (Josephus, Wars of the Jews 4, 140-146). The Antioch abbey for proselytes was developed
as a Jewish Christian mission, with 7
kinds of ministers of successive grades and for days of the week. They worked in pairs for mission .
In the Christian cathedral-house in Antioch
Upper floor |
Sunday | 1 | Gabriel | priest | Jesus |
Monday | 2 | Sariel | levite | Barnabas (slaves) |
Tuesday | 3 | Phanuel | celibate | John Mark (freed men) |
Middle floor |
Wednesday | 4 | Kohath | bishop | Apollos (Poor Ones) |
Thursday | 5 | Gershon | presbyter | James (Rich Ones) |
Ground floor - congregation |
Friday | 6 | Merari | deacon | Peter (Great Ones) |
Saturday | 7 | Initiate | initiate | Paul (Little Ones) |
order that (by the rules of Therapeuts) they (
slaves Barnabas) might
give (without payment) to them (freedmen, John Mark) the
Mark (X
upon of (west side of) the
hand (engraved on the bread paten
for the Poor) of them (John Mark) of the
Right (literal right hand
holding the paten in ministry) of them (John Mark).
or (alternative of same status)
upon (with accusative same place) the
forehead (phylactery)
of them (John Mark. (John Mark wore a phylactery when observing the September feasts with Jewish Christians).
13:16 A Gentile abbey in Antioch
had been established by Jonathan Annas
for proselytes. An abbey had 7 leaders of prayers, one for each day of the
week. Their names are given in
Acts 6:5. Since John Mark had been excommunicated by Simon Magus (Revelation 13:15), and was a
known enemy of Agrippa I, he left Caesarea and went to Antioch. He formed a
cathedral and abbey for missionaries who worked in pairs. Full celibates were
Barnabas and himself on the upper floor, abbey dynasts were Apollos and Brother
James on the middle floor, and lowly congregation leaders were Peter and Paul
on the ground floor. Saul-Paul’s adopted name means “Little”.
Lower still were the ordinary congregation
members. These were the brothers James Niceta and John Aquila, who were taught
by Peter and Paul. Because they were uncircumcised members of the order of
Asher, their superior was Helena the female head of Asher, whose main center was
in Tyre. As an independent teacher of Gentiles, she came to councils in Antioch,
having some agreements with John Mark. She is treated sympathetically in John’s
gospel, as Martha. She formed a pair
with Antipas Herod II, the third Herod, a married man, who was a superior of
“boys”, uncircumcised Gentiles.
The abbey was still Jewish, not yet Christian.
John Mark wore a phylactery and used the X sign for the highest grade of Magian
education. Paul, aged 23 for initiation at this season, had only just met Jesus
in Damascus, and would only become fully Christian 3 years later, in 43 AD.
The names Kohath, Gershon and Merari are found in
the Temple Scroll as lesser men beside the gates. They were the names of the
lower levitical families in
1 Chronicles 6. They developed into the Christian
bishop, presbyter and deacon, grades 4, 5 and 6 respectively. Brother James was
the presbyter, and he was present in a pair at this stage in Antioch, while
Jewish practices were still observed.
James Niceta and John Aquila would become
Christian in 43 AD, when Matthew Annas took over the Antioch building. Peter and James Niceta would be the first to
use the name Christian
(1 Peter 4:16,
Acts 11:26)
The name of the Gabriel, who should be first on
the list, is not given. When the Antioch abbey became Christian it was Matthew
Annas, in 43 AD. As is confirmed in Revelation 13:17, the silence on this point was
because it was Jesus, who had come with his friend John Mark to Antioch. He
would not be named at the present stage
of Antioch,even in James Niceta’s Christian stage, because his lasting
contribution included opposition to Jewish Christians.
SEPTEMBER 41 AD (For A(ii))
Revelation 13:17 - Part A (ii)
September 41 AD. In the Caesarea monastery of Simon Magus,
and in Antioch.
13:17. When the news reached Judea of the assassination of Caligula in
January 41 AD, Simon Magus who had had an involvement in it was hailed as a
hero again. John Mark and Brother James returned to Simon’s Caesarea monastery. Jesus and Apollos remained in Antioch.
