Complete Pesher of the Crucifixion
8 PM TO 10 PM

© 2007 Dr. Barbara Thiering


8 PM TO 10PM

Thursday March 19, 33 AD

The Last Supper at the Holy Table (with seating rows 6 to 10)

Row 6
Antipas Jesus Jon Annas Thomas
Row 7
Theudas Peter Judas Matthew
Row 10 John Aquila James Niceta John Mark Andrew Philip

See the Overview for the Summary of the Last Supper.
See Locations for the vestry and tables.

8 PM TO 10 PM


Thursday March 19, 33 AD

The text indicates that on the platform above at the north of the vestry a time keeping method was used, signaling every minute during the 2 hours from 8 pm to 10 pm. These were the hours for the Moon, and a man representing the moon marked the time while the session at the holy table was held. Just as in the monasteries a movable cover over rows 7 to 12 was left off at noon so that lesser men on the floor could see the priests praying on the open platform above, the corresponding abbey meal did the same in the evening, but indicated times more exactly because of the varying positions of the moon.

The timekeeper was Merari, from the lowest of the three subordinate levitical families of 1 Chronicles 6:1-81. As Zacchaeus, he is associated in the gospels with Jericho, meaning "moon". His movements, carrying a light, followed a pattern that could be read by those who could see him from below. He patrolled along rows 6 and 7 of the platform, going outwards along row 6 and inwards along row 7, standing one minute on each cubit. He himself read the time from his oil-burning metal cylinder marked with gradations for minutes that priests used. He also said fixed prayers, a system of prayers having developed that took exactly a minute to say.

To start Merari patrolling on the platform from 8 PM to 10 PM click here
(1 sec = 1 minute)

The platform, 12 cubits wide, was supported by the side walls and by pillars. At 8:00 pm Merari began in the east center at :00 above the Priest, was above the Levite next to him at :01, at the east guest position at :02, and by :05 had reached the east wall. Coming back along row 7, he reached the center again at :10, went back up to row 6, as he only used rows 6 and 7. He repeated these movements for the first half hour, and by :30 was due back at the center. He then stepped into the King's position at west center, and for the next half-hour patrolled in the west, repeating the pattern of positions. From 9:00 for another hour he repeated the process, then went off duty when the men at the table left the vestry.

Figure 18

Figure 18. Merari on platform above.

In consequence, a man on the south side of the table on row 10 could see him and know the exact time when he understood the system. The leaders under rows 6 and 7 could not see him, and had to ask if he was there at the half-hours. In John 13:24 Peter under row 7 beckoned to John Mark in row 10 to tell him. If Merari was at the center at the priest's place, it was :00, if he was at the King's place, it was :30. All three men were in the exact line of the King when Peter beckoned, meaning that it was 8:30 pm.

This system, illustrated in the pesher, is of some interest for the history of ancient methods of reading the time before clockwork.

8 PM TO 10 PM

John 13:21-38

Thursday March 19, 33 AD

8 PM TO 10 PM

Mark 14:21-31

Thursday March 19, 33 AD

8 PM TO 10 PM

Luke 22:19-39

Thursday March 19, 33 AD

8 PM TO 10 PM

Matthew 26:24-35

Thursday March 19, 33 AD

8:00 pm

John 13:21 At 8:00 pm it was time to begin the second session, corresponding to the evening sacred meal in abbeys. The leaders were now on rows 6 and 7. Jesus at first came up to the position of village bishop in the place of the Spirit, the third in the structure of Father, Son and Spirit, on the center of row 7. He again spoke diagonally to Antipas, who remained as west guest beside Judas. Jesus said again that he should be replacing Judas, who would be his levite.

21. Tauta eipōn Iēsous etarachthē tō pneumati kai emartyrēsen kai eipen, Amēn amēn legō hymin hoti heis ex hymōn paradōsei me.

21. These Things Jesus saying, he (Jesus) was stirred{tarassō} to the Spirit. And he (Spirit, Jesus) witnessed. And said, " Amen Amen I say to you (plu., pronoun) that a number 1 out of you (plu.pronoun) will give-beside me.

21.At 8:00 pm Jesus came up first to row 7, the central double seat, where he was in the place of the Spirit in the threefold structure of Father (Priest), Son (Levite) and Spirit (King, a bishop). Jesus again spoke diagonally to Antipas, still the Herod west guest beside Judas, now on row 6. Jesus repeated the double Amen and said that Judas should be levite to him. Jesus was about to take Judas' position beside Annas.

