1 AM TO 4 AM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
Between 1 and 3 am Jesus was given another trial by Annas. It was conducted under the rules of the Therapeuts, as is shown by the presence of women. Peter remained as the doorkeeper, and on each hour at the time for saying the prayer he acted in such a way as to deny that Jesus could be a priest. Annas finally decided against him, and he was to be tried by Pilate.
See the Overview
for the
Summary of the Last Supper.
Locations and Figure 9B for the court.
1 AM TO 4 AM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
Between 1 and 3 am Jesus was given another trial by Annas. It was conducted under the rules of the Therapeuts, as is shown by the presence of women. Peter remained as the doorkeeper, and on each hour at the time for saying the prayer he acted in such a way as to deny that Jesus could be a priest. Annas finally decided against him, and he was to be tried by Pilate.
See the Overview
for the
Summary of the Last Supper.
Locations and Figure 9B for the court.
1 AM TO 4 AM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
1 AM TO 4 AM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
1 AM TO 4 AM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
1 AM TO 4 AM
Friday March 20, 33 AD
1:00 am Friday .
John 18:15 (See Figure 9B.) The trial of Jesus under the rules of the Therapeuts began at 1:00 am. Peter as doorkeeper remaining inside the north door. John Mark acted as learned acolyte to the judge Annas, who entered by the northern door and went to the position of the superior judge at the east center of row 1.
| 15. ēkolouthei
de tō Iēsou Simōn Petros kai allos mathētēs. ho de mathētēs
ekeinos ēn gnōstoss tō archierei, kai syneisēlthen tō Iēsou
eis tēn aulēn tou archiereōs
Simon Peter
followed to Jesus. And an
was a
gnostic{gnōstos} to the
Chief Priest. And he (RLR to Chief Priest)
came-with{erchomai} to Jesus
at the
court of the
Chief Priest.
15. At the trial of Jesus held by Annas under the rules of the Therapeuts, Peter acted as doorkeeper and an acolyte to Jesus. John Mark was also present. John Mark was the learned acolyte to the judge Annas, who came in through the north door to the position of superior eastern judge at the center of row 1. |
1:00 am Friday
Mark 14:66 Peter having opened the north door for the eastern judge Annas was on row 2 in the corridor.Then Mary the mother of Jesus came through the eastern doorway on her way up to be the female doorkeeper.
 | 66 Kai
ontos tou Petrou katō en tē aulē erchetai mia tōn
paidiskōn tou archiereōs
66. And Peter
being down in the
court, comes a number 1 (feminine) of the
female novices of the
Chief Priest.
66. Peter as an initiate who opened the north door for the visiting priest was at first on row 2 in the inner corridor while the door was open. Then Mary the mother of Jesus, a Widow, came through the eastern door opposite row 5. |
1:00 am
Luke 22:54 With Theudas left at the south base, John Mark as the acolyte of Annas led him to the eastern judge's position in the court. Peter remained inside the north door.
 | 54. Syllabontes
de auton ēgagon kai eisēgagon eis tēn oikian tou archiereōs.
ho de Petros ēkolouthei makrothen.
54. They (John Mark subject of participle to v.49 participle)
him(RLR to Theudas thief v.52) led (no object). And they (John Mark) led-at
at the
house of the
Chief Priest. Peter
54. John Mark showed sympathy to Theudas who should have been on the south base, allowing him to remain beside it. John Mark as the acolyte of Annas for the 1 am trial of Jesus led Annas into the court in the north vestry, to the position of the eastern judge in the center east of row 1. Peter as the doorkeeper acolyte stayed inside the door. |
1:00, 1:05 am
Matthew 26:69 At 1:00 am Peter sat on his doorkeeper's stool after opening the north door for Annas to enter. At 1:05 am Mary mother of Jesus came up to the female doorkeeper's place beside him, saying that Peter as a married man was equal to Jesus when he was in the married state.
| 69. Ho de Petros ekathēto exō
en tē aulē. kai prosēlthen autō mia paidiskē legousa, Kai sy ēstha
meta Iēsou tou Galilaiou.
69. Peter
sat outside in the
court. And there
came-towards{erchomai} to him (Peter) a number 1
female novice saying, "And you (sing., Peter)
with Jesus the
Galilean (genitive).
69. At 1:00 am Peter after opening the north door for Annas to enter sat on the doorkeeper's stool on row 2 of the court. At 1:05 am Mary mother of Jesus, a grade 7 higher Widow, came up to the female doorkeeper's place beside him, saying, "You, Peter, are an equal of Jesus when he is in the married state as a lay bishop". |
1:03 am
John 18:16 Mary the mother of Jesus, substituting for Mary Magdalene who was pregnant, had entered by the eastern door. John Mark directed her to come up to the position of female doorkeeper in the outer corridor on row 1. She directed Peter to the position of male doorkeeper in the inner corridor on row 1.