Revelation 13:17
13:17 kai
hina mē tis dynētei agorasai ē pōl ēsai ei mē ho echōn to chargama, to
onoma tou thēriou ē ton arithmon tou onomatos autou 13:17.4 And in order that
(Simon Magus as a rival to Agrippa) is
(has the power of a cardinal) to
buy (pay for his promotions,
Acts 8:18-19)
or (equal
sell (receive money from others for promotions).
If{ei} not (and also) the
one having the Mark X (John Mark). (In apposition) the
Name(Brother James as the David) of the
Beast (Simon Magus).
(equal alternative) the
Number (Nun for grade 8 novices of Therapeuts,
Apollos) of the
Name (Jesus) of him (Apollos the Number).
13:17. In January 41 AD the emperor Caligula,
whose insanity was now seen as a threat to Roman power, was assassinated,
stabbed to death in a narrow Rome alley by a combination of men from all
factions. Advice had been sent by Jews, including Simon Magus. When the news
reached Judea, Simon was again hailed as a hero. John Mark and James returned to him in Caesarea, leaving Jesus
with Apollos in Antioch. They were thus
losing their Jewish Christian element.
JANUARY 44 AD (For A(ii))
44 AD is covered in both Part A (i)10:6-11 and A (ii) 13:18, from different
Revelation 13:18 - Part A (ii)
Wednesday January 1, 44 AD. At
the Qumran council for the schism.
13:18. Following the legal separation
of Magian schools from Christian ones at the decisive council of January 44 AD,
Simon’s schools were condemned through the use of a numerical conundrum 666, derived from the Hebrew letters for their stages of education.
Revelation 13:18
13:18 Hōde hē sophia estin. ho echōn noun psēphisatō ton arithmon tou thēriou arithmos gar anthrōpou estin. kai ho arithmos autou hexa kosiou hexēkonta hex 13:18
(in the front part of the congregation of the synagogue for leaders) the
Wisdom(female teacher Helena)
(becomes). The one (Simon Magus)
having nous knowledge1 (monastic,
higher than abbeys), let him
count (work out the meaning of the
Number (grade expressed by Hebrew letters) of the
(genitive, Simon Magus).
For (graduates)it
is (becomes) a
Number (Hebrew letter) of a
Men{anthrōpos} (genitive, initiation makes a
And the
Number (Hebrew letter) of him (the one
having nous knowledge, Simon Magus)
666 (derived from the use of Hebrew
letters for numbers: 400 for Taw, 200 for Resh, 60 for Samekh; 6 for Waw).
13:18. This conundrum depends on knowledge of the
Hebrew alphabet and of the use of the Hebrew letters for the stages of Magian
education. It was a way of condemning the Diaspora Essene monastic
schools of Simon Magus, which after January 44 AD became legally separate from
the Christian schools. The Magian moral standard was low, and the enclosed monasteries were hotbeds of conspiracy against Rome.
The number 666 was a play on Hebrew letters for
the educational grades in Magian monasteries. Hebrew letters were used also for numbers. The letter Taw, the last one in the Hebrew alphabet, was used for 400. Resh was used for 200. Taw and Resh together add up to 600. A letter further back
in the alphabet, Samekh, was used for 60.Then further back still came the letter Waw meaning 6. Waw is frequently
used with initials, and is found with an initial in the DSS (CD 4:10). So the
combination Taw-Resh-Samekh -Waw adds up to 666.
When monastic students reached the highest grades
they were given the Hebrew letter Taw, which was the last in the alphabet, so
they could go no higher. The archaic form of Taw was used, in the shape of X,
worn on the phylactery on the forehead.
Ezekiel 9:4 shows its use in the 6th
century BC. CD 19:12 (in the added
fragment Text B) says that the Taw is to be worn in anticipation of a coming fall of Jerusalem. They had in mind
the anticipated destruction of 70 AD, which would be brought about by the
Magian zealot militants.
A year after the student graduated, he went on to
become a sanctuary minister, in the lowest third of the sanctuary, where the
three divisions were marked Taw, Shin, Resh So as experiencing both Taw and
Resh he was a 600.
When he received his primary initiation at the age of 23, he entered grade 7
which was denoted by the letter Samekh. It was used for 60, so he had
experienced 660.