8:00 pm

Mark 14:21 At 8:00 pm, when Merari began patrolling on the platform above and the leaders moved up to the holy table, a scriptural prediction was given concerning Agrippa. It warned that Agrippa would suffer from the non-fulfilment of Herodian prophecies as a punishment for his treatment of the Davids, and refusal to accept uncircumcised Gentiles.

21. hoti ho men huios tou anthrōpou hypagei kathōs gegraptai peri autou, ouai de tō anthrōpō ekeinō di' hou ho huios tou anthrōpou paradidotai. kalon autō ei ouk egennēthē ho anthrōpos ekeinos.

21. "That the Son M-N of the Man{anthrōpos} leads-under down-as it is written around him (Son), Woe to That Man through whom the Son of the Man{anthrōpos} is given-beside. Good{kalōs} to him (RLR to Son) if{ei} That Man was not born".

21. At 8:00 pm Merari appeared at the center of row 6 on the platform above, beginning the two hour patrolling period during which he marked every minute. Jesus had now gone up with the rest to the holy table, and sat on row 7 in front of Judas and Annas on row 6. Thomas beside Annas quoted a verse of scripture for the opening. It concerned Agrippa, "That Man". It said that in 7 years' time, the period of a "Woe" - a delay in the fulfilment of a prophecy - in March 40 AD, Agrippa would suffer another non-fulfilment. That date would mark the end of the Holy War that Herod the Great had planned, measuring his new Exodus from 41 to 1 BC and his new Holy War from 1 BC to 40 AD. The date did indeed bring a non-fulfilment that caused a change of policy that is recorded in Acts 9. Agrippa's failure would be a punishment for his treatment of the Davids, for whom Jesus was the current heir. Jesus was a member of the Herodian royal house as the head of proselytes, but Agrippa would not accept uncircumcised Gentiles.

8:00 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:00 pm

Matthew 26:24 At 8:00 pm when all had moved up to the holy table and Merari had begin patrolling on the platform above, Jesus began at the center of row 7, while the four men on row 6 were, from west to east, Antipas, Judas, Annas and Thomas. A scripture verse was read by Thomas predicting that Agrippa would suffer a non-fulfilment of his hopes for the end of a Holy War in March, 33 AD. It said that Jesus was a member of Agrippa's house, but Agrippa did not promote uncircumcised Gentiles.

Matthew 26:25 Judas believed that Agrippa belonged in "Heaven" on the platform above, and that Merari was his representative. He spoke through Merari as if to Agrippa, saying that Agrippa was an initiate.

Matthew 26:24

24. ho men huios tou anthrōpou hypagei kathōs gegraptai peri autou, ouai de tō anthrōpō ekeinō di hou ho huios tou anthrōpou paradidotai. kalon ēn autō ei ouk egennēthē ho anthrōpos ekeinos.

24. "The M-N Son of the Man{anthrōpos} leads-under down-as it is written around him (Son of Man), Woe to That Man through whom the Son of the Man{anthrōpos} is given-beside. Good{kalōs} it was to him (Son of Man) if{ei} That Man was not born."

24. At 8:00 pm when Merari first appeared on the center of the platform above Jesus had taken his place as a bishop at the center of row 7. On row 6 Judas and Annas sat, with Antipas beside Judas on the west and Thomas beside Annas on the east. Thomas quoted a verse of scripture which meant that in 7 years' time in March 40 AD Agrippa would suffer a non-fulfilment of his hopes for the end of the Herodian Holy War.

Judas was under Agrippa's representative Merari on the platform above, and Judas should be the levite to Jesus. The verse of scripture also said that Jesus could be a member of Agrippa's house, but that Agrippa did not promote uncircumcised Gentiles to the ministry.

Matthew 26:25

25. apokritheis de Ioudas ho paradidous auton eipen, Mēti egō eimi, rabbi. legei autō, Sy eipas

25. Judas the one having given-beside him (RLR to That Man, Agrippa v.24) answering said, "Not- T I am, Rabbi (vocative). He (Judas subject of "said") says to him (RLR to "him", Agrippa That Man v.24), "You (That Man) say."