1:03 and 1:05 am. 1st denial
John 18:17 With Jesus in the defendant's position on row 2, John Mark stood in front of the furnace at 1:03 am to prepare it for Thomas. Peter thus stood beside John Mark. Mary said to Peter, "You and John Mark are servants of Jesus." At 1:05 when Thomas came to the furnace to stoke it up Peter said "I am not", omitting the pronoun "I" which would mean that he could act as a priest to Gentiles, as Jesus did.
16. ho
de Petros heistēkei pros tē thyra exō,.
exēlthen oun ho mathētēs ho allos ho gnōstoss tou archiereōs
kai eipen tē thyrōrō kai eisēgagen ton Petron
towards to the door outside. There
therefore the
disciple the
other one the
gnostic{gnōstos} of the
Chief Priest
(genitive). And he (RLR to gnostic, John Mark) said to the
doorkeeper (female).
And she (RLR to female doorkeeper) led-at
16. Peter stood in the outer corridor on row 2 after opening the north door. Mary mother of Jesus, substituting for Mary Magdalene who was pregnant, stood in the outer corridor on row 4, just above the eastern door through which she had entered. When Peter had closed the north door John Mark who had followed Annas came to the inner corridor of row 1, spoke to Mary, and she came up to the position of the superior female doorkeeper on row 1 of the outer corridor. She directed Peter to stand beside her on row 1 of the inner corridor, in the position of a village husband receiving a visiting priest at their door. |
1:03 and 1:05 am. 1st denial John 18:17
17. legei
oun tō Petrō hē paidiskē
hē thyrōros, Mē kai sy ek ton mathētōn ei tou anthrōpou
toutou; legei ekeinos, Ouk eimi.
17. Says
therefore to Peter the novice-female the
Not. And you (sing.)
out of the
are of
That One says, "I
am not".
17. Mary, who as a Widow had the status of a female higher novice, said to Peter, "I am not in the same ministry as you. In the inner corridor row 1 you are standing next to John Mark in front of the furnace, which he tends at 1:03 am. He is the deputy of Jesus, who is standing on the west side of the defendant's position in the center of row 2." At 1:05 am Peter had turned east for his prayer, contrary to the custom of Jesus, so that he had to speak to Mary. When she challenged him he made his first denial by saying "I am not". He omitted the word "I" (egō) which meant that he was denying that he himself could act as a priest, which he should do if he was a representative of Jesus to Gentiles. |
1:03 am
Mark 14:67 Mary
from beside the eastern doorway said to Peter, "You as a married man are equal to
Jesus, who is still in the married state until 3 am."
 | 67. kai
idousa ton Petron thermainomenon emblepsasa autō legei, Kai
sy meta tou
Nazarēnou ēstha tou Iēsou.
67. And she (Mary)
seeing{eidon} Peter
warming having
seen{blepō to him (Peter) says, "And you (sing.)
with the
were, Jesus (genitive)
67. For Mary beside the eastern doorway on row 5 there were 3 cubits between her and Peter who was now on row 1. He was near the furnace opening, which gave out warnth at 1:03. Mary said to him, "You are an equal of Jesus, who is still in the married state until 3 am. |
1:03 am
Luke 22:55 At 1:03 John Mark on a stool in front of the furnace opening rekindled the fire with the flame of an oil lamp. Peter after closing the north door sat on a stool beside him.
Luke 22:56 Mary mother of Jesus moved up from beside row 4 near the eastern door to beside Peter as female doorkeeper. She said, "Jesus, who is a western deputy, is an associate of Peter".
Luke 22:55
| 55. periapsantōn de pyr en
mesō tēs
aulēs kai synkathisantōn ekathēto ho Petros mesos autōn.
55. They (John
Mark participle subject to subject of last participle in v.54) having touched-around
fire in a
middle of the
court, and they (John Mark) having sat-with, Peter
sat as a
middle of them (John Mark they v.54).
55. At 1:03 am John Mark as an assistant went in front of the furnace opening to rekindle the fire with the flame of an oil-lamp, ready for Thomas to stoke it up with wood at 1:05. Peter after closing the north door sat on a stool on row 1 in the inner corridor, with John Mark also on a stool beside him. |
Luke 22:56
| 56. idousa de auton paidiskē
tis kathēmenon
pros to phōs kai atenisasa autō eipen, kai houtos syn autō ēn.
