Friday March 20, 33 AD
Friday March 20, 33 AD
Friday March 20, 33 AD
Friday March 20, 33 AD
12:00 midnight
John 18:1 At midnight when the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Restoration failed, Jesus stood on the east side of the doorway between the outer hall and the congregation annexe. The first row of the congregation contained the "garden", the "Eden" of the Gentile school, of which John Mark was head.
John 18:2 Jesus in the eastern doorway was technically still in the abbey. Judas as his levite should have been on row 13 east center but was not.
John 18:3 When there was no heavenly intervention in favor of Agrippa, he blamed his enemy Simon Magus for the impediment, and set out to arrest him and the other insurrectionists to hand them over to Pilate. Agrippa brought an arresting party into the outer hall, welcomed by Judas who expected a pardon in return for his information.
John 18:1  | 1. Tauta
eipōn Iēsous exēlthen syn tois mathētais autou peran tou
cheimarrou tou Kedrōn hopou ēn kēpos, eis hon eisēlthen autos
kai hoi mathētai autou.
1. Saying
These Things Jesus came out with the
disciples of him (Jesus)
beyond the winter-stream of the Kidron, the
was a
at which
He ( autos pronoun, Jesus) came at. And the
disciples of him.
1. John's gospel now identifies the place where Jesus had been for the last two hours, as this gospel did not give an account of his troubles there from 10:05 pm, substituting later sermons. The "winter-stream of the Kidron" was the Qumran reproduction of the wady Kidron that in the literal Jerusalem ran down between the city and the Mount of Olives. At Qumran it was the name given to the aqueduct that ran between the sanctuary-vestry on the west side and the celibate house east of the corridor. See Figure 1 locs 100, 106. The "garden"(of Eden) was the east center of the first row of the congregation annexe, where John Mark sat as the head of celibate Gentiles on row 13 associated with seed and growth (Figure 15B). It was midnight, the Julian beginning of the 31st, and there was a high expectation that the fulfilment of the prophecy of a Restoration would come . When it failed Jesus stood in the eastern doorway
2. Jesus in the east doorway row 12 was still in the abbey area. Judas as his levite should have been on row 13 east center. But John Mark was there.
John 18:3  | 3. ho
oun Ioudas labōn tēn speiran kai ek tōn archiereōn kai ek tōn
Pharisaiōn hypēretas erchetai ekei meta phanōn kai lampadōn
kai hoplōn.
Therefore Judas
receiving the
cohort. And
out of the
Chief Priests (genitive). And
out of the
assistants, he (Judas) comes
with of Torches. And of
Lamps. And of
3. When there was no intervention from heaven at the true midnight Agrippa's party assumed that Simon Magus his enemy was to blame for the impediment. Agrippa had arrived at Qumran during the night, expecting this development. He with an arresting party came into the outer hall and stood at the place of the portable altar and ark, the "chariot"on rows 6, 7, and 8. Judas stood on the podium, turning north to welcome the arresting party. He was assuming that although he had been one of the triarchy of insurrectionists, he would be rewarded by Agrippa for his information and given a pardon. The main arresting party consisted of Agrippa, the "cohort"; Annas the Sadducee priest -now allied with Agrippa; Caiaphas the high priest in the temple; and Thomas the acting crown prince of Agrippa. Additionally there were present the successors of losing leaders, Eleazar of Galilee who would replace Judas as levite, and James brother of Jesus who would replace him as the David. Theudas, who could always change sides as did Alexandrian Jews, now sided with Agrippa as he was in danger of arrest with Simon Magus. |
12:00 midnight
Mark 14:43 At the non-fulfilment of the prophecy of a Restoration, mission leaders from Agrippa's party arrived in the outer hall to take up power. Judas took the podium and gave the spoken prayer for the hour.
Mark 14:44 Judas, planning to save himself and have Jesus crucified in his stead, prepared to give evidence against Jesus with a kiss of fellowship, implying that Jesus was an enemy of Rome in the militant party of Judas. John Mark was told to embrace Jesus, to give evidence of Magian sympathies.
Mark 14:45 Judas gave Jesus the kiss of fellow-membership, at the same time calling him in Hebrew "the Great One", Rabbi, meaning that he was a layman only, the third in the triarchy of Priest, Prophet and King.
Mark 14:43  | 43. Kai
euthys eti autou lalountos paraginetai Ioudas heis tōn dōdeka kai
met autou ochlos meta machairōn kai xylōn para tōn archiereōn
kai tōn grammateōn kai tōn presbyterōn.
43. And
still he (RLR to Judas v.42)
speaking, there comes-about beside Judas, a number 1 of the 12. And
with him (Judas) a
crowd (Antipas)
swords{machaira} (Theudas). And of
wood (Thomas) beside of the
Chief Priests (Jonathan Annas). And of the
Scribes (Eleazar of Galilee). And of the
presbyters (James).
43. Mark's version of the events at midnight shows the same group of mission leaders as in John, designated by alternative names, arriving to take over power for Agrippa's party following the non-fulfilment of the prophecy. Agrippa and Caiaphas, included in John's account, are not mentioned in Mark They immediately set about arresting Simon Magus Agrippa's enemy, who was blamed for the non-fulfilment. Judas claimed the podium, saying the prayer on the hour. Judas is called "number 1 of number 12", as also in Mark 14:10, because in the original system of grades a 12 was a Chief Proselyte taught by the Magus on behalf of King Herod. Judas was the deputy of the Magus, so a 13, expressed as 1 of the 12. He had been reduced to a 13th by Jesus at the Last Supper. Theudas, called "weapons" in John's account, is called "swords" here, because he still had the function of one who admitted or denied entry to the Gentile "Eden", their school in the congregation annexe attached to the abbey. Thomas, called "assistants" in John, is called "wood" here, because his task in the court was to stoke up the perpetually burning furnace. Eleazar of Galilee is called "torches" in John, because he was the levite to Agrippa, head of the Scribes at Qumran, who would be the successor of Judas as the guide to pilgrims. James is called "lamps" in John, as a function of the David, often exercised by Jesus, was to hold the lamp for reading the law. Here he is called "presbyters" as simply the David prince. Antipas, the "crowd" was the host from whose house on the Mount of Olives pilgrims set out, meeting in the outer hall at Qumran. |
Mark 14:44  | 44. dedōkei
de ho paradidous auton syssēmon autois legōn, Hon an philēso
autos estin. kratēsate auton kai apagete asphalōs.
44. Judas, the one
him (RLR to crowd v.43, Antipas) now gave to John Mark (them, RLR to his
disciples John Mark v.32, him in vv. 37, 40, 41) a signal saying, "Whom I
He (pronoun).
Seize him (He, Jesus). And acting
securely, lead away (no object).
44. Judas, a member of Agrippa's house, had a scheme for saving himself at the expense of Jesus. Judas would give evidence that Jesus was an anti-Roman militant like himself, by giving him the kiss of fellowship. It would then have been shown that Jesus was both anti-Agrippa and anti-Rome. Agrippa should reward Judas by forgiving him for his militancy and pardoning him, leaving Jesus and Theudas to be executed as the next two in the triarchy after Simon. It was known that John Mark was hostile to Agrippa, and Judas told him to embrace Jesus so as to give further evidence against him. John Mark was to continue acting as an acolyte, guarding the common property of Gentile monastics, which Judas hoped would come to him as superior of the proselyte class. |
Mark 14:45  | 45. kai
elthōn euthys proselthōn autō legei, Rabbi, kai katephilēsen
Judas (subject of participle referring back to participle before speech in v.44)
coming, came near Jesus (RLR to last "him" in v.44, referring to He autos Jesus), says, "
Rabbi (vocative)". And he (Judas) gave Jesus the
of fellow-membership.
