Saturday January 1, 113 AD. Concerning the Vatican building.
Revelation 21:19 The seating for the
cogregation is described, 12 married men who gave money to the mission, who sat
in pews with their wives.
Revelation 21:19 
| 21:19. hoi themelioi tou teiuchous tēs poleōs panti
lithō timiō kekosmēmenoi. ho themelios ho prōtos iaspis,
hodeuteros sapphiros, ho tritos chalckēdōn, ho tetartos smaragdos,
| 21:19. The
foundations of the
wall of the
adorned, for
stone of
price. The
foundation the
jasper, the
second sapphire, the
third agate, the fourth emerald,
21:19 There was a congregation of
12 married men, using the emblem of a jewel because it was the money they gave
that supported the monastery. They could sit with their wives in pews, 3 sets
along the row, with 2 aisles between, and 2 cubits between each row of pews,
allowing space to kneel. The congregation thus consisted of 24 married persons,
the 12 men only being named for giving the money.
The pews began on row 15, but their leaders came forward to instruct
them from row 13, that of the Foundation, where the emblems were depicted to
honor those who had given to the mission. The chief married man was Antipas
Herod III, a Christian, who was made a congregation leader for the sake of retaining
Jewish Christians, who still paid membership fees.
The arrangement of the pews was: |
R15 | 3rd agate | 1st jasper | 2nd sapphire |
R18 | 6th carnelian | 4th emerald | 5th onyx |
R21 | 9th topaz | 7th chrysolite | 8th beryl |
R24 | 12th amethyst | 10th chrysoprase | 11th jacinth
Saturday January 1, 113 AD. Concerning the Vatican building.
Revelation 21:20 Continuing the emblems of the men in the congregation.
Revelation 21:20 
| 21:20. ho pemptos sardonyx, ho hektos sardion, ho hebdomos chrysolithos, ho ogdoos bērylllos,
ho henatos topazion, ho dekatos chrysoprasos, ho hendekatos hyakinthos, ho dōdekatos amethystos.
| 21:20. the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the
eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.
21:20. As above, v. 19.
Saturday January 1, 113 AD. Concerning the Vatican building.
Revelation 21:21 The positions of females were defined, Homosexuals were given a lesser place, classed as novices unable to receive communion.
Revelation 21:21 
| 21:21.
kai hoi dōdeka pylōnes dōdeka margaritai
ana heis hekastos tōn pylōnōn ēn ex henos margaritou. kai hē
plateia tēs poleōs chrysion katharon hōs hyalos diaugēs
| 21:21. And the 12
gates 12
up 1
Each of the
was (past tense west)
out of 1
pearl. And the
street{plateia} (fem.) of the
glass transparent.
21:21. Women were given a place as
leaders of the congregation on row 13, where the wife had sat with the husband
in village houses, The emblem of the woman teacher was the pearl of Wisdom. It
was an advance, because they had previously been limited to outside. A
homosexual was given a position in the seat of a novice , but could not be
given communion. A woman teacher, a Virgin, could come up to the west center of
row 10 to receive communion. at the rail made of gold. The glass roof was above
her also, symbolising the enlightenment of education.
Tuesday March 1, 113 AD. Concerning the Vatican building.
Revelation 21:22 Married ministers were permitted by Pope Alexander I to officiate in outside houses.
Revelation 21:22 
| 21:22. Kai naon ouk eidon en autē , ho gar kyrios ho theos ho pantokratōr
naos autēs estin, kai to arnion.
| 21:22. And a
sanctuary I did
see{eidon} (past tense, west) in it (fem. RLR to street v. 21),
for the
God the
All-seizing a
sanctuary of it (street)
is (present tense center). And the
21:22. Women were not permitted to
be ordained as sanctuary priests. Pope Alexander I did, however, allow married
men like Antipas Herod to be ministers in non-monastic places under his
authority. For that reason the Pope with a Herod house was called pantokratōr.
Jesus III while preparing for marriage would associate with married men.
Tuesday March 1, 113 AD. Concerning the Vatican building.
Revelation 21:23 Christian monasteries did not use the Essene solar
calendar, nor the Essene system of tithes for welfare. It used the moon for
setting the dates of Easter. Women did not have to stay away from church when
they were menstruating. Men were given a higher standard of education.
Revelation 21:23 
| 21:23. kai hē polis ou chreian echei tou hēliou
oude tēs selēnēs, hina phainōsin autē , hē gar
doxa tou theou ephōtisen autēn, kai ho lychnos autēs to
| 21:23. And the
city has (present tense center) a
need of the
neither of the
Moon, in order that they (RLR to Pearl 12 v. 21) might appear (phainosin 3rd plu pres subj.) to it (fem, city ),
for the
Glory of
God en
light{phōs} (past tense west) it (city). And the
light{lychnos} of it (city) the
21:23. The Christian monastery gave charity but did not have
a welfare system depending on tithes, as the Essene solarists had done, because it had abolished tithing as a Jewish practice. It used the lunisolar calendar, and would develop it so as to observe
the moon in setting the date of Easter. Women did not have to keep away from
church at their times of menstruation. Celibate men were given a higher
standard of education by the Pope. Jesus III taught at night, when a
reproduction of the Menorah was.used for lighting.
Tuesday March 1, 113 AD. In Britain, probably at Glastonbury.
Revelation 21:24 The next few verses give interesting facts of British Christian history. In March 113 AD a proselyte of the
43 AD mission by Jews to Britain who had ministered there in the Jewish ascetic form was
succeeded by a fully Christian leader who celebrated Easter just 70 years after
the Jewish foundation.
Revelation 21:24 
| 21:24. kai peripatēsousin ta ethnē dia tou photos autēs. kai hoi
basileis tēs gēs pherousin tēn doxan autōn eis autēn.
| 21:24 And the
Gentiles will
walk (future tense east)
through (+ genitive) the
light{phōs} of it (fem, RLR to city v. 23). And the
kings of the
Earth bring (present tense center) the
Glory of them (RLR to Gentiles)
at it (fem city v 23).