56. A
female novice
seeing{eidon} him (RLR to Peter v.55)
towards the
light{phōs}. And she having
stared (downwards) to him (Peter) said, "And
This One
with him (RLR to Peter )
56. Mary mother of Jesus had entered through the eastern door and now stood at row 4 of the outer corridor. A lamp representing the Menorah for Annas as Pope still hung over the closed north door. Mary moved up to the space beside Peter and said, "Jesus as a western deputy, now in front of the western judge, is an associate of Peter." |
1:03 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:05 am
John 18:18 As Thomas the firelighter was now in front of the furnace to stoke it up, John Mark moved in to the witness' position next to the east judge. The fire was now warm for Thomas and Peter near it.
| 18. heistēkeisan
de hoi douloi kai hoi hypēretai anthrakian pepoiēkotes, hoti psychos
ēn, kai ethermainonto. ēn de kai ho Petros met' autōn hestōs
kai thermainomenos
18. There
stood the
slaves. And the
assistants having
made a
fire of coals, for it
was a
And they (RLR to assistants)
warmed. It (cold)
was. And Peter
with them (assistants)
standing. And he
18. As it was 1:05 am, Thomas the firelighter had again come in front of the furnace, where the perpetual fire had burned down to coals. John Mark, who had been in front of the furnace at 1:03, moved in to the witness' position in the next cubit in. For those who observed the true time of 1:05 am, it was still winter, so cold, but those observing the village start of day and the end of winter at the fast time of 4:05 am were warm. Thomas having stoked up the fire felt it as warm but not hot. Peter in the inner corridor row 1 was near enough to it to be also warm. |
1:05 am. 1st denial. 2:00 am.
Mark 14:68 At 1:05 Peter by turning east denied to Mary beside him that Jesus could be a priest. Peter said that he, as well as Mary, were Sadducees, speaking Greek and using the T sign of the cross. At 2:00 am he moved down to row 2
68. ho
de ērnēsato
legōn, Oute oida oute epistamai sy ti legeis. kai exēlthen exō
eis to proaulion.
68. He
(addressed, Peter)
denied saying, "
Nor I
nor I
understand, you
T say. And he (Peter)
came-out{erchomai} outside
at the
68. At 1:05 am, with Mary now in the position of female doorkeeper beside him, Peter affirmed that Jesus could not act as a priest, as Magians allowed him to do. He said, "I am an abbey member, speaking Greek to Gentiles, and as a villager I also speak Greek. You, Mary, are a Sadducee, using the Greek T sign of the cross." At 2:00 am Peter moved down to row 2 of the inner corridor, as he would move down at each hour to mark the time.
1: 05 1st denial.
Luke 22:57 At 1:05 am Peter denied that Jesus could act as a priest, speaking as a member of an abbey . He addressed Mary as the Miriam, the Chief Woman of the Therapeuts.
| 57. ho de ērnēsato legōn,
Ouk oida
auton, gynai.
57. He (Peter
denied, saying, "I do not
know{oida} him (RLR to Jesus as This One in v.56),
57. At 1:05 Peter denied that Jesus could act as a priest, saying, "As an abbey minister I do not recognize him, Chief Woman." She was acting as the Miriam, the Chief Woman of the Therapeuts, in the place of the pregnant Mary Magdalene.
1:05 am 1st
Matthew 26:70 At 1:05 am Peter in the inner corridor row 1 made his denial to Mary on the east beside him. Antipas was acting as assistant judge at the beginning of the western division.
| 70. ho de ērnēsato
emprosthen pantōn legōn,
Ouk oida ti legeis.
70. He (addressed, Peter)
All Ones, saying, "I do not
T you
70. Peter in the inner corridor on row 1 was at the beginning of the east division of the east-west Gentile world. Antipas the western judge was at the beginning of the west division of the world. Peter turned to Mary east beside him, so denying that Jesus could be a high priest, saying, "I do not recognize what you say in Greek - you as a woman should be speaking Hebrew." |
After 1:05 am
John 18:19 The investigation of Jesus by Annas began. He questioned Jesus and obtained evidence from John Mark as witness. |
19. Ho
oun archiereis ērōtēsen ton Iēsoun
peri tōn mathētōn autou kai peri tēs didachēs autou
19. The
Chief Priest
questioned Jesus
around the
disciples of him (Jesus). And
around the
Teaching of him (Jesus).
19. The trial of Jesus by the rules of the Therapeuts began, with Jesus now standing directly in front of the judge Annas. John Mark stood next to the judge as witness for Jesus. John Mark came from the Gentile Magians, whose doctrines were set down in the document the Teaching (Didache) of the Twelve Apostles |
After 1:05 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
After 1:05 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
After 1:05 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:30 am
John 18:20 On the half-hour Jesus did the opposite of what he had done at 12:30 am, giving a spoken prayer for Gentiles instead of the silent one. It meant that Gentiles were equal in the sight of God. Antipas was present as deputy judge in the west.
John 18:21 Since his guard Merari was now standing next to him on the east, and was a Sadducee superior of Gentiles of Asher, Jesus asked Annas to obtain evidence from him that Jesus was pro-Gentile.