45. Judas said to Jesus, "You are only the Great One, the third leader in the place of king, not a levite or priest". Judas gave him the kiss of fellow-membership to supply evidence of anti-Roman militancy.
12:00 midnight
Luke 22:47 At 12 midnight Jesus was saying the prayer for the hour for Gentiles. The arresting party that now took over included Antipas and Judas, who came to the podium . Judas carried out his plan of giving Jesus a kiss of fellowship as a way of supplying evidence of Magianism against him.
| 47. Eti autou lalountos
idou ochlos, kai ho legomenos
Ioudas heis tōn dōdeka proērcheto autous, kai ēngizen
tō Iēsou
philēsai auton.
47 He (RLR
to Jesus in vv. 41 to 46)
see{eidon} a
crowd (Antipas). And the one
said to be Judas, a number 1 deputy of a 12 (deputy
proselyte head) came-forward to them (James Niceta the disciples in v.45, 46). And he (Judas)
neared Jesus to
kiss him.
47. At 12:00 Jesus gave the spoken prayer for the hour on behalf of Gentiles. Antipas joined the arresting party now taking over. Judas Iscariot - called Judas as a title - a number 13 as a deputy proselyte head, came to the podium. He carried out his plan of giving Jesus the kiss of fellowship as a way of giving evidence of Magianism against him.
12:00 midnight
Matthew 26:47 At midnight the arresting party arrived. Judas as deputy chief proselyte took the podium, and he also said the midnight prayer on behalf of proselytes. Antipas joined them, as an equal to Theudas. Thomas acted as levite to Annas. James brother of Jesus was with them.
Matthew 26:48 In addition to his scheme for giving evidence of Magianism against Jesus, Judas also persuaded James Niceta to embrace Jesus, as Judas wanted the fees of Asher Gentiles to come back into Jewish income.
Matthew 26:49 Judas carried out his plan to give evidence of Magian militarism against Jesus by giving him the kiss of fellowship.
Matthew 26:47
| 47. Kai eti autou
lalountos idou Ioudas heis tōn
dōdeka ēlthen kai met' autou ochlos polys meta machairōn kai xylōn
apo tōn archiereōn kai presbyterōn tou laou.
47. And
him (RLR to
Judas v. 46)
see{eidon} Judas, a number 1 of number 12 (13, deputy chief proselyte )
came{erchomai}. And
with him (Judas) a
crowd (Antipas)with
Swords{machaira} (Theudas). And
Wood (Thomas)
from the
Chief Priests (Jonathan Annas). And of
presbyters of the
Layman (genitive).
47. At 12 midnight Judas with the arresting party took the podium. He also said the prayer for midnight on behalf of proselytes, of whom he was deputy chief. Antipas in his Sadducee role with Annas joined them as an equal of Theudas. Annas came to stand on the podium row 9 with Thomas beside him as his levite. James brother of Jesus was present, ready to take the David's place on the podium. Matthew does not include Agrippa, Eleazar and Caiaphas, who arrested Simon Magus at the north of the hall. |
Matthew 26:48  | 48. ho
de paradidous auton edōken autois sēmeion legōn, Hon an philēso
autos estin. kratēsate auton
48. The one
(Judas) him (RLR to crowd, Antipas in v. 47) gave to them (RLR to James Niceta in v.45) a
sign saying, "Whom I kiss
He (nominative pronoun, Jesus).
Seize him (Jesus)."
48. Judas following his plan to have Jesus arrested also made up to Antipas, in order through him to approach James Niceta. Judas wanted the fees paid by James Niceta to be added to Jewish tithes so as to increase his income. As well as alerting John Mark, Judas told James Niceta to embrace Jesus when Judas had given the kiss of fellowship, so as to show Agrippa that James Niceta was not loyal to him. |
Matthew 26:49  | 49. kai
eutheōs proselthōn tō Iēsou eipen, Chaire, rabbi. kai
katephilēsen auton.
he (RLR to Judas subject of participle before speech in v.48)
coming-towards{erchomai} to Jesus said, "Hail,
Rabbi." And he (Judas)
49. Judas carried out his plan to give a kiss of fellowship to Jesus, to give evidence of Magian militarism against him.
12:01 am
John 18:4 Antipas was also present as host to pilgrims, standing in the west doorway. His money, which Agrippa needed, could affect the outcome. Jesus did not turn to him but to Thomas, commenting that he was now allied with Agrippa.
John 18:5 Thomas commented to Agrippa that Jesus was still in the Nazirite married state even after midnight. That meant that Jesus could not hide from arrest in the monastery grounds. Jesus then went forward and stood on the podium, contesting the position with Judas and Thomas.
John 18:6 Jesus making his claim to priesthood on the podium defeated Thomas, who went down to the position of western novice to express his equality with western Gentiles such as John Mark.
John 18:6 Jesus making his claim to priesthood on the podium defeated Thomas, who went down to the position of western novice to express his equality with western Gentiles such as John Mark.
John 18:4  | 4. Iēsous
oun eidōs panta ta erchomena ep' auton exēlthen kai legei autois,
Tina zēteite;
4. Jesus
All things
upon him (Jesus)
And he (Jesus) says to them (RLR to assistants, Thomas v. 3), "You
seek a
Certain One."
4. Antipas was also present. He owned the house for pilgrims that the outer hall reproduced. He held the main part of the Herodian money, against the spendthrift Agrippa, and received Jesus and Gentiles into his house. His money could prevail in the present crisis, with the support of synagogues. Antipas came to the western doorway representing the synagogue congregation. Jesus did not turn to him but to Thomas the other subordinate Herod, saying to him, "I see that you are allied with Agrippa."
John 18:5
| 5. apekrithēsan autō, Iēsoun
ton Nazōraion.
legei autois, Egō eimi. heistēkei de kai Ioudas ho paradidous auton
met' autōn
5. They (Thomas, RLR to
vv. 3, 4)
him (SRLR to Agrippa, a Certain One v. 4), "Jesus the
He (Jesus, Nazirite) says to them (Thomas), "I am". He (Jesus)
stood. And Judas the one
giving-beside him (Jesus)
with them
5. While Agrippa was still present, in the process of arresting Simon, Thomas said to Agrippa that Jesus was still in the Nazirite married state even after midnight. That meant that Jesus could not go into the monastery living quarters, where it would be possible to hide from arrest. Jesus then went boldly to the podium, saying he was acting as a priest. He contested the position with Judas his levite, and with Thomas, who was of equal status with Jesus.
John 18:6  | 6. hōs
oun eipen autois, Egō eimi, apēlthon eis ta opisō kai
epesan chamai.
6. When
he (Jesus, RLR to Nazirite v.5) said to them (Thomas), "I am", they (Thomas)
at the
behind. And they (Thomas)
fell on the
6. When Jesus made his claim to priesthood on the podium, he defeated Thomas, who gave way. He went down via the western doorway to take the position of the novice on row 13, which meant equality with western Gentiles, especially John Mark. |
12:01 am
Mark 14:46 John Mark entrusted to Jesus the common property of celibate Gentiles, as he always did, and embraced him as the Beloved Disciple.
 | 46. hoi
de epebalon tas cheiras autō kai ekratēsan auton.
46. They (John Mark addressed in v.44) threw the
hands upon to him (Jesus). And they (John Mark)
46. Jesus as the David held on their behalf the common property of celibate uncircumcised Gentiles, including freewill gifts. John Mark as the "eunuch" of Jesus represented both husband and wife in his marriage, and he was the one who always entrusted the money to Jesus. As the Beloved Disciple he embraced him.
12:01 am
Luke 22:48 Jesus went forward to the podium and reclaimed his position as Son of Man, treating Judas as only his levite.
| 48. Iēsous de eipen autō,
Iouda, philēmati
ton huion tou anthrōpou paradidōs
48. Jesus said to him
(Judas v.