25. Judas beside Annas on row 6 was a levite to Agrippa. He said, "I am not a Sadducee, and I may act as a priest to Gentiles." The edge of the platform above was "Heaven", and Judas believed that Agrippa belonged there, in the person of his representative Merari. Judas, although he could not see him above,. spoke to Merari, through him saying as if to Agrippa, "You are an initiate."

8:01 pm

John 13:22 James Niceta on row 10 beside center west looked up through 3 cubits to Antipas. He was uncertain of his own political position when he heard Judas from row 7 east below sending a message of loyalty to Agrippa through Merari his servant.

22. eblepon eis allēlous hoi mathētai aporoumenoi peri tinos legei .

22. The disciples saw{blepō at one another, they (disciples)uncertain around a Certain One (genitive) he (RLR to 1, Judas) says.

22. For James Niceta on row 10 west of the center there were 3 cubits between him and the seat of Antipas. At 8:01 pm Merari was in the levite position on row 6 above, and Judas had come down to row 7 east center under the platform to make way for Jesus. Judas spoke up to Merari, without seeing him, as if he were Agrippa, sending a message of loyalty which caused concern to the anti-Magian James Niceta.

8:01 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:01 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:01 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:05 pm

John 13:23 At 8:05when it was time for the sacred loaves Jesus moved in to the position beside Annas, becoming the Son of the threefold structure, the Son of Man. As a levitical bishop he was a "husband" to John Mark, in the relationship of spiritual love that the Agape expressed.

23. ēn anakeimenos heis ek tōn mathētōn autou en tō kolpō tou Iēsou, hon ēgapa ho Iēsous.

23. There was lying up a number 1 out of the disciples of him (RLR to Jesus v. 22) in the bosom of Jesus, whom Jesus loved.

23. At 8:05 pm when it was time for the sacred loaves Jesus moved up into the position of bishop on the west center of row 6 beside Jonathan Annas. As a bishop he was a "husband" in a relationship of spiritual love with John Mark. John Mark as a deacon, the 13th the "woman" occupied the double center of row 10, on the "bosom" on center west lower half, and the "chest" on center east lower half. He was the Beloved Disciple, whose presence as the "woman" and a Gentile made the abbey meal an Agape, a love-feast, for purely spiritual human love.

8:05, 8:35 pm.

Mark 14:22 At 8:05 the eating of the sacred loaves began by dividing loaves for sharing. The left-over crumbs were given to Gentiles as the "females", the "body". This custom was the origin of the Christian Eucharist.

22. Kai esthiontōn autōn labōn arton eulogēsas eklasen kai edōken autois kai eipen, Labete, touto estin to sōma mou.

22. And they (RLR to James Niceta disciples vv. 16 -20) eating, he (Jesus subject of participle RLR to Jesus before speech in v.20a) receiving a loaf having blessed broke. And he (Jesus) gave to them (RLR to James Niceta vv., 16-20). And he said, "Receive (you plu.), This Thing is the body of me."

22. At 8:05 pm the sacred loaves 0/13 to 5 were eaten, James Niceta, who retained some Jewish customs, shared his loaf 5 with his brother and partner John Aquila. Then at 8:35 when the Jewish loaves had been broken and eaten, the special form of the sacred meal for Gentiles was observed. Jesus took the additional loaf 3 for graduate villagers, broke it in half, ate the husband's half himself, then placed the left-over crumbs from the whole loaves in the monstrance, the "body" for the "wife". He gave it to both of the uncircumcised Gentiles as "females", speaking as "Adam", saying "This is my body, my "Eve".

8:05 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:05, 8:35 pm

Matthew 26:26 At 8:05 pm the main holy loaves were eaten, and at 8:35 the left-over crumbs were given to the Gentile James Niceta, making him the "Eve" of the Eden imagery.

26. esthiontōn de autōn labōn ho Iēsous arton kai eulogēsas eklasen kai dous tois mathētais eipen, Labete phagete, touto estin to sōma mou.
26. As they (RLR to James Niceta "disciples" vv. 19, 21, 22) eating, Jesus receiving a loaf. And He having blessed broke. And he (Jesus) having given to the disciples said, "Receive (you plu.), eat, This Thing is the body of me."