John 18:20  | 20. apekrithē
autō Iēsous, Egō parrēsia lelalēka tō kosmō,
egō pantote edidaxa en synagōgē kai en tō hierō, hopu
pantes hoi Ioudaioi synerchontai, kai en krypōo elalēsa ouden.
to him (RLR to Chief Judge Annas in v.19) Jesus, "I (pronoun) have
boldly to the
world. I (pronoun)
All-then I have
taught in a
synagogue. And in the
temple, the
All the
come-with{erchomai}. And in a
crypt I have
20. In the presence of Therapeuts who began their day at 1 am, and of Antipas who was assistant judge on the west, Jesus reversed his silent prayer on the half-hour at 12:30, and now boldly gave a spoken prayer on behalf of James Niceta. He spoke of his openness when in places where Antipas the married man was to be found. |
John 18:21  | 21. ti
me erōtas; erōtēson tous akēkootas ti elalēsa autois. ide
houtoi oidasin ha eipon egō.
T you (sing.)
question me.
Question the ones having-heard
T I have
spoken to them (ones having heard).
These Ones
the things I (pronoun) said."
21. You (sing., Annas) are seeking information from me as a Sadducee using the sign of the cross. Seek information from my guard Merari standing east next to me, who is now in front of you. He will tell you that I have given a spoken prayer using the sign of the cross. Moreover, John Mark can testify that I am pro-Gentile in abbeys." |
1:30 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:30 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:30 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:35 am
John 18:22 Merari (Ananus the Younger), acting as guard to Jesus, rebuked him for speaking to Annas as if he was still a bishop.
 | 22. tauta
de autou eipontos heis parestēkōs tōn hypēretōn edōken
rapisma tō Iēsou eipōn, Houtōs apokrinē tō archierei
He ( participle subject RLR
to Jesus subject of verb before speech v.20) saying
These Things, a number 1
standing-beside of the
assistants gave a
blow{rapisma} to Jesus saying, "
Thus you
answer the
Chief Priest."
22. 1:35 am was the time for the further prayer on the half-hour, measured from 1:05. Merari was acting as guard to Jesus, as he had done at the north base. As a subordinate of Thomas in Agrippa's house, he gave the preliminary beatings to "boys", Gentiles. He gave a light blow to Jesus, rebuking him for speaking to Annas as if he was still in the status of bishop.
1:35 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:35 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:35 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:55 am.
John 18:23 At the end of the session Jesus still spoke as a bishop, and again indicated that Annas had been an associate of Simon Magus. .
 | 23. apekrithē
autō Iēsous, Ei kakōs elalēsa, martyrēson peri tou
kakou. ei de kalōs, ti me dereis
23. Jesus
answered him (RLR to Annas Chief Priest v.22), "
if{ei} I have
badly, testify
around the
Bad One (Simon Magus).
you (sing.)
beat me."
23. At the end of the session Jesus continued to speak as a bishop to Annas, and showed that Annas had actually co-operated with Simon Magus. "Have I given the spoken prayer as a Magian? You also act as a missionary with Simon Magus" Jesus said that if he himself was in fact a member of Agrippa's house, as he also was, then Annas was acting contrary to the interests of Agrippa by having him beaten. |
1:55 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:55 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
1:55 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
2:00 am
John 18:24 To avoid the charge of pro-Magian bias, Annas arranged for Jesus to be tried by Caiaphas in the next hour. Caiaphas had already condemned Simon Magus.
 | 24. apesteilen oun auton
ho Annas dedemenon pros
Kaiaphan ton archierea
24. Annas sent-away
him (RLR to Jesus in v.23),
towards Caiaphas the
Chief Priest.
24. In order to have a more impartial judge, Annas sent Jesus before Caiaphas who had condemned Simon Magus. Jesus, wearing the leather belt and plain cassock of an outside missionary, was brought in front of Caiaphas on the center east to be heard during the next hour. |
2:00 am
Mark 14:69 Helena should have taken the position of next female doorkeeper on row 2 in the outer corridor, but she was replaced by James Niceta of the same order of Asher. She insisted on male roles and stood in the inner corridor opposite the eastern door. She remarked that Peter, who could substitute for Jesus, was standing beside Thomas the fire attendant at 2:00 am.
| 69. kai hē paidiskē idousa
auton ērxato
palin legein tois parestōsin hoti, Houtos ex autōn estin
69. And the
female novice
seeing{eidon} him (RLR to Peter v.68)
again to say to the ones
standing-beside that "
This One
out of them (RLR to
assistants, Thomas, v.65)".