21:24. Agrippa II as the "Noah" had been replaced by a Roman
Gentile who was head of the order of Japheth. He was a successor of Luke, who
had presumably perished in 64 AD, as Acts ends abruptly in 63 AD. A later head
of Japheth arrived in Britain in 113 AD and made a previous Jewish settlement Christian. He
acted in a priestly role as the Light of the world, as Jesus I had done
(John 8:12).
In 43 AD the emperor Claudius with the help of the youthful
Vespasian had established Roman settlements in Britian. With the Roman forces
came the Jewish ascetic mission in its pre-Christian form, bent on making
proselytes to Judaism throughout the world. For them, Britain was "the last place of
the Earth"
(Acts 1:8). Britain was well known to eastern Jews, as is shown by several references in Josephus.
In the 40's AD the authority from home over such distant western
places was James the brother of Jesus, using the title Joseph as that of the
David crown prince. He was Joseph of Arimathea of the crucifixion story and
Joseph Barsabbas Justus of
Acts 1:23.
His name remained associated with the British tradition.
This early establishment, which subsequently became
Christian, is the one referred to in the account of the British monk Gildas,
which has been thought to be unreliable because of its early date. Gildas was a
sixth century British monk who lived at Glastonbury, and who on going to
Brittany wrote a book about current problems in Britain. Speaking of his country's
past, he wrote that "the holy precepts of Christ" had come to "these islands,
stiff with cold and frost, and in a distant region of the the
latter part, as we know, of the reign of Tiberius Caesar". Tiberius died in 37
AD. Gildas was either a little mistaken and meant the invasion of Claudius in
43 AD, or some missionaries had come following Julius Caesar.
In 67 AD in Jerusalem Agrppa II had showed in a speech that
he knew about the Roman invasion of Britain. "Consider what a wall of defence had the Britons...The ocean
surrounds them, they inhabit an island no less in extent than the part of the
world in which we live; yet the Romans crossed the sea and enslaved them, and
four legions now secure that vast island." He was referring to the invasion of
Claudius in 43 AD.
From March 1, 43 AD to March 1, 113 AD it was just 70 years, a fact that would not escape the
attention of the writers of Revelation. They knew that at the latter date the
first Christian Easter was to be celebrated by a Roman Christian in Britain, who took over from
the celibate proselyte who had previously ruled there. The building became a
reproduction of the Christian monastery,
It would be at this stage that the Grail legend began,
interpreting the cup of wine as the chalice of the Last Supper. It would have
simply been a local gold cup, but on the theory of reproduction it would be
revered as the actual cup.
Tuesday March 1, and Friday March 25, 113 AD, In Britain, probably at Glastonbury.
Revelation 21:25 The proselyte who had previously led the Jewish mission in
Britain was excluded from the Christian ministry.
Revelation 21:25 
| 21:25. kai hoi pylōnes autēs ou mē kleisthōsin
hēmeras, nyx gar ouk estai ekei.
| 21:25. And the
gates of it (fem city vv 23, 24)
not-not are closed (aorist subjunctive) of
Night not
will be (future negative, so present)
21:25 The proselyte who had led
the British Jewish settlement was prevented from officiating. He retained the
solar calendar, which was in the Day position on March 1, but changed to the
Night position on Friday March 25. He was thus observing Passover at a
different time from the Christian Easter.
Friday March 25, 113 AD, In Britain, probably at Glastonbury.
Revelation 21:26 The proselyte continued Jewish practices, acting as a priest at the celibate noon meal, and charging Herodian initiation fees, which he demanded from the Christian head of Japheth.
Revelation 21:26 
| 21:26. kai oisousin tēn doxan. kai tēn timēn
tōn ethnōn eis autēn.
| 21:26. And they (RLR to Kings of Earth, v 24) will bring (future tense east) the
Glory. And the
price of the
at it (fem the Glory).
21:26. The proselyte continued the Jewish practice of
separating priests from the laity, with a celibate as priest at the place of
the Glory under the light from above. He kept the Jewish rules for Fridays, and
charged initiation fees under the Herodian system, demanding them from the
Christian. He insisted - with good historical reason - that the building had
been established by the Herodian mission.
Friday March 25, 113 AD. In Britain, probably at Glastonbury.
Revelation 21:27 Rivalry between the two kinds of missions continued for some
time. The British settlement was visited by Antipas Herod IV, giving ministry
to married men. A pagan Briton acted in ministry. A false Herod claimant
opposed Antipas, demanding the Herodian fees. But the leadership was taken over
by enrolled Christians. Their membership list was kept in Rome by Jesus III.
Revelation 21:27 
| 21:27. kai
ou mē eiselthē eis autēn pan koinon kai poiōn bdelygma
kai pseudos ei mē hoi gegrammenoi en tō bibliō tēs zōēs
tou arniou.
| 21:27. And
comes at{erchomai}
at it (fem, RLR to it fem v.26 Glory). And the one
abomination. And
if not the ones
in the
book (neuter form) of
Life of the
21:27. The British settlement was visited by Antipas Herod IV,
for married men. A pagan Briton acted in ministry. A Herod claimant was also
there, demanding the Herodian fees. But the leader was a full Christian whose
name was in the membership list of Christian initiates that belonged to Jesus
III, kept in Rome.
Midnight beginning Wednesday June 1, 113 AD. At the Vatican building, in the triangular area to the east of the monastery.
Revelation 22:1 Back in Rome, the birthday and wedding of Jesus III were to be
celebrated at midnight. A triangular area with pillar bases had been established
east of the Vatican monastery, for the exclusion of Jews and proselytes from
the Christian sacred meal.
Revelation 22:1 
| 22:1. Kai
edeixen moi potamon hydatos zōēs lampron hōs krystallon
ekporeuomenon ek tou thronou kai tou arniou
| 22:1. And it (RLR to book with
diagram at lectern 21:27 ) showed me(John III, past tense west) a
river of
water of
Life ,
out of the
throne of
God. And of the
22:1 At midnight beginning Wednesday June 1, 113 AD, the birthday of
Jesus III aged 36 began. It was to be the occasion of his wedding at midnight. That fact is only
indirectly given, as the full treatment of the wedding of his father Jesus
Justus had been given in 19:7-9. Jesus III began as the Lamb in the celibate
The return of the pillar bases
for exclusion, but for Jews.