26. At 8:05 pm James Niceta shared the holy loaf 5 with his brother John Aquila on row 10 west beside the center. Then at 8:35 pm Jesus on row 6 beside Annas received the additional loaf 3 for village graduates, gave it a lay blessing (not eucharistic), broke it, took the husband's half for himself, and sent the left-over crumbs in the monstrance to James Niceta on row 13 as "female". Jesus said, "Receive this as holy bread, it is for Gentiles, the "Eve" of the Adam imagery."

8:30 pm.

John 13:24 At 8:30 pm Merari patrolling above to mark the minutes was due to be above the center of row 7 on the King's side. Peter on row 7 below under the edge of the platform could not see him. He beckoned to John Mark, who on row 10 had a clear view up, as there was no cover from row 7 downwards. As Merari represented Agrippa, Peter was concerned that he might pass on anything he heard that was hostile to Agrippa.

24. neuei oun toutō Simōn Petros pythesthai tis an eiē peri hou legei.

24. There beckons therefore to This One Simon Peter, to inquire a Certain One might be around whom he (RLR to Peter) says.

24. Peter was now sitting in front of Jesus as his deputy on row 7 west center. He was thus under the edge of the platform above, and could not see Merari patrolling on rows 6 and 7 to mark the successive minutes. John Mark on row 10 could see him, for there was no cover from row 7 downwards. At 8:30 pm, when Merari had come back to the center above to change from east to west, Peter beckoned to John Mark to tell him if he was there, for Merari represented Agrippa and would pass on anything that was said against him.

8:30 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:30 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:30 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:35 pm           (John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:35 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

8:35 pm

Luke 22:19 At the higher session for sacred loaves, after the full loaves had been broken and eaten according to the Jewish ritual, Jesus prepared the monstrance of leftover crumbs, instructing Antipas who received Gentiles in his house to give it to them as to a wife.

19. kai labōn arton eucharistēsas eklasen kai edōken autois legōn, Touto estin to sōma mou to hyper hymōn didomenon. touto poieite eis tēn emēn anamnēsin.

19.And he (RLR to Jesus subject of verb before speech v. 17) having given a eucharistic blessing receiving a loaf broke. And he (Jesus) gave to them (RLR to Themselves, Antipas v. 17), saying, " This Thing is the body of me, the one above you (plu., pronoun Antipas) given. This Thing make at my remembrance.

19. After the full sacred loaves 0/13 to 5 were eaten in the first half-hour of the sacred part of the meal, Jesus received the additional loaf 3 for the village graduate and his wife. He gave a eucharistic blessing over it, broke the loaf in half, ate half himself, and prepared the leftover crumbs in a monstrance for the "wife:", the Gentiles John Mark and James Niceta. The monstrance was to be given to them by Antipas, the married man in whose house Gentiles met. He himself was counted with them, being of the same "unclean" class. He received it first, with the words "This is my body - the Gentile membership - accepted by you as a presbyter. Act in ministry, giving them the Eucharist, repeating my words."

8:35 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:00 pm

John 13:25 At 9:00 pm John Mark changed to the east center of row 10, where he was in line with Merari on the platform above, changing from west to east on the hour. Jesus under the platform could not see him, and John Mark warned him that he was there, so that it would be better not to say anything against Agrippa.

John 13:26 Jesus now performed the rite that made Judas the 13th, the one who would be excluded. Peter went down to row 10 beside John Mark, on his east side as a superior deacon.

John 13:25

25. anapesōn oun ekeinos houtōs epi to stēthos tou Iēsou legei autō, Kyrie, tis estin

25. That One falling-up therefore thus upon the chest of Jesus says to him (Jesus), Lord, a Certain One it is,

25. At 9:00 pm John Mark moved to the east side of row 10 center,to the "chest" beside the "bosom" of the Heavenly Man. He was then in line with Merari, who on the platform was changing from west to east on the hour. Jesus on row 6 west center was under the platform, and also could not see Merari. John Mark warned him that Merari was there, knowing that it would be inadvisable to say anything against Agrippa.

John 13:26

26. apokrinetai Iēsous, Ekeinos estin hō egō bapsō to psōmion kai dōsō autō. bapsas oun to psōmion lamabanei kai didōsin Iouda Simōnos Iskariōtou.

26. Jesus answers, " That One it is to whom I dip the morsel . And I will give to him (That One). He (subject of participle to verb before speech, Jesus) having dipped the morsel receives. And he (Jesus) gives to Judas of Simon of Iscariot.