69. The female doorkeeper for 2 am should have been a woman, the next below Mary in grade. This was Helena the head of Asher women. But she insisted on male roles, standing in the inner corridor on row 5 opposite the eastern door, with 2 cubits between her and Peter on row 2. Her place as the female doorkeeper beside Peter was taken by James Niceta head of Asher Gentiles.At 2:05 am Helena said to James Niceta, "Peter who can act for Jesus is standing beside Thomas, the fire attendant, who has also moved down to row 2." |
2:00, 2:03 and 2:05 am 2nd denial
Luke 22:58 At 2:00 am when Caiaphas took over as eastern judge Thomas stood in row 2 down from the furnace opening, on the same row as the defendant Jesus. At 2:03 he went in to the witness place beside Caiaphas, and John Mark came in front of the furnace. At 2:05 Peter made his second denial, turning east to James Niceta.
 | 58. kai
meta brachy heteros idōn auton ephē, Kai sy ex autōn ei, ho de
Petros ephē, Anthrōpe, ouk eimi.
58. And after a
seeing{eidon} him (SRLR to him, Jesus, v.57)
uttered, "And you (sing.)
out of them (RLR to John Mark vv.49, 54, 55)
are. Peter
uttered, "
Man{anthrōpos}, I am not (no pronoun)."
58. At the next hour following 1 am, at 2:00 am,Thomas as the Pharisee servant of the new eastern judge Caiaphas stood in row 2 down from the furnace opening, with 2 cubits between him and Jesus on the west center of row 2. At 2:03 am Thomas moved in to the witness position beside Caiaphas. He as a celibate spoke to Peter as one in a different ministry, "Now that John Mark comes in front of the furnace you are beside him". At 2:05 Peter spoke to the Gentile deacon James Niceta in the second female doorkeeper place east beside him, saying "I am not", omitting the pronoun "I". Luke omits the part played by Helena at 2:00 am. |
2:00 and 2:03
Matthew 26:71 At 2:00 am Peter went down to row 2. At 2:03 am John Mark came in front 0f the furnace., and Helena from row 5 on the inner corridor said to him that Peter was a representative of Jesus, who at present was still in the Nazirite state.
 | 71. exelethonta
de eis ton pylōna eiden auton allē kai legei tois ekei, houtos ēn
meta Iēsou tou Nazōraiou.
71. He (Peter, accusative participle
RLR to subject of previous participle),
coming out{erchomai}
at the
gate, a female
Other One
saw{eidon} him (Peter). And she says to the ones
there, "
This One
with Jesus the
Nazirite (genitive).
71. At 2:00 am Peter went down to row2. Helena opposite the east door row 5, on the inner corridor the male side, was 2 cubits down from him. At 2:03 am, at the same time as John Mark came in front of the furnace, Helena added to Thomas' comments (in Luke) by speaking to John Mark, saying, " Peter is a representative and equal of Jesus while Jesus is in the Nazirite married state, which he is now." |
2:03 am and 2:05
am Second denial
John 18:25 At 2:03 am Peter was at row 2 in the inner corridor, for he would go down one row every hour to mark the time. At 2:05 when Thomas was in front of the fire to stoke it up John Mark said to him, "You are next to a Pharisee". Peter turned east for his prayer, thus denying the priestly authority of Jesus, and by his words showed that he himself was not a priest.
 | 25. Ēn
de Simōn Petros hestōs kai thermainomenos, eipon oun autō, Mē
kai sy ek tōn mathētōn autou ei; ērnēsato ekeinos kai
eipen, Ouk eimi
25. Simon Peter
standing. And
They (RLR to These Ones{houtoi} v. 21, John Mark said to him (Peter), "Not. And you (sing., Peter)
out of the
(Thomas) of him (SRLR to Caiaphas in v. 24,).
That one
denied. And
he said,
am not".
25. At 2:03 am John Mark was again in front of the furnace to prepare it for Thomas. Peter moved down to row 2 of the inner corridor, as he did at every hour to mark the time and give his prayer, still warmed. John Mark said to him, "I am not in the same ministry as you, as I am celibate." At 2:05 when Thomas came to the front of the furnace John Mark said from the witness position, "You, Peter, are next to Thomas, a Pharisee ". Peter turned east against the custom of Jesus, so denying his priestly authority. He said "I am not", omitting the word "I" to show that he himself was not a priest. |
2:03 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
2:03 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
2:03 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
2:05 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
2:05 am 2nd denial. 3:03 am.
Mark 14:70 At 2:05 am Peter again denied that Jesus could act as a priest. At 3:03 am James Niceta in the outer corridor said to Peter on row 3, "You stand next to Thomas, who has moved to row 3. He is a Pharisee and you are a Sadducee and the Chief Pilgrim".
| 70. ho de pain ērneito. kai meta
mikron palin hoi parestōtes elegon tō Petrō, Alēthōs ex autōn ei,
kai gar Galilaios ei.