The buildng on the Vatican site had restored
some of the features that characterised the Qumran monastery. Its triangular area east of the vestry, loc 100,
had contained the two pillar bases. The north base was used as the first point
of entry for those qualified for the sacred meals, and as the place of
exclusion for those who were not qualified. It used Eden imagery for Gentiles,
who were kept outside the Jewish sacred meals, so the aqueduct that bound it
was likened to the river in the garden of Eden
(Genesis 2:10). The north base had stood for
the circumcision requirement, as only Jews passed the test, but it had been
overthrown in 72 AD by the abbot John II(Rev 18:21). It was now restored, but with
an opposite meaning. The north base, likened to the Tree of Life in the Eden imagery, was the
starting point for initiated Christians to enter their sacred meal in the Vatican monastery, and the
exclusion point for Jews and proselytes.
The aqueduct in the Qumran loc 100
had run down from the well beside the east wall of the vestry down to row 4
just above a door, then had branched out at an angle to form the boundary of
the triangular area.
Figure 1. The Qumran buildings
Rows 3 and 4 inside the vestry had contained
the throne for the priest on the prayer platform, so the aqueduct "came out of
(east of) the throne of God". In the new monastic arrangement at the Vatican a channel of fresh
water for baptisms ran at the extended rows 6 and 7 to which the throne had been
brought down. So this "river" again came "out of the throne of God". The water
was likened to crystal because the Tiber river had two different kinds of water, called the Sea for
sewerage on its west side and the River for drinkable water on its east side.
The Tiber Island divided them. The Vatican site had been on the
western side, so it had to be emphsised that it now used fresh water for baptisms.
12:05 am Wednesday June 1, 113 AD. In the triangular area east of the Vatican building.
Revelation 22:2 The functions of the renewed pillar bases are described.
Revelation 22:2 
| 22:2.
en mesō tēs plateias autēs kai tou potamou enteuthen kai
ekeithen xylon zōēs poioun karpous dōdeka, kata mēna
hekaston apodidoun ton karpon autou, kai ta phylla tou xylou eis therapeian tōn
| 22:2.
In a
middle of the
street{plateia} of it (fem, RLR to
Glory 21:26, 27). And of the
hence. And
thence a
tree of
fruits 12 , according to a
Each One
from-giving the
fruit of him (Each One), And the
leaves of the
Tree (north base)
Healing{therapeuō} of the
22:2. The cubit in front of the
north base was called the street, because those entering and leaving the sacred
meal walked along it. On the circular north base, 1 cubit in diameter - giving
the standard for the 18 inch cubit used by the Essenes - its east side was for
placing tokens of fees from the east and its west side for fees from the west.
The east side, called enteuthen had been for the temple tax that had
gone to a bishop or higher.Its west side, called ekeithen was for
tihes for a lesser man, the prebyter-judge, according to the monthly tithing
system set out in CD 14:11-15. At the crucifixion, the terms enteuthen kai
enteuthen were used for the cross of the Priest, Simon Magus and the
cross of the Levite Judas Iscariot, both receiving higher fees, to disguise
the fact that Jesus was not on the central cross
(John 19:18). In the present verse
the ekeithen part on the west is said to make "fruits 12": Proselytes paid
tithes once a month according to the tithing rule .Their fees were counted as
"fruits" of the mission field.
The word mēn means that
it was the 1st of the Julian month, the version for those using the Julian
calendar. Therapeuts being poor gave very little, in the lowest of the three
coinages gold, silver and copper. The Chief Therapeut Apollos in Paul's day had
been called by him "Alexander the coppersmith"
(2 Timothy 4:14).
Their money was likened to the leaves of the tree rather than its fruit, and it was given for foreign
mission to places such as Britain.
Wednesday June 1 , 113 AD, 1 am. In the Vatican abbey.
Revelation 22:3 Following the wedding of Jesus III in the monastery, the
wedding party moved to the abbey at 1
am for the wedding banquet. Pope Alexander
in more relaxed mode joined in, presiding. After a reassurance that he was
still in the leadership, Jesus III moved forward to sit beside his bride,
acknowledging that he was now a married man.
Revelation 22:3 
| 22:3.
kai pan katathema ouk estai eti. kai ho thronos tou theou kai tou arniou en
autē estai, kai hoi douloi autou latreusousin autō,
22:3. And
curse not
will be (not future outside east so present in center)
still. And the
Throne of
God. And of the
Lamb in it (fem, RLR to Healing fem v 2) will
(future tense east outside ). And the
slaves of it (RLR throne ) will
revere to it ( throne)
22:3. The wedding of Jesus III
took place at midnight in the monastery, but is not described. The service lasted
an hour, and at 1 am the wedding party went across to the abbey building on the
east, the reproduction of the Qumran outer hall loc 77. The future tenses indicate their change
of place. The table for an actual meal was now placed in the central panel, on
rows 8 and 9. The wedding banquet took place there. It was attended by Pope Alexander
I in relaxed mode, not wearing ceremonial vestments.In the chariot imagery the
Throne of God could travel and he would be sitting under its northern end on
row 6. He sat beside the Chief Therapeut as the host at the abbey.
Jesus III, still in the celibate
state of the Lamb, at first sat as a deputy to the Priest-Pope on the east of
center of row 6, to show that he was still in the leadership. Then he acknowledged
that he was now in the married state, so one of the "slaves". He came forward
to row 7, to sit with his bride at the table. As married men did, he gave a
gift to the Priest-Pope for the work of the Church.
In the abbey at its SW corner,
that of the "filthy" wheel for Sinners, sat Hyrcanus the younger brother of
Bernicianus. He had only been "cursed" not "killed"as the excommunicated
Bernicianus had been. Hyrcanus had been invited to the wedding to show a
Herodian presence.
Wednesday June 1, 113 AD. 3 am. In the Vatican abbey.
Revelation 22:4 At 3 am the party left the abbey. Jesus III was to go out
to live in a private house with his wife. To ensure his admission to the
communion, he was given a discreet Christian emblem to wear at the join of his
Roman headdress, a garland, at the left side.