48), "Judas, with a
kiss you
give-beside the
Son of the
48. Jesus went forward to his place on the podium as Son of Man, and told Judas that he was only his levite.
12:01 am
Matthew 26:50 Jesus reminded Judas that he was only a levite. James Niceta defied Judas and handed over the fees of Asher Gentiles for Jesus to administer.
Matthew 26:51 When James claimed to be the legitimate David on the podium row 10, Peter used the "sword of the cherubim" to exclude him from teaching Gentiles and using their lectern.
Matthew 26:50  | 50. ho de Iēsous
eipen autō, Hetaire, eph ho parei. tote proselthontes epebalon tas
cheiras epi ton Iēsoun kai ekratēsan auton.
50. Jesus said to him
(Judas), "Comrade, upon which (neuter) you are beside".
they (plu participle without article, RLR to "they", James Niceta in v.48)
coming-towards{erchomai} threw-upon the
hands upon Jesus. And they (James Niceta)
seized him (Jesus).
50.Jesus said to Judas, "You are only a levite." James Niceta defied Judas by handing over the fees of Asher Gentiles for Jesus to administer for their missionary work.
Matthew 26:51  | 51. kai
idou heis tōn meta Iēsou ekteinas tēn cheira apespasen tēn
machairan autou kai pataxas ton doulon tou archiereōs apheilen autou to
51. And
see{eidon} a number 1 (Peter) of the ones
with Jesus, he (Peter) having stretched out the
hand, drew the
of him. And he (Peter with participle) having struck the
slave (James) of the
Chief Priest removed of him (James) the
51. James now claimed to be the legitimate David on the podium row 10. Peter in row 13 seized the "sword of the cherubim". He used it to exclude James from teaching Gentiles and from using their lectern, the "ear".
12:03 am
John 18:7 At 12:03 Simon was arrested by Agrippa, Caiaphas and Eleazar, who took him for trial via the north base to the court in the north vestry. Thomas came back from the novice's position to avoid any association with Simon Magus. Jesus from the podium questioned Thomas, now acting as Annas' deputy, and was given an indication that Thomas was in some sympathy with him.
John 18:8 Jesus accepted Thomas' sympathy and asked him to allow the celibate John Mark to be in his proselyte class, even though uncircumcised.
John 18:9 Jesus also said that James Niceta although a Nazirite in the married class was equal to John Mark. Both could be a Chief Gentile in their different orders.
John 18:10 Jesus was brought up to the portable altar, to be arrested after Simon. His brother James now took the place of the David on the podium, claiming the title of "king", Malchus. Peter attempted to deny him the right to teach Gentiles, but James denied Peter's right to teach Gentiles, and sent him up to be questioned as the deputy of Jesus.
John 18:11 Jesus at the portable altar representing the altar of incense drank from the cup of wine as the "blood" to show that he was no longer in the Nazirite state according to abbey rules and that he was ready to suffer. Then he was arrested by Thomas, and with Peter taken across to the north base, reaching it at 12:05 am.
John 18:7  | 7. palin
oun epērōtēsen autous, Tina zēteite; hoi de eipan, Iēsoun
ton Nazōraion.
therefore he (Jesus RLR to v. 6)
questioned them (Thomas), "You
seek a
Certain One.
They (Thomas addressed) said, "Jesus the Nazirite."
7. At 12:03 am Simon's arrest was effected by Agrippa, Caiaphas and Eleazar. They took him away for the 2 minutes to the north base, then in to the court in the north part of the north vestry. Others remained in the outer hall. Jesus from the podium row 10 questioned Thomas who to avoid any association with Magianism came back to stand beside Annas on the upper podium row 9. Jesus again said to Thomas, "You are allied with Agrippa" This time Thomas again said "Jesus is still in the Nazirite state", but in the context it implied that Thomas was in sympathy with Jesus as an alternative to Agrippa.
John 18:8  | 8. apekrithē
Iēsous, Eipon hymin hoti egō eimi. ei oun eme zēteite,
toutous hypagein.
8. Jesus
"I have said to you plu. (Thomas) that "I am".
therefore you (plu)
seek me, leave
These Ones to lead-under.
8. Jesus was aware of Thomas' sympathy, and said to him, " Do you ally with me? If so, accept John Mark as a celibate Gentile in your class of proselytes. He is in the western doorway." Thomas and John Mark remained associated as celibates throughout the subsequent events.
John 18:9  | 9. hina
plerōthē ho logos hon eipen hoti Hous dedōkas moi ouk apōlesa
ex autōn oudena.
9.In order that the
should be
fulfilled, which he (Jesus, the Word) said that, "The
ones you (sing.) gave me, I have not lost out of them (the ones) a
9. Jesus added that James Niceta was a Gentile equal to John Mark, learning from Jesus while he was a dynast out in the world. Jesus would not send James Niceta to Rome but he would stay at the limit of the east. |
John 18:10  |
10. Simōn
oun Petros echōn machairan heilkysen autēn kai epaisen ton tou
archiereōs doulon kai apekopsen autou to ōtarion to dexion. ēn
de onoma tō doulō Malchos
10. Simon
Peter having a
sword{machaira} drew it. And he (Peter) struck the
slave of the
Chief Priest.
And he (SRLR to slave, James, not Peter) cut off of him (Peter) the right
ear. The
was to the slave
Malchus (from Hebrew
melek, king).
10. Jesus had now gone to the north end of the room to the portable altar, to replace Simon who had been arrested and taken away. Jesus was to be taken away next. Peter stood in row 13 east center. To his east was a 1 cubit square writing-desk where copies of books were placed for teaching to Gentiles. It was called an "ear" as it was beside the "face" in the Gentile version on row 13. It became the lectern in a Christian church. Annas the abbot had remained in the hall and was standing on the north part of the podium row 9. James brother of Jesus was now standing in front of him in the David's place. He would have stood there as a substitute anyway, but he now claimed that Pharisees with Agrippa were in power, so he was the true David, with the title of "king", melek in Hebrew, Malchus in Greek. Peter knowing that James required the circumcision of Gentiles took an action intended to bar James from teaching Gentiles. He placed across the doorway the sword representing the sword of the cherubim barring the way in to Eden
Genesis 3:24. James should not be able to come down to the annexe where the Gentile school "Eden" was. But by the use of RLR the text shows that James cut off Peter's right to teach, by accusing him of Magianism. James sent Peter up to Jesus, where he would be seen as Jesus' deputy and subjected to questioning with him.
John 18:11  | 11. eipen
oun ho Iēsous tō Petrō, Bale tēn machairan eis tēn thēkēn.
to potērion ho dedōken moi ho patēr ou mē piō auto
11 Jesus
therefore said to Peter, "Throw the
at the scabbard. The
cup which the
Father has given me, I
not-not drink ".
11. Jesus said to Peter who had joined him, "Let John Mark on row 13 east hold the sword, with the right to make or deny admissions to the Gentile Eden school." Jesus went on to say that he was no longer in the Nazirite married state by abbey rules, since it was after midnight. In the abbeys, a cup of wine was taken at midnight, 1 am and 2 am, these latter already taken by those who were using the fast time. A cup still stood on the portable altar near Jesus. Since it came from the altar of incense where atoning blood was sprinkled, the cup stood for the blood of martyrdom. Jesus drank quickly to show that by abbey rules he was no longer a Nazirite and was prepared to suffer. Jesus was arrested by Thomas and taken across for the 2 minute walk to the north base, where he would await his trial after that of Simon. |
12: 03 am
Mark 14:47 Peter as a teacher of Gentiles had the right to exile rebels from the "Eden" schools for Gentiles. He used it on James, but James now in authority in the place of the David turned and used the power on Peter, forbidding him to preach to Gentiles.