26. Jesus now performed a procedure that made Judas the 13th, the excluded one, instead of John Mark. Judas on row 7 was in the position of the village deacon who became the 13th when the woman or Gentile went to the male row. The last piece of the holiest loaf of unleavened bread, loaf 0/13, was always preserved for use during subsequent days as the standard for other such loaves. As it would dry up when kept, it was dipped in a little water to keep it fresh, the water basin being behind the chief levite, now Jesus. As he had displaced Judas, the presence of Judas in front of Annas was unnecessary and he was sent down.

Peter left row 7 west center and went down to row 10 to form a pair with John Mark, with Peter on the superior eastern side .

9:00 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:00 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:00 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:03 pm

John 13:27 Judas at first went down to rows 13 and 14 for the excluded. As the "Satan", the Chief Examiner on row 13 center east. Jesus told him that as an excluded monastic he could still practice ministry with the Therapeuts.

27. kai meta to psōmion tote eisēlthen eis ekeinon ho Satanas. legei oun autō ho Iēsous, Ho poieis poiēson tachion.

27. And after (with accusative) the morsel, then there came-at{erchomai} at That One the Satan. Says therefore to him (Satan) Jesus, "The thing you (sing.) make, make quickly.

27.Judas was obliged to leave the holy table. At first he went down to row 14, to which Simon Magus had been excluded in the first two hours. Then, as "Satan", the Chief Examiner (Job 1:6-12), Judas took his place as the levite testing for admissions on row 13 east center. Simon Magus, who had been promised his bread fragments at 8 pm, came to row 13 west beside him, making the militant pair west and east. Jesus from row 6 said to Judas, " You may practice ministry with the Therapeuts, observing the solstices as primary, and the Julian calendar."

At the top, Theudas on row 7 in the place of the Prince now took the title Judas, as the successor of the hero Judas the Galilean. He would appear as "Judas, not Iscariot" in John 14:22.

Judas who was now close to the congregation used his opportunity by sending a congregation member on horseback with a message to Pilate on the whereabouts of the wanted insurrectionists. The messenger would arrive in Jerusalem at midnight, obtain Pilate's consent to coming to Qumran, and return by 3 am to give that information to the judges.

9:03 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:03 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:03 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:05 pm

John 13:28 John Mark and Peter were now together on row 10 center. A T-shaped sign of the cross stood on the holy table, to show that the Sadducee Annas was Pope.

John 13:29 Thomas advised on behalf of proselytes that their money should be merged with the Jewish welfare tithes, so integrating them fully with Jews. John Mark was to leave the proselyte class, so that he was not involved in Magianism. He was to adopt the sign of the cross with Sadducees.

John 13:30 Judas with the piece of unleavened bread stood on row 13 east center. At the true 9:05 pm it was the fast 12:05 am, midnight, the time Judas and Magians were observing.

John 13:28

28. touto oudeis egnō tōn anakeimenōn pros ti eipen autō

28. This Thing No one knew{gnōstos} of the lying-up ones, towards T he (No one, John Mark) said to him (RLR to Jesus v.27).

28. John Mark now as an acolyte deacon on row 10 center west beside Peter was able to speak to Jesus on row 6 center west, for row 7 center was vacant. On row 9 on the holy table stood a T shaped sign of the cross, to show that the Sadducee Annas was the Pope.

John 13:29

29. tines gar edokoun, epei to glōssokomon eichen Ioudas, hoti legei autō ho Iēsous, Agorason hōn chreian echomen eis tēn heortēn, ē tois ptōchois hina ti dō.

29. Certain Ones for thought, since Judas had the tongue-piece, that there says to him (Judas) Jesus, " Buy the things of which we have need at the feast, or to the Poor Ones in order that a T he (RLR to No one, John Mark v. 29) should give".

29. Thomas the Chief Proselyte on row 6 beside Annas realized that Judas as now a village levite had control of the money that proselytes placed on row 13. At Thomas' suggestion, Jesus as the David for proselytes said to Judas, "Include proselyte money with Jewish money for the welfare tithes, thus integrating proselytes fully with Jews. Do so at midnight when the 31st begins Let John Mark be freed from the proselyte class, treated as uncircumcised, adopting the sign of the cross with Sadducees, so that he will not be associated with you in Magianism."