Revelation 22:4 
| 22:4. kai opsontai to prosōpon autou, kai to onoma autou epi tōn metōpōn
| 22:4 And they (RLR to slaves v. 3 ) will
see{eidon} (future tense east outside ) the
face of it (RLR to throne v. 3 ). And the
Name of it (throne)
upon of the
foreheads of them (slaves).
22:4 At 3 am at the end of the banquet Jesus III went down
to row 10, looking up across the 2 cubit table to row 7 where the "face" of
the Heavenly Man was imagined. He was about to go out into the world to live
privately, so would be using a new, ordinary name, not a dynastic title. To
ensure that he would still be admitted to the Christian communion, he was
given a Christian symbol to wear on his headdress, a badge at the join of a
garland over his left ear.
Wednesday June 1, 113 AD, noon. In the Vatican monastery.
Revelation 22:5 At noon Jesus III as a married man took communion from the
Priest-Pope in the monastery, but only at the east of center. He would earn his
own living and would act as archbishop to married members outside.
Revelation 22:5 
| 22:5. kai nyx ouk estai eti. kai ouk echousin chreian phōtos lychnou kai phōtos
hēliou, hoti kyrios ho theos phōtisei ep autous, kai basileusousin
eis tous aiōnas tōn aiōnōn.
| 22:5. And
night not
will be (not future tense so present)
still. And they (RLR to slaves v4, Jesus III ) do not
have (present tense center) a
need of a
light{phōs}of a
lamp. And of a
light{phōs} of a
Sun, that a
God will
lighten{phōs} (future tense east )
upon them (+ accusative, slaves). And they (slaves) will be
kings (future tense east )
at the
aeons of the
22:5. At noon the same day Jesus III began to act as a married man
receiving communion in the monastery, His place was on row 10 the top step, and
that of the Pope on row 9 behind the communion rail. The light hanging above
the rail represented the different kinds of lights used by the Essenes, the
Glory for a celibate at noon, the Light (phos) for the Zadokite high priest the
Sun, the Light of the World the Menorah for the David.
Jesus III "did not have a Need", that is he was not supported
by married men on row 13 who still observed the tithing system used to help
Therapeuts. He would earn his own living while he was outside, presumably using
the skills of a carpenter that were traditional in his family.
The future tenses in the verse mean that both the Pope and
Jesus III moved from the center to east of center at the communion rail. Jesus
III received communion as a layman, a subordinate, not in the center. He was
there a "king", a graduate of grade 3, meaning that he had been made an
archbishop to members in the outside world.
June 1, 113 AD, was the date called
the "aeons of the aeons", meaning June 1 before the following January 1, the
7th year of a ruler. In June 106 AD, Pope Alexander I had begun his reign at
the death of Agrippa II (20:11) and it was now his 7th year in power.
Wednesday June 1 , 113 AD, 1 pm. In the Vatican monastery.
Revelation 22:6 At 1 pm Pope Alexander went to the lectern. He appointed his
abbot to instruct Jesus III in the Essene rules for sex, including abstention
for 3 months after the wedding.
Revelation 22:6 
| 22:6. Kai eipen moi, Houtoi hoi logoi pistoi kai alēthinoi, kai ho kyrios, ho theos tōn pneumatōn tōn prophētōn
apesteilen ton angelon autou deixai tois doulois autou ha dei genesthai en
| 22:6. He (RLR to Lord God v, 5)
said (past tense west) to me (John III) , "These the
faithful, And
truthful." And the
Lord, the
God of the
Spirits of the
Prophets, has
sent-from{apostellō} the
angel of him (God) to show to the
slaves (Jesus III) of him (angel) the things which (neuter plural) must
come about
22:6 The words of the speaker the
Pope extend only to alethinoi. The narrative resumes from that point.
At 1 pm Pope Alexander went to the lectern on
row 10. He said to John III beside him, "The younger brother of Jesus III is
appointed crown prince, until a son of his own is born. The crown prince is a
Christian." .
Pope Alexander at the lectern appointed
the substantive abbot John II, who as a "Gabriel" retained eastern traditions. He
was appointed to instruct Jesus III in the Essene rules for sex that were still
being observed, including that of abstention from sex for 3 months after the
Wednesday June 1, 113 AD, 1: 05 pm. In the Vatican monastery.
Revelation 22:7 John III began
his own promotion ceremony from row 13 at the foot of the steps. The Chief
Therapeut acted as guard and adviser to the David crown prince.
Revelation 22:7 
| 22:7. kai idou erchomai tachy. makarios ho tērōn
tous logous tēs prophēteias tou bibliou toutou.
| 22:7. And
see{eidon} I (John III)
come{erchomai} (present tense, center)
shortly. A
Blessed One is the one
keeping the
Words of the
prophecy of
22:7. At 1:05 pm John III began the ceremony of his own promotion from the
foot of the steps. On the east of the center of row 10 the Chief Therapeut, the
Blessed One, acted as guard and adviser to the David crown prince, who was taking
communion, replacing his brother as bishop. He obeyed the New Testament, called
This Book.
Wednesday June 1, 113 AD, 3 pm and 3:30 pm. In the Vatican monastery.
Revelation 22:8 John III had now
reached the age to become the abbot of Rome, replacing his father John II, aged 73. From 3 pm the Pope and
his father brought him through the promotion ceremony, starting at the foot of
the steps.
Revelation 22:8 
| 22:8. Kagō
Iōannēs ho akouōn kai blepōn tauta. kai hote ēkousa kai
eblepsa, epesa proskynēsai emprosthen tōn podōn tou angelou to
deiknyontos moi tauta.
| 22:8. And-
I John, the one
hearing. And
These things. And
when (hote I heard (past tense, west). And I
saw{blepō}, (past tense west), I
fell (past tense west) to
Before{emprosthen} of the
feet of the
angel (genitive)the one showing to me
These things.