47. heis de tōn
parestēkotōn spasamenos tēn machairan epaisen ton doulon tou archiereōs
kai apheilen autou to ōtarion
47. A number 1 a
Certain One of the
by-standers (genitive) having seized the
sword{machaira} struck the
slave of the
Chief Priest.
And he (SRLR to slave) removed of him (Peter) the
47. Ar 12:03 when Jesus was to be arrested at the portable altar, his brother James took the place of the David on the podium row 10. That meant that he was a teacher of Gentiles on row 13, Peter, who was both a grade 7 initiate and grade 6 deacon on row 13, objected to James as a teacher of Gentiles, knowing that he required circumcision. He took the sword that was used to either bar the entrance or give admission to the Gentile "Eden" in the annexe, and laid it on the doorway to stop James. It should prevent him from access to the lectern east of row 13 with the documents used for teaching Gentiles. But James drew on the Pharisee authority that was now in power to forbid Peter to teach Gentiles. He sent Peter up to join Jesus, to become involved in his arrest. Those holding Simon now left for the 2 minute walk to the north base, followed by Thomas holding Jesus. Peter and John Mark went with Jesus.
12:03 am
Luke 22:49 As a hostile party took over in the hall, John Mark on row 13 offered to use the "sword of the cherubim" to exclude them from teaching Gentiles.
Luke 22:50 Peter attempted to exclude James brother of Jesus from teaching Gentiles in "Eden", using the "sword of the cherubim". But James, now the David as Pharisees were in power, excluded Peter, sending him up to be with Jesus who was about to be arrested.
Luke 22:51
Jesus at the north of the hall touched the lectern that Peter brought him and said that James should be allowed to use it when acting as his deputy.
Luke 22:49  | 49. idontes
de hoi peri auton to esomenon eipan, Kyrie, ei pataxomen en
machairē ;
49. The ones
around him (RLR to Son of Man{anthrōpos} in v. 48)
seeing{eidon} the thing
being said, "
if{ei} we hit
in a
49. John Mark, the personal deputy of Jesus, in row 13, offered to use the "sword of the cherubim" to exclude wrongdoers from teaching Gentiles. |
Luke 22:50
50. kai epataxen heis tis ex autōn tou archiereōs ton doulon kai apheilen to ous autou
to dexion
50. And a Number 1
Certain One (Peter)
out of them (RLR to the ones around him v.49), hit the
slave of the
Chief Priest.
And he (SRLR to slave, James) struck the
ear of him (SRLR to Peter) the
right one.
50. Peter, who was both a grade 7 village initiate and a grade 6 deacon for row 13, took over from John Mark. Since Pharisees now had the power, James brother of Jesus stood on the podium row 10 instead of Jesus, claiming to be the legitimate David. Peter placed the sword in the doorway to prevent James from coming in to "Eden", the school for celibate Gentiles, where he would use the lectern beside the east center, the "ear", containing the documents from which Gentiles were taught. But it was James who now had power over Peter. He forbade him to teach Gentiles, and sent him to the north of the hall to be with Jesus who was about to be arrested. |
Luke 22:51  | 51. apokritheis
de ho Iēsous eipen, Eate heōs toutou. kai hapsamenos tou ōtiou
iasato auton
51 Having
Jesus said, "You (plu."the ones around him v.,49, John Mark ) allow
until{heōs} of
This One. And he (Jesus) having touched the
him (RLR to slave, James in v.50).
51. John Mark had brought the square wooden board up to Jesus at the north of the hall. Jesus touched it to dedicate it and said that Brother James should be allowed to use it when acting as his deputy.
12:03 am
Matthew 26:52 It was Jesus who rebuked Peter in Matthew's account. He told Peter to limit the right to exclude false teachers. There were different opinions about false teaching. Antipas had the right to exclude, but should himself be excluded for teaching circumcision.
Matthew 26:53Jesus, now appointing James Niceta as Chief Gentile, said that Annas would allow Jesus to act as the head of all Gentiles of the order of Asher, including Gentiles who were members of Matthew Annas' abbey, using the imagery of symbolic warfare.
Matthew 26:54 Jesus added that the new scripture for Gentiles that was now being prepared had authority.
Matthew 26:52
| 52. tote legei autō
ho Iēsous, Apostrepson tēn
machairan sou eis ton topon autēs, pantes gar hoi labontes machairan en
machairē apolountai.
Then says
to him (RLR to
Peter subject of last verb v.51) Jesus, "
Turn-from the
sword{machaira} of you
at the
place of it (feminine, sword),
All Ones the ones
receiving a
in a
sword{machaira} will be
52. It was Jesus who in Matthew's account exercised authority over Peter, not James who attempted it first. Jesus told Peter he could use the right to exclude false teachers of Gentiles, but to use it only in the Diaspora. Antipas had the right to use it, but in his Rome house he should be excluded for teaching circumcision. |
Matthew 26:53
| 53. ē dokeis hoti ou
dynamai parakalesai ton
patera mou, kai parastēsei moi arti pleiō dōdeka legiōnas
53. "Or you (sing)
believe that I do not have
power to
call-beside the
Father of me. And he (Father) cause to
stand-beside to me
more{pleiō} than number 12
legions of
53. Jesus continued to Peter, " I am not a Magian, and I can ask Annas as the Pope to make me head of all Gentiles of the order of Asher, including James Niceta who in Matthew Annas' abbey evangelize under the imagery of symbolic warfare." |
12:05 am
John 18:12 At the north base (Figure 9C) Agrippa and his levite Eleazar holding Simon Magus left for the 1 minute walk into the court in the north vestry. Thomas arrived holding Jesus, then left him there to await his trial after that of Simon.
 | 12. Hē
oun speira kai ho chiliarchos kai hoi hypēretai tōn Ioudaiōn
synelabon ton Iēsoun kai edēsan auton.
12. There
therefore a
cohort . And the
tribune. And the
assistants of the
received-with Jesus.
And they (assistants) bound him (Jesus).
12. At 12:05 am Agrippa stood on the north base, with Eleazar as his levite, holding Simon Magus who was to be taken into the court for trial. As they left the base, Thomas arrived with Jesus, who would stay there until his trial half an hour later. |
12:05 am
Mark 14:48 At 12:05 am after the judges of Simon Magus had left the north base to take him for trial in the court, Jesus was brought there by Thomas. Jesus refused to stand on the south base, the prison, declaring his innocence as the third man. Theudas properly belonged there. When Thomas left to help bring Simon to trial, Jesus claimed the north base.
 | 48. kai
apokritheis ho Iēsous eipen autois, Hōs epi lēstēn exēlthate
meta machairōn kai xylōn syllabein me;
48. And Jesus having
said to them (RLR to John Mark vv, 44, 46), "You have
come out{erchomai}
upon a
swords{machaira}. And
wood to
48. After Agrippa and Eleazar had left the bases to take Simon in for trial, Jesus under arrest was brought there by Thomas. Jesus should have been taken first to the south base, the prison, where Theudas belonged as he was actually the third man. But Jesus, denying his guilt as the third man, refused to stand on the south base. John Mark stood there temporarily for him while the cockcrowing signal was given by Merari on the north base. Theudas as not under arrest stood beside the south base and would remain there after Jesus had left. Then Thomas left to help bring Simon before his judges and Jesus claimed the north base at 12:06. Mark's gospel does not include the point observed by Luke, that at 12:05 Merari giving the cockcrowing signal at the fast time would have stood on the north base. |
12:05 am
Luke 22:52 Jesus arrived at the bases just as the cockcrowing signal for the fast 3:05 am was being said by Merari on the north base. Jesus refused to stand on the south base as a prisoner, saying that he was not the third man.