70. He (Peter, addressed)
again. And
after a
again the ones
standing-beside said to Peter, "
Truthfully you
out of them (RLR to Thomas assistants, vv. 65, 69). And
for you (sing.no pronoun)
are a
70. At 2:05 am Peter again denied by his actions that Jesus could act as a priest Peter went to row 3 at 3:00 am. At 3:03 am Thomas stood in front of the fire to attend to the cooking, as it no longer needed more fuel. James Niceta in the doorway on the east side of Peter said to him, " As a Sadducee teaching Truth to Gentiles, you are beside a Pharisee. You are the Chief Pilgrim." If Mark's account is accurate, Thomas at this point left his position, for according to Luke there was no one standing between Peter and Jesus at 3:05 am. |
2:05 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
2:05 am 2nd denial.
Matthew 26:72 At 2: 05 am Peter
turned east towards the Gentile James Niceta beside him, thus showing that he denied the priesthood of Jesus as a celibate Adam to Gentiles.
 | 72. kai palin ērnēsato meta horkou hoti Ouk oida ton anthrōpon.
72. And
again he (RLR to Peter This One v.71)
with an
oath, that "I do not
know{oida} the
72. At 2:05 am Peter showed that he denied Jesus' priesthood by turning east to the Gentile doorkeeper in the place of the woman beside him. The Gentile, James Niceta, was of the village class and did not observe the Essene prohibition of oaths. Peter said, "I do not hold the view of abbeys that Jesus can act as a priestly celibate Adam to Gentiles." |
3:00 am
John 18:26 At 3:00 am Annas returned and condemned Jesus, sending him to the prison position on row 3 center west under the platform. Merari the guard to Jesus left his side to go out to the north base to prepare for the cockcrowing signal, and was replaced by James, who came in from the north base. Peter on row 3 of the inner corridor took his opportunity to deny James the right to teach in the Eden schools.
| 26. legei
heis ek tōn doulōn tou archiereōs, syngenes ōn hou apekopsen
Petros to ōtion, Ouk egō se eidon en tō kēpō met'
26. Says a number 1 (Thomas)
out of the
slave of the
Chief Priest.
being a with-born
(Apposition rule, a different person, James) of whom Peter cut off the
ear, " Not-
saw{eidon} you (sing. James)
in the
him (RLR to 1 out of slaves, Thomas)
26. Annas now returned to the east judge's position to give the decision. John Mark stood beside him as his acolyte, in the witness' position on row 1. Thomas no longer had to stoke up the fire, but at 3:00 stood in front of it to prepare for the cooking. Jesus was condemned, and sent to the prison on row 3 west center under the platform. It was now time for Merari to go out to the north base to be ready to give the cockcrowing signal at the true 3:05 am. He had been acting as guard to Jesus, but now left his side. His brother James who had remained at the north base now changed places with Merari and came in to stand as guard on the east side of Jesus, so that there were 2 cubits between Peter and James. Peter took the opportunity to deny James the right to teach Gentiles from the lectern. when he was at the Eden school in the abbey. James would stay there for only five minutes until the cockcrowing, then leave. There would then be no one standing between Jesus and Peter, giving rise to the scene that Luke describes for 3:05. |
3:00 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
3:00 am
Luke 22:59 At 3:00 am when there was no fulfilment of the prophecy Jesus agreed with Peter to wait until 4:00 am, the beginning of the working day, for Jesus to leave the married state.
| 59. kai diastasēs hōsei
hōras mias allos tis diischyrizeto legōn, Eph alētheias kai houtos met autou ēn,
kai gar Galilaios estin
59. And there
hour 1, a
Other One was
stronger-through, saying, "
Upon of
Truth. And
This One (Jesus)
with him (RLR to Peter v. 58)
was. And
for a
Galilean he (This One, Jesus)
59 At 3:00 am, the hour before 4:00 am which would be the final chance of a fulfilment of the prophecy for village workers, James Niceta in the outer corridor beside Peter said, "Peter is beside me as a minister of the Sadducee mission to Gentile novices. Jesus, at the west center of row 3, is an equal of Peter. Jesus is still in the married state, a pilgrim, his time of return being extended to 4:00 am, the beginning of the working day." |
3:00 am, 3:03 am
Matthew 26:73 After moving down to row 3 at 3:00 am, Peter gave a spoken prayer for Asher Gentiles at 3:03 am. In his position he was between both kinds of Gentiles, Dan and Asher, both of whom he instructed.
meta mikron de proselthontes hoi hestōtes eipon tō Petrō, Alēthōs
kai sy ex autōn ei, kai gar hē lalia sou dēlon se poiei.