22:8. John III had been born
January 82 AD, turning 30 in January 112, then, according to the rules for
abbots that had been observed by his father John II had to go through 18
months more until June 113 AD before being qualified to be a full abbot. The first
use of the title John here means that he became the next in a dynastic
As was the continuing practice in
the British Christian monarchy, honors with promotions were give on the king's
birthday. The king was Jesus III, and June 1 was his birthday. In the 7th year
of Pope Alexander I a payment of tribute to Rome was due, and John III as a sign of his promotion was
permitted to hand over the money on behalf of Jewish Christians. After a
half-hour prayer from 3 pm.,it was paid at 3:30 pm, the intermediate hour that
was observed by Jewish Christians
(Revelation 8:1).
John III began his progress on row
13 at the foot of the monastery steps, looking up through 3 cubits to the Pope
on row 9. It was on row 13 that the "feet", the jar for welfare tithes, had
been washed at the Last Supper
(John 13:5-6).The abbot John II his father,
aged 73, whom he was to replace, was instructing him in procedure from the center
of row 10. John III knelt in the place of the novice west of center, then reached
to center east beside the jar at center west. He was to pay the tribute out of
the money of Jewish Christians that was placed in the jar.
Wednesday June 1, 113 AD, 6 pm. In the Vatican abbey, the west panel
Revelation 22:9 At 6 pm the leaders went to the abbey for the evening meal. They
began at the west panel, which extended down into the congregation annxe, where
pilgrims were received. The relative status of the leaders in terms of celibacy
was preserved..
Revelation 22:9 
| 22:9. kai legei moi, Hora mē. syndoulos sou eimi kai tōn adelphōn sou
tōn prophētōn kai tōn tērountōn tous logous tou
bibliou toutou. tō theō proskynēson
| 22:9 And he (RLR to Blessed One v.7) says (present tense center) to me, "
see{eidon} not. I am a
with (syn) you. And of the
Brothers of you the
Prophets. And of those
keeping the
Words of
worship{proskyneō} to
22:9. At the evening meeting in the
abbey at 6 pm, in the west panel, the Chief Therapeut at the podium on row 9 said to John III
the new abbot on the row 10 podium, "Do not look down through 2 cubits to row
13, the first in the cogregation annexe, for the married. You and I are both
abbey celibates. The David crown prince, the brother of Jesus III is a lay
bisop, equal to a presbyter, and he belongs on row 11 below you. He reads from
the New Testament, advised by the deputy abbot.
Pay the septennial tribute through
Pope Alexander I, who will transmit it on behalf of Jewish Christians."
Tuesday September 6, 113 AD. In a private house in Rome.
Revelation 22:10 In September Jesus III was permitted by the Pope to begin the sexual part of his marriage.
Revelation 22:10 
| 22:10. kai legei moi, Mē sphragisēs tous
logous tēs prophēteias tou bibliou toutou, ho kairos gar engys estin
| 22:10. And he (RLR to God v. 9) says (present tense, center) to me (John III), "Do not
seal the
Words of the
prophecy of
for the
season is (present tense, center)
22:10. While acting as a married
man abstaining from sex Jesus III was equal to a pilgrim, a married man who
traveled to the abbey and stayed there for a short time, away from his wife.
As a pilgrim he acted at the times determined by the solar calendar, its new
moons and intercalations. A Christian pilgrim lived according to the New
Testament, but was expected to study only the Epistles, the second section
corresponding to the Prophets of the Old Testament, not the gospels-Acts
corresponding to the Law, the first five books. At this time his brother the
crown prince was actually superior to him, because he studied the gospels-Acts
as a lay bishop. Both men were now called Words, normally a term for the David
crown prince as a plu. rep., but Jesus III had to be called Words also.
The Epistles contained the advice
on marriage found in 1 Corinthians. It followed Essene principles by saying
that celiabcy was better, but there should not be the harsh requirement of a
long betrothal period, for it caused pre-nuptial conceptions as had happened in
the case of Jesus.
1 Corinthians 7:36 said,
"If anyone thinks that he is not behaving properly
towards his Virgin (a celibate woman in an Essene dynastic marriage), if his
passions are strong, and it has to be, let him do as he wishes, let them marry
- it is no sin."
At the intercalation date Tuesday
September 6, the one observed by pilgrims, Pope Alexander I said to the abbot
John III, "Do not require Jesus III to remain in a pilgrim status any longer.
Pilgrims come to the abbey, where they are sealed in by the iron door,
prevented from going either into the monastic life or back to their homes. Let
Jesus III not be sealed, but go out to a private house to begin the sexual part
of his marriage."
The Private house in Rome - St Clement's church.
It may be conjectured that the
private house where the couple lived was the one belonging to Clement, who had
become the bishop of Rome in 93 AD in the succession of Peter. It subsequently
became St Clement's church. It still stands, only a few blocks away from the Colosseum, which was built
by Jewish slaves. Its lowest floor, which may still be visited, contained a
shrine of Mithras used by the earliest occupants, and then it became Christian.
According to his books the Clementines , Clement as a young man in the reign of
Tiberius (died 37 AD) had heard the preaching of Barnabas in Rome, and had become a
Christian. He protected Barnabas in his house, then subsequently went to Caesarea in Judea,
where he heard the preaching of Peter and his disputes with Simon Magus. Clement was a friend of
the Christians long before he became bishop of Rome. Eusebius says it was
the same Clement as in
Philippians 4:3, so he was in Philippi in 61 AD when Paul's epistle to them was written.
Back in Rome in 64 AD, he would have given substantial help at the time
of Neo's persecution through his Roman connections, as he was the legitimate
son of members of the imperial court. He was the younger brother, born 10 AD,
of the illegitimate John Aquila and James Niceta. who were born 3 AD. He may
have helped to smuggle Jesus I into the catacombs when necessary, and at other
times looked after him in St Clement's.
114 AD
Midnight beginning Sunday January 1, 114 AD. In the Vatican abbey, central panel, at the "chariot wheels".
Revelation 22:11 Jesus III had now returned to a form of celibacy as his
wife was 3 months pregnant. Pope Alexander I decreed that the four chief missionaries to the outer parts of the world, NE, NW, SE and SW, should continue their work in a Christian form.