| 52. eipen de Iēsous
pros tous paragenomenous ep'
auton archiereis kai stratēgous tou hierou kai presbyterous, Hōs epi
lēstēn exēlthate meta machairōn kai xylōn;
52. Jesus said
towards the
Chief Priests
upon him (Jesus). And
captains of the
temple. And
presbyters, "As
upon a
thief you (plu, John Mark vv. 49,51) have come out
swords{machaira} And
52. Those arresting Simon left the north of the hall at 12:03, arriving at the north base at 12:05. As they were leaving to take him into the court, Jesus, arrested as Simon's deputy, arrived at the bases with Thomas who had arrested him. At the same moment Merari was giving the cockcrowing signal from the north base, 12:05 am being 3:05 am for those keeping the fast time. Jesus should have been placed on the south base as a prisoner, but he refused to go there, denying that he was the third man, Theudas, who should have stood there. Jesus stood at first on row 14 for the "oil" laity, with John Mark as his "wife" on the south base. Annas had come with Thomas, and stood on row 13 while the cockcrowing signal was being given, then left to act as second judge to Simon. James had come also, beside Jesus as his deputy on row 14. Theudas waited beside the south base, where he would remain until morning. |
12:05, 12:06 am
Matthew 26:55 When others had gone into the court for Simon's trial Jesus went to the north base in his role of priest to Gentiles, sitting to teach.
| 55. En ekeinē tē
hōra eipen ho Iēsous
tois ochlois, Hōs epi lēstēn exēlthate meta machairōn
kai xylōn syllabein me; kath' hēmeran en tō hierō
ekathezomēn didaskōn kai ouk ekratēsate me.
hour Jesus said to the
crowds, "How
upon a
thief you have
swords{machaira}. And
wood to
receive-with me. According to a
in the
temple I sat
teaching. And you did not
seize me.
55. At 12:05 am when Jesus had been brought to the pillar bases under arrest, and Simon had just been taken to the court, Jesus refused to take the south base which should be for Theudas as the third man. Theudas stood beside the base and Antipas and Thomas were present just before they went into the court. After the cockcrowing signal had been given (not stated by Matthew) Jesus went to the base and sat on it, teaching Gentiles as their equal.
12:06 am
John 18:13 Simon Magus was brought for trial to the court in the first two rows of the north vestry. (Figure 9B) His two judges were Annas in the west center of row 1 and Caiaphas in the east center. Matthew Annas as a witness against Simon stood on the east side of Caiaphas.
| 13. kai ēgagon pros Annan
prōton, ēn
gar pentheros tou Kaiapha, hos ēn archiereus tou eniautou ekeinou.
13 They (RLR to Thomas
led (no object)
towards Annas
For he (Annas)
was father-in- law of Caiaphas. Who (new subject)
was a
Chief Priest of that
13. Thomas then went with those holding Simon into the court in the north vestry, one minute away from the north base. Thomas leaving Jesus brought Simon Magus before his western judge Annas. The eastern judge was Caiaphas. Annas was the "father-in-law" of Caiaphas because Annas as a Sadducee and now the Pope instead of Simon was the "father" of all women and Gentiles. Caiaphas was an initiate of the ascetics for political advantage, the reason why he was present at Qumran. His wife was consequently a female initiate, making Annas the "father-in-law". Another man was to be present for this trial as a witness against Simon. He was Matthew Annas, holding the office of the levitical Kohath, his emblem the dove of peace. He was designated like his predecessor Matthias the strict Sadducee as a "Who", nominative, the word used as a new subject, meaning a priest who had become anonymous. He would subsequently lead the Christian party and be the sponsor of Matthew's gospel.
12:06 am
Mark 14:49 Jesus claiming the north base stayed there as a teacher of Gentiles.
 | 49. kath'hēmeran
ēmēn pros hymas en tō hierō didaskōn kai ouk ekratēsate
me. all' hina plērōthōsin hai graphai.
Daily I
was (became)
towards you (plu., John Mark in v.48) in the
teaching. And you did not
seize me.
Nevertheless in order that the
Writings may be fulfilled.
49. Jesus began teaching from the north base as the "Adam".to Gentiles He placed John Mark behind him as translator, having better Greek and Latin. John Mark avoided acting as the Beloved for Jesus in public, to protect himself as he was an employee of Agrippa. Jesus remained there for 20 minutes while Simon's trial was held. Jesus taught from the new scripture for Gentiles. |
12:06 am.
Luke 22:53 When others had left for the court Jesus took the north base himself, acting as a teacher of Gentiles in good standing. He advised John Mark to allow James Niceta, an anti-Magian and in favor with Rome, to be the Chief Gentile.
| 53. kath' hēmeran ontos mou
meth'hymōn en tō
hierō ouk exeteinate tas cheiras ep' eme. all'hautē estin hymōn
hē hōra kai hē exousia tou skotous
53. "According
to a
day, as I am a
being one
with you (plu.John Mark vv, 49, 51, 52) in the
temple, you (plu.) did not stretch out the
upon me.
Nevertheless this
is the
hour. And the
authority of the
53.When Annas and Thomas had gone into the court, Jesus took the north base himself, as an innocent man engaged in teaching Gentiles. John Mark was now concealing his relationship with Jesus and did not place on the base the gifts for his common property held by Jesus. Jesus accepted his independence. He said that it was now the next day by the Julian calendar. An anti-Magian Gentile, James Niceta, who was more in favor with Rome, should be the Chief Gentile. Luke, like John, does not deal with the trial of Jesus in the presence of Agrippa in the next half-hour.
12:06 am
Matthew 26:56 Jesus recommended the original form of Matthew's gospel, from 6 AD, as part of the new scripture for Gentiles.
Matthew 26:57 In the court at 12:06 am Thomas brought Simon to stand in front of Caiaphas for trial. On the platform Eleazar and James stood as deputies of Agrippa, who was not present for Simon's trial.
Matthew 26:58 Peter was present for Simon's trial as doorkeeper to Caiaphas. He sat on row 1 in the inner corridor next to Thomas, with 2 cubits between himself and the east judge's seat, where the fulfilment of the prophecy would be seen if it came.
Matthew 26:56
56. touto de holon gegonen hina plērōthōsin hai graphai tōn
prophētōn. Tote hoi mathētai pantes aphentes auton ephygon.
56. "
whole thing has
come about in order that the
Writings of the
Prophets may be
All the
disciples leaving him (RLR to thief v.55)
56 Jesus continued, "The truth for the married class of Gentiles is contained in the Logia, the 6 AD original of Matthew's gospel." Antipas then left Theudas at the south base and went into the court for Simon's trial. The Logia, said by Christian writers to have been the original form of Matthew's gospel in Hebrew, are named in Acts 7:38 at the date of 6AD. Including the Sermon on the Mount, it may be seen that they were produced by Hillel the Great for Gentiles who were becoming proselytes. They were not composed by Jesus, but subsequently adapted for uncircumcised Gentiles.James Niceta incorporated them in the Greek gospel
Matthew 26:57  | 57. Oi
de kratēsantes ton Iēsoun apēgagon pros Kaiaphan ton archierea,
hopou hoi grammateis kai hoi presbyteroi synēchthēsan.
57. The ones
seizing Jesus led-from (no object)
towards Caiaphas the
Chief Priest,
the where the
Scribes. And the
presbyters were led-with.
57. Matthew briefly mentions the trial of Simon, who was brought by Thomas in front of Caiaphas the Pharisee high priest in the position of the superior eastern judge. Thomas had arrested Jesus but was also a friend to him, allowing him to remain outside on the north base. Eleazar and James were on the platform overseeing the court. Agrippa is included on the platform only for the subsequent trial of Jesus. |
Matthew 26:58  | 58. ho
de Petros ēkolouthei autō apo makrothen heōs tēs aulēs tou
archiereōs, kai eiselthōn esō ekathēto meta tōn hypēretōn
idein to telos
58. Peter
followed him (RLR to Caiaphas v.57)
until{heōs} the
court of the
Chief Priest.