73. After a
the ones
coming-towards{erchomai}, said to Peter, "
Truthfully. And you are
out of
them (RLR to John Mark "the ones there", v. 71). And
for the
speaking of you
73. At 3:03 am, an hour after the time for a Gentile novice, James Niceta the Gentile deacon in the outer corridor beside Peter said to Peter, " You work for the Sadducee mission to novice Gentiles. You are beside John Mark at the furnace as a celibate Gentile. You give a spoken prayer for Asher Gentiles at :03, to ensure that it will be heard by Heaven. You are thus with both kinds of Gentiles." |
3:05 am 3rd denial
John 18:27 At 3:05 Peter denied Jesus' priesthood again by his action in turning east for his prayer. Merari gave the cockcrowing signal at the true 3:05 am on the north base.
 | 27. palin
oun ērnēsato Petros. kai eutheōs alektōr ephōnēsen
therefore Peter
denied. And
immediately{eutheōs} a
27. At 3:05 am Peter again performed the action that denied Jesus' priesthood, by turning east for his prayer. The cockcrowing signal was given by Merari at the true 3:05 am on the north base. |
3:05 am 3rd
Mark 14:71 At 3:05 am when the decision was made against Jesus and he was sent to the prison position in row 3, Peter believed that Jesus had now returned to the celibate state. Peter pronounced the anathema of married men who attacked celibates. He himself had to remain in the status of a married villager, not bound to keep Essene celibate rules such as the prohibition against swearing. He objected to Jesus' claim to be both married and a priestly celibate to Gentiles at the same time.
 | 71. ho
de ērxato anathematizein kai omnynai hoti Ouk oida ton anthrōpon
touton hon legete
71. He (Peter,
began to
curse. And
swear that, "I do not
This Man{anthrōpos}
whom you (plu,. James Niceta) say". .
71. At 3:05 am when the decision was made against Jesus and he was sent to the prison position in row 3, Peter pronounced an anathema, at the time when he believed that Jesus was due to leave the married state and return to celibacy, as one who would be denounced by married men. Peter himself resumed the status of a villager, one who did not observe the Essene prohibition against swearing, saying, "I am not now an abbey minister, and I do not accept that Jesus can be both a married village host and a celibate Adam acting like a priest to Gentiles."
3:05 am Peter's 3rd
Luke 22:60 At 3:05 am when Merari gave the cockcrowing signal from the north base Peter gave a spoken prayer for Gentiles and said to James Niceta the Gentile doorkeeper beside him that he was not acting as an abbey minister when he accepted James Niceta as a deacon. Luke omits the detail given here by John about Peter's exchange with James.
 | 60 eipen
de ho Petros, Anthrōpe, ouk oida ho legeis. kai parachrēma eti
lalountos autou ephonēsen alektōr.
60. Peter said, "
Man{anthrōpos}, I
do not
know{oida} what you
say. And
at once him (Peter)
speaking, a
60. At 3:05 am Peter gave a spoken prayer on behalf of Gentiles. He said to the deacon James Niceta beside him, "I am not acting as an abbey minister when I accept you as a deacon". Then Merari gave the cockcrowing signal for the true 3:05 am from the north base. |
3:05 am
3rd denial.
Matthew 26:74 At 3:05 am Peter assumed that Jesus would now return to the celibate state and he performed the rite of separation. He remained in the village state as a married man, saying that he did not recognize that a non-levitical celibate could act as an Adam to Gentiles.
| 74. tote ērxato katathematizein kai omnyein hoti
Ouk oida ton anthrōpon. kai eutheōs alektōr ephōnēsen.
Then he (RLR to Peter v.73)
began to give an
anathema. And to
swear that "I do not
know{oida} the
Man{anthrōpos}. And
immediately{eutheōs} a
74. At 3:05 am Peter assumed that Jesus was returning to the celibate state, and he performed the rite of a married man excluding a separating dynast. He himself acted as a villager who was not bound to keep the monastic Essene prohibition of swearing. He said, "I do not recognize that a celibate who is not a levitical priest can act as an Adam to Gentiles." At 3:05 am at the true cockcrowing time Merari at the north base gave the signal for villagers to awake .
3:05 am. 4:05 am.
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
3:05 am. 4:05 am.
Mark 14:72 At 3:05 am Jesus allowed Peter to hope for an extension for the fulfilment of the prophecy to 4:05 am.
| 72. kai euthys ek deuterou
alektōr ephōnēsen.
kai anemnēsthē ho Petros to rēma hōs eipen autō ho Iēsous
hoti Prin alektōra phōnēsai dis tris me aparnēsē. kai
epibalōn eklaien.