Then, to bind these numbers together, the letter
Waw was used, as was customary with initials. It was used for 6, so the whole
system was denoted by 666.
MARCH 44 AD (For A(ii))
March 44 AD is covered in both Parts A (i)
11:1-13 and more briefly here in A (ii) 14:1-5.
MARCH 1, 44 AD
Revelation 14:1 - Part A (ii)
Midnight beginning Sunday March 1, 44 AD. The Cenacle building in Jerusalem, in the same shape as the Qumran
14:1. In the tolerant reign of Claudius (41-54 AD), it became
possible for the mission to operate from Jerusalem. It worked from there in a
Jewish Christian form. Gentiles had become so fully integrated with Jews under
the influence of Jesus that a Gentile monastic, John Mark, as 144000 was head
of all celibates in a role equal to
cardinal. Matthew Annas kept both sides together: Christian and Jewish Christian.
Revelation 14:1
14:1 Kai eidon, kai idou to arnion hestos epi to oros Ziōn, kai met autou hekaton tesserakonta tessares chiliades echousai to onoma autou kai to onoma tou patros autou gegrammenon epi tōn metōpon autōn 14:1 And
I (James Niceta in the west guest recorder’s seat on the prayer platform of the
Cenacle building)
saw{eidon} (to the east center seat on row 4). And
Lamb (Jesus)
standing (as a leader)
upon (with
accusative, on same position) the
Mount Zion (name for the Cenacle
building on Mount Zion in Jerusalem). And
With{meta} (meta with genitive, equal to) him (the Lamb)
144000 (total Jewish Christian celibate membership led by John Mark)
having (as possession) the
Name (of Jesus as
the David) of him (Jesus as Lamb).
And the
Name (Brother James) of the
(Matthew Annas) of him (Jesus, superior to Matthew Annas)
written (as scripture)
upon of
(west side of) the
foreheads (plu rep. phylactery) of them (the 144000
John Mark as Jewish Christian).
14:1. Brother James had become the Jewish
Christian bishop of Jerusalem in 40 AD
(Recognitions of Clement 1, 43). John Mark, who had left Antioch with him, was also
Jewish Christian wearing the phylactery. John Mark as head of all permanent
celibates, Jewish or Gentile, was called the 144000. They looked to Jerusalem
as their spiritual home, as was possible under the tolerant emperor Claudius.
They were no longer in hiding at Qumran, unless there was political danger.
In the original financial plan Herod the Great had divided his potential
world kingdom into 12 provinces of the known world. Of these, 10 were Jewish
and were to be taxed. Each one was to bring in 1 talent annually , that is 6000
half-shekels. Following
Exodus 30:15 the half-shekel was to be paid at the
Feast of Atonement, the occasion when sins were atoned for and forgiveness was
granted. It was a small amount, intended for the upkeep of the religious
institution. It was, however, the forerunner of the later Christian system of
indulgences. Jesus objected strongly to the payment of money for religious
There remained 2 provinces additional to the 10.
These were for Gentiles, who not being Jewish could not benefit from the Jewish
Day of Atonement. They were admitted as adherents, but were not taxed. They
were “saved by grace”, that is freely, without payment. But their privileges
were limited.
Because of the attractiveness of the Herodian
mission to the pagan world , the numbers of Gentiles were becoming very large,
and they were demanding equality with Jews. Monastics, not owning property, did
not pay any money. Gentiles practiced
community of property like Essene monastics. That fact, together with the
attractiveness of the discipline to Hellenist celibates, led to a great
increase in their numbers. There was no real difference in the discipline of
Jewish and Gentile monastics. The step was then taken of making the 2 Gentile provinces equal to the 10 Jewish provinces. In each
one there 12000 permanent monastics, so a total of 144000 in all. John Mark, a talented Gentile, close to
Jesus, was appointed head of the total of 144000 permanent celibates, without
distinction between Jew and Gentile.
These celibates were now classed as Jewish Christian. They wore the Jewish phylactery at
the center of their forehead, a small leather box containing copies of the
Torah, but additionally, on the left side, Greek letters referring to Jesus.