And he (Peter subject of participle RLR to subject of "followed")
coming-at{erchomai} inside
with the
assistants to
see{eidon} the
58. In order to be present at Simon's trial, Peter acted as the doorkeeper acolyte to the judge Caiaphas. He came to the court in the uncovered north 2 cubits of the north vestry, sitting in the inner corridor. (Figure 9B) Beside him at the east guest position Thomas was in front of the opening of the great furnace. It was kept constantly burning and re-kindled for cooking the holy loaves. There were 2 cubits between Peter and the judge, and Peter, who as less educated believed in the prophecy, watched to see if it would strike the judge, the most important person present.
12:25 am.
John 18:14 At 12:25 am after a 20 minute trial Caiaphas gave his verdict to Antipas that Simon should be handed over to Pilate. He also said that Jesus should be tried and excommunicated, for James was the legitimate David. John's gospel does not record this trial of Jesus.
 | 14. ēn
de Kaiaphas ho symbouleusas tois Ioudaiois hoti sympherei hena
apothanein hyper tou laou.
14 Caiaphas
was the one giving council to the
Jews that it was expedient for a
Man{anthrōpos} 1 to
above the
14. After trying Simon Magus for 20 minutes Caiaphas gave his decision to hand him over to Pilate for execution. Caiaphas then said he would try Jesus, who should be excommunicated similarly. As a Pharisee Caiaphas said that it was James who was the legitimate David. John's gospel omits the half-hour trial of Jesus at this stage, dealt with by the Synoptics, and moves on to the main trial by Annas at 1 am. |
12:25 am
Mark 14:50 Antipas was in the court to attend Simon's trial, as he was a member of his house.
Mark 14:51 Condemned by the priests, Simon was stripped of his initiation vestment, wearing only the short tunic of a novice. Antipas acted as witness for him.
Mark 14:52. Simon was brought out to the south base, the prison. Being now at grade 9, that of a baptizand, he was stripped of his novice's tunic, leaving only his loincloth.
Mark 14:53 When Simon's trial was over, Jesus was brought in front of the secondary judge Annas to prepare for his trial as Simon's deputy. The three leaders now in power, Agrippa, Eleazar and James stood on the platform above.
Mark 14:54 Peter
remained as male doorkeeper to the priest inside the north door of the vestry.
Mark 14:55 Before
Jesus' trial began, Agrippa ordered that Peter should be investigated, to see
if he was a Magian, as Jesus was thought to be.
Mark 14:50  | 50. kai
aphentes auton ephygon pantes
All ones
leaving him (RLR to thief Theudas in v. 48)
50. Antipas had gone into the court to attend Simon's trial, as Simon was a member of his house. The court was a place of refuge where runaway criminals were first given a fair trial before being condemned. |
Mark 14:51
| 51. Kai neaniskos tis
synēkolouthei autō peribeblemenos
sindona epi gymnou, kai kratousin auton.
51. And a
young man
followed to him (RLR to thief Theudas, vv. 48, 50), thrown around with a
tunic upon of a
naked one, and they (RLR to All Ones Antipas v.50)
seize him.
51. At 12:25 am Simon's trial by the Jewish priests ended, and he was condemned to be handed over to Pilate. He was reduced to the grade of novice, a "young man" at grade 8, wearing a novice's tunic over his upper body. Antipas acted as his friend. |
Mark 14:52
| 52. Ho de katalipōn tēn
sindona gymnos
He (Simon)
abandoning the
52. Simon was then brought out to the south base, reduced to a grade 9 baptizand, wearing nothing but a loincloth.
Mark 14:53  | 53. Kai
apēgagon ton Iēsoun pros ton archierea, kai synerchontai pantes hoi
archiereis kai hoi presbyteroi kai hoi grammateis.
53. They (RLR to All Ones Antipas vv. 50, 51) led-from Jesus towards the Chief Priest. And All the Chief Priests come-with. And the presbyters. And the Scribes. | 53. Mark records the trial of Jesus during the next half-hour supervised by Agrippa, not dealt with in John's gospel. Since Jesus was only a secondary defendant, Annas as the secondary judge replaced Caiaphas. Antipas brought Jesus to the defendant's place on row 2. On the platform above, beginning on row 3, the three leaders who had now gained power stood, with Agrippa as Priest and King, Eleazar as Levite-Prophet, and James as Prince-presbyter. |
Mark 14:54  | 54. kai
ho Petros apo makrothen ēkolouthēsen autō heōs esō
eis tēn aulēn tou archiereōs, kai ēn synkathēmenos
meta ton hypēretōn kai thermainomenos pros to phōs.
54. And Peter from
followed him (RLR to Chief Priest Annas v. 53)
until{heōs} within
at the
court of the
Chief Priest.
And he (Peter with participle to subject of last verb)
was sitting-with
with the
assistants. And he (Peter) warming
towards the
54. Peter remained in the position he had been in during Simon's trial as acolyte doorkeeper to the main judge (as is shown in Matthew's gospel). He now acted as doorkeeper to Annas, who took the position of east judge. Peter on the first row in front of the north door of the vestry was in the inner corridor, sitting beside Thomas who at the eastern guest position had the duty of supplying the wood and stoking up the fire in the great furnace outside the north wall. Thomas had rekindled the fire at 12:05 am (as is given in Matthew's gospel) and after 20 minutes it gave out warmth. Over the north door a light hung, representing the Menorah for the Sadducee priest Annas, who entered by that door. |
Mark 14:55
| 55. hoi de archiereis kai holon to
synedrion ezētoun kata tou Iēsou martyrian eis to thanatōsai
auton, kai ouch hēuriskon.
55. The
Chief Priests. And the whole
(Agrippa), they (Annas) sought down from Jesus (genitive) testimony at putting to
Death him (SRLR to Peter v. 54). And they (Annas) did not
55. Before Jesus' trial started, Agrippa from the platform above asked for an investigation of Peter, who was a member of his house. As James had ensured would happen, there were suspicions about Peter as possibly Magian. Annas moved to the west center to test Peter, standing on the west side of Jesus the defendant, to see if he should be condemned as Magian. Annas did not treat Peter as a member of his party. |
12:25 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:25 am
Matthew 26:59 At 12:25 Jesus was brought in front of Annas as a western judge to prepare for his less important trial after Simon. Agrippa was now on the platform to oversee the trial of a rival king. There was first an investigation of Peter, suspected of Magian sympathies. Annas attempted to gain from Jesus information that Agrippa wanted.
Matthew 26:60 Annas did not agree with Antipas' evidence, so gave evidence himself that Agrippa wanted. Then Thomas was asked.
Matthew 26:61 Thomas quoted Peter as saying that he would be forming a new organization, independent of Qumran, in 43 AD when the calendar changed to the Day position with the 31st on a Tuesday.
Matthew 26:59  | 59. hoi
de archiereis kai to synedrion holon ezētoun pseudomartyrian kata tou
Iēsoun hopōs auton thanatōsōsin
59. The
Chief Priests. And the
council they (RLR to Chief Priests)
false witness down from Jesus (genitive), the
how they (Chief Priests) might put to
Death him (RLR to Peter v.58).
59. At 12:25 am the trial of Jesus began. He was to be tried only by Annas. Agrippa was present on the platform above to oversee the trial of a rival to his kingship.There was first an investigation of Peter for possible Magian sympathies. Annas in the west judge's position attempted to gain from Jesus information against Peter that Agrippa wanted. |
Matthew 26:60
ouch heuron pollōn proselthontōn pseudomartyrōn, hysteron de
proselthontes dyo
60. And they (RLR
to Chief Priests
Annas) did not
coming-towards{erchomai} giving false-witness.