Revelation 22:11 
| 22:11.
ho adikōn adikēsatō eti, kai ho rhyparos hypanthētō eti, kai
ho dikaios dikaiosynēn poiēsatō eti, kai ho hagios hagiasthētō eti.
| 22:11. "Let one being non-
still be non-
righteous. And the
filthy one
still be
filthy. And let the
righteous one
still. And let the
holy one be
still (All verbs aorist imperative ).
22:11 The 4 foreign missionaries corresponding to the wheels of
the Diaspora chariot in the abbey began a new outreach to the world on January 1, 114 AD.
All four are classed as eti meaning a 13th, an outsider of the same status as a
female admitted as an extra to the sacred meal. Each of the four was head of a
category concerning sex - a Holy One a permanent celibate, a Righteous One an
abstaining married man, an Unrighteous One a man sexually active in marriage, a
Filthy One a Sinner guilty of one of the three "nets of Belial" = riches,
fornication, defilement of the temple.
The verse says that each should
remain "still", continue mission to the 4 directions of the world to which the
wheels pointed, NE, NW, SE and SW. The "filthy" category had once included
Gentiles, the Kittim, whose schools were on islands of the Mediterranean. Their
direction had now been extended to the islands of Gibraltar and Britain. The order from
Pope Alexander I was that mission to all directions was to continue, although
now with the purpose of making Christians, not Jewish proselytes.
The date of the decree is shown
by the difference in phrasing of the third, the Righteous One. He was to "do
righteousness", that is practice the abstaining form of celibacy. He was Jesus
III whose wife was now 3 months pregnant He was to return to a form of
celibacy according to the dynastic rule.
Figure 15B The Abbey.
Sunday January 1, 114 AD, 1:05 am. In the Vatican abbey.
Revelation 22:12 The missionaries were given money by the abbot and his treasurer to pay for their traveling expenses for the new campaign.
Revelation 22:12 
| 22:12. Idou erchomai
tachy, kai ho misthos mou met emou, apodounai hekastō hōs to ergon
estin autou.
22:12. "
see{eidon} I (John III as abbot)
come{erchomai} (present tense, center)
shortly. And the
reward of me
with (+ genitive) me, to
give-from to
Each One
as the
is (present tense, center) of him (Each One).
22:12. At 1 am the abbot John
III presided at the night vigil in the abbey. The foreign missionaries were
given a stipend for living expenses, called a "reward" for them as "hired
servants", not working for their living at a trade. It was now gven to them
for the new campaign. The missionary to the SW, the "filthy" direction, was a
homosexual, but he was to act as an abstaining Nazirite.
Sunday January 1, 114 AD, 3 am. In the Vatican abbey.
Revelation 22:13 A distinction was made between a celibate Pope, Alexander I, and a dynastic king, Jesus III, who was equal in status to the celibate but
could work outside the monastery. He retained the tradition of Peter, a married
man. The functions were eventually absorbed by the celibate , and the line of
David died out.
Revelation 22:13 
| 22:13. egō to Alpha kai to O (Omega) , ho prōtos kai
ho eschatos, hē archē kai to telos
| "
I the
Alpha. And the O (Greek O, called Omega), the
First One. And the Last One, the
Beginning. And the
22: 13. An assertion parallel to that made by Pope Alexander I on
January 1, 112 AD
was now made (21:6). It included its opening and closing phrases, but added the
extra terms "the First One and the Last One". The meaning is that Jesus III was
now claiming equality with Pope Alexander I, but adding the titles of a layman.He
was continuing the work of Peter, who had been called the First One as a
married layman beside the visiting priest
(Matthew 10:2). Pope Alexander I
was a celibate, and there was still a descendant of David who practiced
dynastic marriage.
It is not clear how long the David
line lasted, and the subject is now treated with so much invention that it will
be difficult to arrive at the truth. But it is clear that in the Catholic system
the celibates retained the papacy, each one a new man chosen on the basis of
merit, without hereditary lines.
Jesus III spoke the words at 3 am, the hour for workers That
hour combined midnight with 3 am, being the last hour of the night for workers who rose at
that time.
Sunday January 1, 114 AD. 3 am and noon. At the Vatican abbey and
Revelation 22:14 The Therapeuts of the abbey now adopted the practices of
permanent celibates in the Essene tradition.
Revelation 22:14 
| 22:14. Makarioi hoi plynontes tas
stolas autōn, hina estai hē exousia autōn epi to xylon tēs
zōēs kai tois pylōsin eiselthōsin eis tēn polin.
| 22:14.
Blessed Ones the ones
washing{plynō} the
robes of them (Blessed Ones) , in order that the
authority of them (Blessed Ones) will
be (future, east outside)
upon (with accusative) the
tree of
Life. And to the
gates they (Blessed Ones)
come at{erchomai} (aorist subjunctive)
at the
22:14. As a result of the honor
now given to permanent celibacy, the Therapeuts of the abbey began to adopt Essene monastic habits, such
as washing the garments after episodes of defilement (Temple Scroll 45:7-10).
They still initiated proselytes at the restored
north base, and their leader now came into the monastery and as a celibate was
permitted to give communion from behind the rail.
Sunday January 1, 114 AD, noon. In Bernice's house
Revelation 22:15 The remaining militant members of the house of Bernice were excluded by Christians, and they continued to meet in the hermitage house.
Revelation 22:15 
| 22:15. exō hoi
kynes kai hoi pharmakoi kai hoi pornoi kai hoi phoneis kai hoi eidōlolatrai
kai pas philōn kai poiōn pseudos.
| 22:15.
Outside the
dogs. And the
pharmacists. And the
fornicators. And the
murderers. And the
idolaters. And
befriending, And
22:15. It was announced that some men were to be permanently
excluded from the Christian monastery. They were the remaining militants of the house of
Bernice, who had died three years previously. They met in her hermitage house
on the west bank , having been excluded from the Vatican. They formed a Seven, for the
days of the week in an abbey.