Jesus was by right of birth the patriarch of
Gentiles, as his grandfather Jacob-Heli had been. Matthew Annas since his
dismissal as high priest in 43 AD had become the permanent Priest to the whole
mission, their “God” as well as abbot. His primary motive was to keep Jews and
Christians together, whereas Jesus was separating from Jews. There was a
difference between them, which Matthew Annas, the Pope of Peace, dealt with by
maintaining both definitions. Jesus was a Priest to Gentiles, and so was
superior to Matthew, and Matthew was the Priest to the Jewish Brother James.
MARCH 1, 44 AD
Revelation 14:2 - Part A (ii)
Sunday March 1, 44 AD, noon and 3: 35 pm. At the Cenacle building in Jerusalem
14:2 Four leaders of Christian
celibates led prayers from noon on the platform of the Cenacle building in
Jerusalem. Orchestral music
accompanying Psalms was played from 3:35 pm.
Revelation 14:2
14:2kai ēkousa phōnēn ek tou ouranou hōs phōnēn hydatōn pollōn kai hōs phōnēn brontēs megalēs, kai hē phōnē hēn ēkousa hōs kitharōdōn kitharizontōn en tais kithrais autōn.
On the platform (cover closed)
Row 3 | Jesus the Lamb represented by John Mark |
Row 4 |
James Niceta |
Theophilus Annas Voice |
Matthew Annas (noon) Voice |
Row 5 |
Music Thomas Herod playing harp 3:35pm |
Row 7 |
Row 7 |
John Mark Voice 3:35 pm |
Barnabas Voice as levite |
14:2 And
I (James Niceta at the west guest recorder seat on row 4 of the platform)
(coming up from row 7 at to the east
of the noon opening) a
Voice (Barnabas, a levite
Acts 4:36)
a Voice of Many Waters (Theophilus Annas on the west footstool , the levite to Matthew Annas, teacher of Gentiles receiving the
second class of baptism).
And as (and) a
Voice (levite or
equivalent) of
Great Thunder (Matthew Annas as Cloud and Thundercloud on
the east footstool, wearing a white surplice over a black cassock)
(After the closing of the cover, 3:35 pm) And
Voice (John Mark now at the edge of the platform) which I (James Niceta)
heard (sound coming up
from the edge of the platform)
(and) of
harpers playing harps (Thomas Herod in the music row 5, at the
time for OT psalms accompanied by music
in (same row as)
the harps (literal) of them (RLR to the 144000 v. 1).
14:2. The Psalms of David were part of the
Writings, the third division of the Old Testament after the Law and the
Prophets. They were intended to be sung to music in the temple. They were now
sung by the ascetics who had separated from the temple, to the accompaniment of
an orchestra on row 5. Thomas Herod as a musician played the harp.
The Therapeuts of Egypt had introduced music into
their meetings (Philo, The Contemplative Life 83-84).
The noon opening at the edge of the platform,
called Heaven, was preserved in all buildings.When Gentiles
were given equality, an extra 30 minutes were added to the 3 hours.The chief Gentile celibate, John
Mark, who had presided from noon, came forward to the edge and signaled the
time for starting the music at 3:35 pm.
MARCH 1, 44 AD
Revelation 14:3 - Part A (ii)
Sunday March 1, 44 AD, 6 pm and 9:35 pm. At the Cenacle building in Jerusalem
14:3 At the start of the evening meal
and at its close, a Jewish Christian hymn was sung, led from the platform.
Revelation 14:3
14:3 kai adousn hōs ōdēn kainēn enōpion tou thronou kai enōpion tōn tessarōn zoōn kai tōn presbyterōn. kai oudeis edunato mathein tēn ōdēn ei mē hai hekaton tesserakonta tessares chiliades, hoi egoramenoi apo tēs gēs 14:3 And they (RLR to 144000 John Mark v 1
representing Jesus on row 3 at noon)
sing (led a choir singing) a
(New Covenant Jewish Christian)
song (hymn)
(enpion north row 3) of the
throne (footstool row 4).And
(enōpion north row 3) the
4 Living Creatures (Living
Creature 4, the Lion of the south, Apollos conducting the orchestra from the east footstool). And of the
(Brother James on the west footstool).