Afterwards a number 2
60. Annas received no help from Jesus, so Annas himself gave evidence that Agrippa wanted. Then Thomas in the role of abbot's deputy spoke. |
Matthew 26:61
| 61. eipan
Houtos ephē, Dynamai katalysai ton naon tou theou kai dia triōn
hemerōn oikodomēsai
61. They (Thomas as a
2) said, "
This One
uttered, 'I have
power to loosen-down the
sanctuary of
God. And
through 3
days to make a
61.Thomas quoted Peter, the deputy of Jesus, as being in a different party and having said to him, "In 43 AD when the calendar changes to the Day position and the 31st falls on a Tuesday, day 3, I will lead a separation from Sadducees at Qumran and form a new mission organization." |
12:26 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:26 am
Mark 14:56 Annas, who was a less strict Sadducee, gave the information that Agrippa wanted against Peter . It was not just.
 | 56. polloi
gar epseudomartyroun kat' autou, kai isai hai martyriai ouk ēsan
Many (Annas) gave
false testimonyagainst
him (RLR to Peter vv. 54, 55, genitive). And the testimonies (plu.rep.)
were not equal.
56. Annas was a less strict Sadducee with more liberal views on morality than Peter. He condoned much of Agrippa's waywardness. He gave evidence concerning Peter that Agrippa wanted, but it was not just.
12:26 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:26 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:28 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:28 am
Mark 14:57 Thomas who was also in Agrippa's house, reported what Peter had said to him.
Mark 14:58 Thomas quoted Peter as saying said that after another decade he would separate the Gentile mission financially from its Qumran headquarters, in a new missionary organization that would accept only gifts, not fixed fees. He expected it to happen in AD 43 when the solar calendar changed to the Day position with its 31st on a Tuesday.
Mark 14:59 Thomas' evidence was correct.
Mark 14:57
| 57. kai tines anastantes
epseudomartyroun kat' autou
57. And
Certain Ones (Thomas) gave
false testimony down from
him (RLR to Peter vv. 54, 55, genitive), saying
57. Thomas gave
evidence that
Agrippa wanted concerning what Peter had said to him.
Mark 14:58  | 58. hoti
Hēmeis ēkousamen autou legontos hoti Egō katalysō ton naon
touton ton cheiropoiēton kai dia triōn hēmerōn allon
acheiropoiēton oikodomēsō
58. that
"We (Thomas) heard him (Peter) saying that, "I will loosen this
made with a
And through 3 days ( day 3, Tuesday) I will make an
household not
made with a
58. Thomas quoted Peter as predicting that a decade later. in AD 43, when the solar calendar had changed to the Day position with its 31st on a Tuesday, he would separate the Gentile mission from its headquarters at Qumran, where the income from welfare fees was stored for Jewish purposes. He would establish a new missionary organization for Gentiles, who did not charge fixed fees but accepted only gifts. |
Mark 14:59
| 59. kai oude houtōs isē
ēn hē
martyria autōn.
59. And
was the testimony
of them (RLR to Certain Ones, Thomas in v.57)equal.
59. The evidence of
Thomas, a
graduate bishop, was just.
12:28 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:28 am
(Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:30 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:30 am
Mark 14:60 At 12:30 am Jonathan Annas tried to begin the trial of Jesus as the deputy of Simon, but Jesus was engaged in the silent prayer of Gentiles on the half-hour. John Mark, in the place of witness for Jesus, gave evidence showing that Jesus held Sadducee pro-Roman views.
 | 60. kai
anastas ho archiereus eis meson epērōtēsen ton Iēsoun legōn,
Ouk apokrinē ouden; ti houtoi sou katamartyrousin;
60. And the
Chief Priest having
stood up at a
questioned Jesus saying, "You do not
These Ones
down-testify of
60. On the half-hour Jesus' trial before Annas was due to begin. But the half-hour was a time for the silent prayer of Gentiles, as shown by Revelation 8:1, "there was silence in 'heaven'......at a half-hour". It was silent because it would be offensive to Jews if Gentiles were heard praying to their God. Annas back in his eastern position tried to begin the trial of Jesus in front of him, but Jesus was occupied with the silent prayer in which he identified with Gentiles. John Mark in the witness's position gave evidence that Jesus held pro-Roman Sadducee views, using the T sign of the cross. |
12:30 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12.30 am
Matthew 26:62 Annas moved to the east judge's position ready for the trial of Jesus. He commented that Peter in the doorway was giving a spoken prayer on behalf of James Niceta, when it should be a silent prayer.
 | 62. kai
anastas ho archiereus eipen autō, ouden apokrinē ; ti houtoi sou
62. And the
Chief Priest having
stood-up said to him (RLR to Peter This One v. 61), "You
These Ones of you
62. At 12:30 Annas changed to the east center in preparation for the trial of Jesus. (Jesus was saying a silent prayer, not included by Matthew.) Annas said to Peter in the doorway, "At the half-hour there should be a silent prayer by Gentiles such as James Niceta. But you are giving a spoken prayer for him. John Mark is now in the position of witness, having replaced Matthew Annas the witness for Simon."
12:35 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:35 am
Mark 14:61 When the repeated silent prayer had ended and Annas began the trial, Jesus took up the subject of his own status. He began by reminding Annas that when there were no Herods the Annas priests had held the role of both king-Messiah of Israel and the Messiah of Aaron.
61. ho
de esiōpa kai ouk apekrinato ouden. palin ho archiereus epērōta
auton kai legei autō, Sy ei ho Christos ho huios tou eulogētou;
61 He (Jesus, addressed) was
silent. He (Jesus) did not
answer for a
Again the
Chief Priest
him (Jesus). And Jesus (SRLR) says to him (SRLR to Annas), "You are the
Christ the
Son of the
Blessed One.
61. At 12:35 at the repeated beginning of the half-hour Jesus was again silent on behalf of James Niceta. When the prayer was finished Annas began to question Jesus. Jesus said to Annas, "You Annas as a member of the Annas dynasty hold the position of the king Messiah of Israel, the deputy of yourself as the Messiah of Aaron - the positions held by the Annas priests after 6 AD when there were no Herods".
12:35 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:35 am
Matthew 26:63 Jesus observed the 12:35 silent prayer for Gentiles. Annas demanded that Jesus should swear that he was only the Messiah of Israel, the deputy of the Annas priest, and not a priest in his own right. Matthew Annas, the Sadducee whom Jesus preferred, also held this view of Jesus.
| 63. ho de Iēsous esiōpa.
kai ho archiereus
eipen autō, Exorkizō se kata tou theou tou zōntos hina hēmin
eipēs ei sy ei ho Christos ho huios tou theou.
63. Jesus was
silent. And the
Chief Priest said to him (Jesus), "I
adjure you down from the
God in order that you (sing.) say to us,
if{ei} you (sing.) are the
Christ the
Son of
63 At 12:35 Jesus again observed the silent prayer of Gentiles. Annas said to him, " Swear on oath, in agreement with Matthew Annas the Sadducee you prefer, that although you are the legitimate David you are only the Messiah of Israel, the deputy of the Annas priest, and not a priest in your own right,". |
After 12:35 pm
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
After 12:35 am
Mark 14:62 Jesus now stated truthfully his own position in the organization of Simon Magus, as his eastern levite deputy to Gentiles . In the course of it he mentioned Annas' connection with Simon Magus, thus revealing what Annas did not want Agrippa to know.
Mark 14:63 Annas tried to save himself with Agrippa by enacting a potential schism with Jesus on the subject of money.
Mark 14:64 Annas speaking to Agrippa as a fellow Sadducee said Agrippa had heard the evidence of Jesus' Magianism. But Antipas assisting at the trial underlined the evidence for the judge Annas' Magian associations.
Mark 14:62  | 62. ho de Iēsous eipen,
Egō eimi, kai
opsesthe ton huion tou anthrōpou ek dexiōn kathēmenon tēs
dynameōs kai erchomenon meta tōn nephelōn tou ouranou.