They would lead a revolt against Trajan in 115 AD that
brought Jews into further disrepute with Rome.
| Friday | Deacon | Dogs, homosexual | |
| Thursday | Presbyter | Pharmacists, alternate Therapeut | |
| Wednesday | Lay bishop | Fornicators, not abstaining | |
| Tuesday | Archbishop | Murderers, supporter of Bar Kokhba | |
| Monday | Spirit | Idolaters, Greek philosopher | |
| Sunday | Deputy abbot | All-friend. Antipas IV visiting. | |
| Saturday | Abbot | Falsehood, Hyrcanus as the Herod, officiating | |
Thursday June 1, 114 AD, 3 pm. In the Vatican abbey, west panel.
Revelation 22:16 The son and heir of Jesus III had been born. His official birthday was June 1. His christening took place in the abbey, with John III the abbot officiating. Jesus III, asked to name the child, affirmed
the ancestral titles of the Davids.
Revelation 22:16 
| 22:16.
Egō Iēsous epempsa ton angelon mou martyrēsai
hymin tauta epi tais ekklēsiais. ego eimi hē rhiza kai to genos
David, ho astēr ho lampros ho prōinos.
| 22:16.
I Jesus
sent{pempō} (past tense west) the
angel of me to
witness to
you (plural)
These Things
upon (+ dative) to the
I am (present tense center) the
Root. And the
family of David, the
Star the
bright one, the
morning one.
22:16. The son of Jesus III and his
bride had been born shortly before June 1, 114
AD. He would have two official birthdays, June 1 and at the solstice.
His christening took place in the west panel of the
abbey, where Jesus III holding the child stood on the podium for the bishop
on row 10 (See Figure 15b The abbey.)
It was just inside the doorway on row 12, so
equivalent to the back of a church, where the christening font still stands.
Jesus III appointed the abbot John
III to perform the christening, standing on the abbot's podium on row 9. The
child had the status of pilgrims, who were given a drink of water by the abbot
when they arrived in the outer hall at 3 pm. The child thus represented the "churches",
a term that came from the fact that pilgrims were "called out" from their
homes to travel to Qumran with the food tithes.
Jesus III, asked to name the child,
affirmed the titles of the Davids which the child would inherit. He began by
saying "I am", meaning that he was a priest representing Yahweh, and added
"'the Root" , meaning the Essene Plant-root of CD 1:7-8 and Apocalypse of Enoch.
The David was the royal head of the ascetic community that had begun in the 3rd
century BC for the purpose of the Restoration. He went on to pronounce the
name David, rarely used because of the claim of Jesus I to higher status as a
priest. He added that his emblem was the Morning Star of David, a royal title
which was used at 3 am when workers started their day.
All were doubtless aware that it
was 120 years after 7 BC, the year in which Jesus I was born.
Thursday June 1, 114 AD, 3 pm. In the Vatican abbey, west panel.
Revelation 22:17 In the presence of the abbot and the mother, Jesus III
and the godfather said to the child, "Become a Coming One, the descendant of
the Davids". The baby was sprinkled with holy water to make him a Christian.
Revelation 22:17 
| 22:17. kai to pneuma kai hē nymphē legousin, Erchou. ka ho akouōn
eipatō, Erchou. kai ho dipsōn erchesthō, ho thelōn labetō
hydōr zōēs dōrean.
| 22:17. And the
Spirit. And the Bride, they (RLR to churches v. 16, Jesus III on behalf of the child) say (present tense center), "
Come{erchomai}". And let the one
hearing say "
Come{erchomai}". And let the one
thirsting come, let the one
receive the
water of
Life as a
22:17. On the west of the abbot
stood the mother , and on the east the godfather. Jesus III and the godfather
said to the child, "Become a Coming One, the descendant of the Davids." The baby,
likened to a thirsty pilgrim, was sprinkled with holy water making him a Christian.
The original form of the book would have ended with the
birth of the new David. Subsequently hostility broke out again with the
militants, who denied the validity of the Christians and their new scriptures,
the New Testament. The next three verses were added to announce that Pope
Alexander I was removing the names of militants from the Christian membership
list. This was necessary to clarify with Trajan that Christians had nothing to
do with the widespread Jewish uprising that would take place in 115 AD. But
Jesus III is shown as retaining sympathy with Jewish Christians.
These events are foreshadowed in the narrative of the next
three verses, which are set at Pentecost later in the same month. It was on that
occasion that the child was given his personal name. Pentecost was the feast
observed by Jewish Christians, and these were the main concern of Jesus III. He
was determined to preserve the Jewish origins through them, whereas Pope
Alexander I, a Roman, preferred to deny the Jewish element altogether in the
light of current political events.
Midnight beginning Sunday June 25, Pentecost 114 AD.In the Vatican abbey, west panel.
Revelation 22:18
At the Pentecost feast attended by Antipas Herod head of
Jewish Christians Jesus III warned him that Hyrcanus was trying to add
Herodian militant doctrine to what the child would be taught. Pope Alexander I was
now applying to Hyrcanus the forms of attack endorsed in the Book of
Revelation, seasonal harassment.
Revelation 22:18 
| 22:18. Martyrō egō panti tō akouonti tous
logous tēs prophēteias tou bibliou toutou. ean tis epithē ep
auta, epithēsei ho theos ep auton tas plēgas tas gegrammenas en tō
bibliō toutō
| 22:18.
I (Jesus III)
witness (present tense center)to the
hearing the
Words of the
prophecy of
Book, "
if{ean} a
Certain One puts-upon
upon them (neuter plural RLR to These Things v.16 ),
God will (future east outsde)
upon him (a Certain One) the
plagues the ones
22:18. The following Day of
Pentecost, Sunday June 25, was the feast observed by Jewish Christians. Antipas
Herod their leader from Tiber Island was present with Christians in the Vatican abbey, west panel,
which extended into a congregation annexe. Jesus III took the opportunity of
warning him about the intentions of Pope Alexander I towards Jewish Christians.
The child was now the David crown prince and of the status of a pilgrim, who was to be taught from the Epistles of the New Testament.
Antipas Herod as head of Jewish Christians, would take part in the child's teaching
in order to preserve Jewish origins.