And(at 6 pm the evening meal)
No One (Brother James as a deacon Nemo on row 7)
able (had the power) to
learn (as a Christian disciple) the
song (Jewish Christian hymn)
except (if not, and also)
the 144000. (John Mark representing Jesus on row 3).
(In apposition) The
Ones bought (Brother
James paid a missionary’s salary at the
end of the service)
from (at the distant limit of, on the platform) the
Earth (the central point of the
X on the ground floor for the abbey system and the congregation) .
14:3. At the evening meal and at its close, a
Jewish Christian hymn was led by the
two Jewish Christians, Brother James
and John Mark.
Mark 14:26 records the closing hymn. The hymns were sung by the
congregation on the ground floor and led from the upper floor by John Mark and James, with Apollos conducting the orchestra. The service finally ended at 9:35 pm. Brother
James at the end was paid his
missionary’s salary. As shown in
1 Corinthians 9:5, a married missionary whose wife traveled with him as a Sister had
to support her and his family. Some , such as Barnabas and Paul, chose to work
for a living at a trade in Diaspora cities. Brother James and Peter (Cephas)
accepting a salary paid from the mission funds, were called by their critics
“bought ones”, as here, or “hired servants” as in
Mark 1:20,
Matthew 20:1-16.
MARCH 1, 44 AD
Revelation 14:4 - Part A (ii)
Midnight ending Sunday March 1, 44 AD. At the Cenacle building in
14:4. Only celibates were present at the night vigil. They included
Revelation 14:4
 | 14:4houtoi eisin hoi meta gynaikō n ouk emolynthē san, parthenoi gar eisin. houtoi hoi akolouthountes tō arniō hopou an hypagē. houtoi ēgorasthēsan apo tōn anthrōpōn aparchē to theōo kai tō arniō 14:4
These Ones (permanent monastic celibates led by John Mark)
are (become)
ones who
With{meta} (with genitive equal to)
Women (Helena the chief Woman beside Mary) were not defiled not having sex). (In apposition)
Virgins (masculine
form, males not having sex) they (These Ones John Mark)
are (become).
(In apposition)
These Ones (Barnabas)are
the ones
following (acting as a levite to) the
Lamb (Jesus),
the where (row 6 on the ground floor) he (the Lamb)
leads under (to the
ground floor at the table for the abbey night vigil).
These Ones(Brother James as a teacher of proselytes) were
bought (paid a salary)
from(at the far limit) the
Men{anthrōpos} (genitive, Agrippa I as the Adam to
proselytes in their Eden schools), as
first-fruits (tithes paid by
proselytes, used to pay Brother James)) to
God (Matthew Annas who also
accepted circumcised proselytes). And to the
Lamb (Jesus as Matthew’s
deputy, not accepting circumcised proselytes).
14:4. Three classes of celibates were present at
the evening meal: permanent monastics led by John Mark; individual celibates of
Dan led by Barnabas as levite to Jesus;
and circumcised proselytes led by Brother James,paying tithes used to pay him,
in the Eden school of Agrippa I. Jesus when in the married state was one of
those working for a living, as a carpenter
(Mark 6:3).
MARCH 2, 44 AD
Revelation 14:5 - Part A (ii)
Monday March 2, 44 AD, 3 am In the abbey attached to the Cenacle
14:5. At the close of the meeting
participants went on their way as pilgrims, given a glass of water. No member of
Simon Magus’ party was present. Brother James was present in a dynastic celibate state.
Revelation 14:5
14:5 kai en tō stomati autōn ouch heurethē pseudos, amōmoi eisin 14:5 And
in(same row as) the
(the 3 am cup of water for pilgrims and
proselytes) of them (RLR to Brother James) there was
not found (not included in
the meeting) a
False One (Herod of Chalcis with Simon Magus). They (RLR to Brother James) are
(wearing a white surplice as at present in the dynastic celibate state).
14:5. The service ended at 3 am,
when participants leaving were treated as pilgrims and given a glass of water
by Peter. Herod of Chalcis and his party, who were engaged in plotting against
Agrippa I, were not included with the Jewish Christians.Brother James wearing a
white surplice as living at present without sex was included with celibates.
The assassination
of Agrippa I near the end of March 44 AD is not covered in Part A(ii). It has
been obliquely referred to in Part A (i) 11: 7