62 Jesus said,"
I am, and you (plu.,Annas) will
see{eidon} the
Son of
Man{anthrōpos} out of the
right sitting, of the
Power. And
with the
Clouds of
62. Jesus went on, "But I am a priest to Gentiles, and in that role I am a levite to Simon Magus, the Power. You, Annas, when in your role of village priest look up to see me beside Simon Magus. I work with you, Annas when we are in the west and you are a cardinal." Jesus had thus revealed to Agrippa on the platform above that Annas was an associate of Simon Magus in Diaspora mission. Annas was now given a motive for revenge against Jesus. |
Mark 14:63
| 63. ho de archiereus
diarrēxas tous chitōnas
autou legei, Ti eti chreian echomen martyrōn;
63. The
Chief Priest having torn the
of him (rule for RLR of owned object, to Jesus v.62, not of Annas himself) says,"
What (T) do we
still have
need of
63. Annas tried to save himself with Agrippa by enacting a potential schism on the subject of money, arguing that the fixed fees of the Herodian welfare system, on which Agrippa depended, were necessary to pay missionaries to Gentiles. Some Gentiles with James Niceta paid fees (Revelation 6:6), yet were with Jesus. Annas took the priestly scarf of Jesus and tore it at the neck to signify a schism. |
Mark 14:64
| 64. ēkousate tēs blasphēmias. ti
hymin phainetai;
hoi de pantes katekrinan auton enochon einai thanatou.
64. (Annas continued),
"You (plu) have
heard the
T appears to you. The
All Ones
judged him (SRLR to Annas subject of legei in v.63) to be
guilty of
Death (genitive).
64. Annas spoke to Agrippa on the platform above. "You have heard the evidence for Jesus' Magianism. You, Agrippa, hold Sadducee pro-Roman views." But Antipas who was assisting emphasized the fact of Annas' Magian associations. |
After 12:35 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
After 12:35 am
Matthew 26:64 Jesus on oath stated his own position as levitical deputy of Simon Magus, enabling him to act as a priest to Gentiles. At the same time he was giving evidence of Annas' co-operation with the Magian mission in the Diaspora. Jesus had thus discredited his judge in the presence of Agrippa.
 | 64. legei
autō ho Iēsous, Sy eipas. plēn legō hymin, ap' arti
opsesthe ton huion tou anthrōpou kathēmenon ek dexiōn tēs
dynameōs kai erchomenon epi tō n nephelōn tou ouranou.
64. Jesus says to him (RLR
to Annas Chief Priest v. 63), "You (sing.) say.
However I say
to you
(plu.), now{arti} you (plu) will
see{eidon} the
Son of the
out of the
right things of the
Power. And him (Son of Man)
upon of the
Clouds of the
64. Then Jesus said to Annas, on oath, what was his true position, that he was a levitical deputy of Simon Magus and so could act as a priest in his own right to Gentiles. At the same time he spoke of Annas as a village priest looking up from his row 9 to Simon Magus as supreme priest on row 6. Jesus as Son of Man also worked beside Annas in the west in his role of cardinal, the Clouds. Both parts of his statement were evidence that Annas in the Diaspora co-operated with the mission of Simon Magus, as was in fact the case. Jesus had thus discredited his judge in the presence of Agrippa. |
12:55 am
(John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:55 am
Mark 14:65 At 12:55 am at the close of the session Thomas dramatized Agrippa's demotion of Annas to the status of levite. The trial of Jesus by Agrippa was discontinued.
| 65. Kai ērxanto tines
emptyein autō kai
perikalyptein autou to prosōpon kai kolaphizein auton kai legein autō,
Prophēteuson, kai hoi hypēretai rapismasin auton elabon.
65. And
Certain Ones (Thomas)
began to
on him (SRLR to Annas vv 63, 64). And to hide of him (Annas) the
face. And to strike
him (Annas). And to say to him (Annas), "Prophecy", And the
assistants (Thomas)
received him (Annas) with
blows{rapisma} .
65. At 12:55 am at the end of the session Thomas, the man near the fire of judgement who performed beatings of the condemned, dramatized Agrippa's demotion of Annas, who as a priest could not be excommunicated but could be reduced to the work of levite. After spitting on him and removing his priest's neck scarf, Thomas said to him, "You are now only a levite, a Prophet not a Priest." But at the same time Thomas showed some personal sympathy with Annas. The trial of Jesus under the supervision of Agrippa was consequently discontinued. |
12:55 am
(Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.) |
12:55 am
Matthew 26:65 At the end of the session Annas, aware that Jesus had discredited him, symbolized a schism by tearing Jesus' surplice. He gave his conclusion, "Jesus is a militant Magian". He added that the fees of James Niceta's Gentiles should be part of the Jewish welfare tithes, so that Agrippa would have access to them. Agrippa should accept the evidence of militarism.
Matthew 26:66 Agrippa accepted Annas' persuasion and said that Jesus was a Magian. It was not, however, a final trial as Agrippa was not acting as a judge and Annas had been discredited. Another trial should be held under the rules of Therapeuts.
Matthew 26:67 Agrippa came down and expressed his opinion that Annas was discredited by spitting on his neck scarf. Agrippa struck Jesus. Thomas nearby did his duty by inflicting light blows on a wrongdoer.
Matthew 26:68 Thomas spoke as if to mock Jesus' claim to be levitical, but added, "It is Agrippa who is ordering you to be hit."
Matthew 26:65
| 65. tote ho archiereus
dierrēxen ta himatia
autou legōn, Eblasphēmēsen. ti eti chreian echomen martyrōn;
ide nyn ēkousate tēn blasphēmian
Then the
Chief Priest
tore{diarrēssō} the
of him (rule of possession, of Jesus Son of Man{anthrōpos} v.64 not Annas), saying, "He (Jesus Son of Man{anthrōpos} v. 64) has
need we have of
now{nyn} you (plu.) have
heard the
65. Annas to protect himself then tore the surplice of Jesus to symbolize a schism. He directed Agrippa's attention to Jesus' admission of being a deputy of Simon Magus, and said that it proved that Jesus was a Magian militant. As a Sadducee using the sign of the cross Annas wanted the Gentile money of James Niceta to be added to the Jewish welfare tithes so that Agrippa would have access to it. Agrippa should accept the evidence of militarism. |
Matthew 26:66  | 66. ti
hymin dokei; hoi de apokrithentes eipan, Enochos thanatou estin.
66. You
hold the
T doctrine. The
answering ones
said, "He (RLR to Jesus Son of Man{anthrōpos} vv. 64, 65) is
guilty of
Death. "
66. Annas appealed to Agrippa as a pro-Roman Sadducee using the sign of the cross. Agrippa said, "Jesus is a Magian." But he was not acting as a judge in authority and Annas had been discredited. There should still be an independent trial under the rules of the Therapeuts. |
Matthew 26:67
| 67. Tote eneptysan eis to
prosōpon autou kai ekolaphisan auton, hoi de eraptisan
they (RLR to "answering ones" Agrippa )
at the
of him (rule of possession, Annas vv. 63, 64 not Jesus) and they (answering ones) struck him (Jesus). They (ones addressed) gave
67. Agrippa came down from the platform and expresssed his opinion that Annas was discredited by spitting on the neck scarf he wore to make a place of confession holy. Agrippa also struck Jesus on row 2. Thomas near the fire had the duty of inflicting light formal blows on any wrongdoer, and he did so to Jesus.
Matthew 26:68  | 68. legontes, Prophēteuson hēmin, Christe, tis estin ho paisas se;
68. saying,
Prophecy to us,
Christ, a
Certain One
is who has hit you."
68. Thomas said as if to mock him, "You although only the Christ are acting as a levite, so a priest." But Thomas added quietly, "It is Agrippa who is ordering you to be hit." |
C. Crucifixion Word for Word Pesher: (Combined Gospels)