72. And
out of a
second a
cock sounded. And Peter
remembered the
as said to him (Peter) Jesus, that "
Prior a
cock sound twice you
deny me
And he (Jesus, subject of participle RLR to Jesus subject of last verb) throwing upon
72. At 3:05 am Merari on the north base gave the signal for the time for villagers to awake.Jesus now in the prison position in row 3 center west had no obstruction between himself and Peter in the corridor. Jesus understood Peter's disappointment that there had been no fulfilment of the prophecy of the Restoration on behalf of Jesus at 3:05 am. Knowing that there could also be another cockcrowing for workers at 4:05 am, Jesus repeated his cockcrowing saying, for Peter to repeat. It now meant "At 3:05 am when the second cockcrowing for the true 3:05 am is given, you will deny me for the third time. But that is an hour before 4:05 am, when the repeated cockcrowing is sounded for workers. There is still a chance then." At 4:05 am it was time for pilgrims to use the latrine at the lower part of the stables in the southern esplanade, loc 97. Jesus, remaining in the status of villager, joined Peter. |
3:05 am
Luke 22:61 At 3:05 am no one stood in the 3 cubits between Jesus and Peter on row 3. Jesus turned due east and saw Peter. The hope of a fulfilment of the prophecy of Restoration at 3 am had failed. But Peter now adapted the cockcrowing saying to mean that it could still come at 4 am and Peter might be promoted.
| 61. kai strapheis ho
kyrios eneblepsen tō Petrō, kai hypemnēsthē ho Petros tou rēmatos tou kyriou hōs eipen
autō hoti Prin alektora phōnēsai sēmeron aparnēsē
me tris.
61 The
(Jesus grade 2 in west to Christ 1 in west) having
saw{blepō to Peter. And Peter
remembered the
statement of the
Lord (genitive)
he (SRLR to Peter) said to him (RLR to Lord) that, "
Previous to a
cock to sound
today you (sing. Lord)
deny me
thrice. "
61. Since the decision had gone against Jesus, he went down to row 3 center west, the position of the prisoner. Merari his guard had left his side to go to the north base for the cockcrowing signal. John Mark was no longer needed as a witness, and Thomas no longer stood down from the fire at :05 am. So no one stood between Jesus and Peter on row 3 of the inner corridor, and there were 3 cubits between them. Jesus turned due east and looked at Peter. Peter now repeated the cockcrowing saying of Jesus, adapting it by omitting "twice" which had meant at the true 3:05 not the fast 3:05 at midnight." Now at 3.05 am you, Jesus, deny that I, Peter, can act as a priest. But it is the hour before (prin) the repeated cockcrowing at the true start of the day for workers at 4 am. The fulfilment for Today will come then and my situation may change." |
3:05 am, 4:05 am.
Matthew 26:75 Peter repeated the cockcrowing saying in the changed form that meant he still had a chance at 4:05 am. At that time he went to the latrine on the southern esplanade, where Simon Magus as excommunicated was now to be found.
| 75. kai
emnēsthē ho Petros tou rēmatos Iēsou eirēkotos hoti Prin alektora phōnēsai tris aparnēsē me. kai exelthōn
exō eklausen pikrōs.
75. And Peter
remembered the
of Jesus (genitive) the said one (utterance) that, "
Prior to a
cock to
thrice you
deny me. And
coming-out{erchomai} outside he (Peter)
75. Then Peter repeated the cockcrowing saying which Jesus now said again, omitting the word "twice" which referred to the cockcrowings at the fast time and the true time. In the form Peter was told to repeat it, it meant "At 3:05 am, at the cockcrowing before the one for workers at 4:05 am, you (Jesus) deny me (Peter), saying I cannot act as a priest. But you in sympathy with workers defer returning to the celibate state until 4 am. The fulfilment of the prophecy of the Restoration may come then, and all low grades such as myself will be exalted." At 4:05 am Peter went out to the pilgrims' latrine at loc.97. There was no fulfilment, Jesus was condemned as a Magian to be tried by Pilate, and Peter was again suspected of Magianism and confined all day in the congregation annexe, so that he was not freed until midnight when Simon Magus again came into power. |
4:05 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
4:05 am
(Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
4:05 am
Luke 22:62 At the set time Peter went with Jesus to the pilgrims' latrine in the southern esplanade, loc 97. It was then time for Jesus to return formally to the celibate state. . Peter, remaining his representative, was again suspected of Magianism, and was kept confined in the congregation annexe all day.
 | 62. kai
exelthōn exō eklausen pikrōs.
62. And he
(participle subject RLR
to subject of last full verb, Peter)
coming out{erchomai}
62. At 4:05 am it was time for men of the pilgrim class to visit their part of the latrine in the southern esplanade, loc 97. Peter and Jesus went there. It was then time for Jesus to formally return to the celibate state. He was already condemned as a Magian, but Peter remained as his representative and the suspicion of Magianism previously brought against him was renewed. He was held for questioning and brought to the congregation annexe which could be treated as another prison. He had to remain there all day, not taking part in the events of the crucifixion, and was only freed at midnight when Simon Magus regained power.
4:05 am
(Matthew verse is above. Scroll down for next time.) |
C. Crucifixion Word for Word Pesher: (Combined Gospels)