Jesus III sent through Antipas a
message to Hyrcanus, now claiming to be the Herod heir. It was an announcement
that as Hyrcanus was teaching doctrines that were not acceptable to Christians,
Pope Alexander I was applying "plagues" to him, the form of punishment that was
endorsed in the third section of the New Testament,the Writings, including
Revelation itself.
Sunday June 25, 114 AD, noon Pentecost. In the Vatican abbey west
panel and in the monastery.
Revelation 22:19
Hyrcanus was also trying to withhold New Testament
teachings from the child. Pope Alexander I now removed him from the
membership list. Christian celibates were to accept the Book of Revelation.
Revelation 22:19 
| 22:19. kai ean tis aphelē apo tōn logōn tou
bibliou tēs prophēteias tautēs, aphelei ho theos to meros autou
apo tou xylou tes zōēs kai ek tēs poleōs tēs hagias, tōn
gegrammenōn en tō bibliō toutō.
| 22:19. And
if{ean} a
Certain One takes-from
from the
Words of the
book of
God will (future east outside) take-from the
part of him (Certain One)
from the
tree of
Life. And
out of the
holy city, of the things
22:19. Jesus III continued that as
Hyrcanus was trying to prevent the child being taught from the Epistles of the
New Testament written by Paul, Pope Alexander I now removed him from the
membership list of Christians. A celibate taking communion in the Vatican monastery
was under the authority of the Book of Revelation.
The writers were already aware that
Revelation, disapproved by non-Jewish Roman Christians, could be cut out of
the canon, as was the case for Codex Vaticanus.
Sunday June 25, 114 AD, Pentecost. 1:05 pm In the Vatican abbey, west panel.
Revelation 22:20 At Pentecost the child was given his personal name,
Jesus, after his father, as well as the title "a Lord".
Revelation 22:20 
| 22:20. Legei ho martyrōn tauta, Nai, erchomai tachy.
Amēn, erchou, kyrie Iēsou.
| 22:20. The one
witnessing says (present tense, center)
These Things. Yes, I
come{erchomai} (present tense center)
Lord Jesus.
22:20. At the following Day of
Pentecost, Sunday June 25, the child was given the personal name Jesus, after
his father. He could be called "a Lord", the title of a third priest.
A Sunday, that of Pentecost, was
chosen in partial fulfilment of the rule that a Jewish boy was circumcised and
named "after 8 days", which was read as Day 8, Sunday
(Luke 2:21).
In the Luke verse the name was announced by an "angel", the abbot. J
ohn III standing in the center of
the row 9 podium gave it on this occasion, saying "Yes" to his being received
into the abbey school. He said Amen on behalf of the congregation in the
Sunday June 25, 114 AD, Pentecost, 3 pm. In the Vatican abbey west panel.
Revelation 22:21
The status of the child in the ruling hierarchy was declared.
Two different Greek texts give different opinions about it, as shown below.
Revelation 22:21 
| 22:21. Hē charis tou kyriou Iēsou meta pantōn.
| 22:21. The
Grace of the
Lord Jesus
with (meta + genitive)
All Ones.
22:21. The last word of the verse, pantōn, is found in the Internet Greek text used here,
and found also in the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament. These sources have accepted a reading that is from Codex Alexandrinus,
not Codex Sinaiticus. Alexandrinus is usually regarded as ancient, but a little less reliable. An understanding of the pesher shows
what happened. Sinaiticus wrote meta tōn hagiōn, meaning that the infant Jesus IV was equal to the Saints, that is that
he was admitted into the celibate class of dynasts right from birth. But the scribes of Alexandrinus had their political reasons
for changing to pantōn. Its pesher – which they understood- meant that the infant was equal to (meta) a third Herod, “All Ones”.
For them, the hierarchy should be in the order: - Third, the infant David crown prince.
- Second, his father Jesus III
(in the original Herodian system the David had only been equal to the Herod crown prince).
- First, the supreme priest-Pope. This had been King Herod in the original system, but there were no more Herods in power. Instead, Pope Alexander I had taken the supreme position.
Parallels in other sources.
As indicated in Dio Cassius (68, 32) there was a
widespread uprising of Diaspora and Palestinian Jews against the Roman empire
in 115 AD in the reign of Trajan. See chapter 38 of M. Carey and H.H.
Scullard, A History of Rome, Macmillan, 1975.
On Jewish Christians.
Hegesippus the 2nd century AD historian, quoted by
Eusebius (Ecclesistical History iii, 20) gives an account of descendants
of the family of Jesus under the emperor Domitian (81- 96 AD) and the emperor
Trajan (98 -117AD). The descendants were in Rome, and subject to questioning
or attack by both these emperors. Hegesippus, who was on the side of Jewish
Christians, makes no distinction between the descendants of Jude and James and
those of Jesus. These two, according to the gospels and Acts, were those in a
family of 5 brothers which divided two against three, these two more Jewish,
and three (Jesus, Joses-Barnabas, Simon-Silas) becoming Christian
(Luke 12:52).
It may be seen that under Trajan the intermediate class of Jewish Christians including
the descendants of Jude lived on Tiber Island and were still associated with an
Antipas Herod, of the married Herods. These when in their Rome house had a
relaxed attitude to Jewish ritual laws, and sympathy with the Jesus dynasty.
Hegesippus wrote: "Now there still survived of the family
of the Lord grandsons of Judas who was said to have been his brother according
to the flesh, and they were delated as being of the family of David. These the
officer brought to Domitian Caesar...He asked them if they were of the house of
David and they admitted it. Then he asked them how much property they had, or
how much money they controlled, and they said that all they possessed was nine
thousand denarii between them, the half belonging to each.... They paid taxes
and lived on it by their own work". Eusebius continues: "They then showed him
their hands, adducing as testimony of their labour the hardness of their
bodies, and the tough skin which had been embossed on their hands from their
incessant work.... Domitian did not condemn them at all,but despised them as
simple folk, released them, and decreed an end to the persecution against the
Hegesippus (quoted in Eusebius Ecclesiastical History
III, xi, 1; xxxii, 5-7) also wrote of Simeon son of Clopas, descended
from David and a Christian, who suffered martyrdom at the age of 120 under
Trajan. It appears that he was a cousin of Jesus, son of a brother of Joseph.