John 13:30

30. labōn oun to psōmion ekeinos exēlthen euthys. ēn de nyx

30. That One receiving therefore the morsel came-from{erchomai} immediately{euthys}. It was a night.

30. Judas with the morsel of unleavened bread stood on row 13 center east at 9:05, the time for the wine-drinking to begin. He himself as a monastic did not take part as he did not drink fermented wine. At 9:05 pm it was at the same time the fast midnight, 12:05 am, the time that Judas and Magians were observing,

9:05 pm

Mark 14:23 At 9:05 pm the sacred fermented wine was taken from a common cup. Antipas beside Jesus drank from it.

Mark 14:24 Jesus said to Antipas that the fermented wine still symbolized the willingness for martyrdom of missionaries in the Sadducee holy war of evangelism.

Mark 14:25 Jesus affirmed that when he went to the outer hall he would be willing to drink wine at the true midnight as an abbey minister.

Mark 14:23

23. kai labōn potērion eucharistēsas edōken autois, kai epion ex autou pantes.

23. And he (subject of participle RLR to Jesus subject of verb before speech, v. 22) receiving a cup, having given a eucharistic blessing gave (no object) to them (RLR to James Niceta, vv. 16-22). And All Ones drank{pinō} out of it (the cup).

23.At 9:05 pm the sacred fermented wine was taken. Jesus gave a eucharistic blessing to a common cup to be shared. Antipas beside him on row 6 drank from it. It is not stated what was given to James Niceta, who as a Nazirite abstained from wine. It would have been holy water from the bowl behind Jesus in which Judas' morsel was dipped.

Mark 14:24

24. kai eipen autois, Touto estin to haima mou tēs diathēkēs to ekchynnomenon hyper pollōn

24. And he (RLR to Jesus subject of verbs v.23) said to them (RLR to All Ones Antipas v. 23), " This Thing is the blood of me of the Covenant, shed above Many.

24. Jesus said to Antipas, "Fermented wine still symbolizes blood, as introduced by Judas the Galilean in 6 AD for men of the Herodian New Covenant destined for martyrdom. It has been re-interpreted as preparation for the symbolic holy war of evangelism led by Annas priests."

Mark 14:25

25. amēn legō hymin hoti ouketi ou mē piō ek tou genēmatos tēs ampelou heōs tēs hēmeras ekeinēs hotan auto pinō kainon en tē basileia tou theou.

25. " Amen I say to you (plu pronoun, Antipas) that No Longer I not-not drink{pinō} out of the produce of the vine until{heōs} of That Day when{hotan} I drink{pinō} it (neuter, blood) new{kainos} in the Kingdom of God.

25. "Now at 9:05 pm it is the fast midnight, 12:05 am, which means that it is the beginning of the 31st, the day for the fulfilment of prophecy when an Exodus 40 years should end. At the true midnight I will drink wine in the abbey, as a returning dynast in the abbey ministry."

9:05 pm.

Luke 22:20 In the following hour, at the session for sacred wine when the cup was prepared, the symbolism of wine as the blood of martyrdom was preserved from the Herodian New Covenant of 6 AD, by Jesus continuing the role of the Holy Vine for proselytes.

Luke 22:21 Jesus went on to disciplinary matters, to exclude wrong-doers from the wine. He said that Judas had misused the mission money, and was the impediment who must be removed before there could be a fulfilment.

Luke 22:22 Jesus also condemned Agrippa, of whom Judas was an agent. Agrippa would suffer in March AD 40 from the failure of the Herodian Holy War.

Luke 22:23 The cup was then given and those in good standing drank from it. Merari now at the outer eastern edge of the platform would give the fast cockcrowing signal in three hours' time. A fulfilment of the prophecy of the Restoration might come at that time.

Luke 22:20

20. kai to potērion hōsautōs meta to deipnēsai legōn, Touto to potērion hē kainē diathekē en tō haimati mou, to hyper hymōn ekchynnomenon

20. And the cup as-same after to have supper, he (RLR to Jesus v.19) saying, " This Thing the cup the new{kainos} Covenant in my blood, above you (plu.pronoun) shed.

20. At 9:05 pm the session for the sacred wine began, an hour after the session for sacred bread. The symbolism of blood for fermented wine was preserved, from the period in 6 AD when the Herodian New Covenant had become militant, prepared for martyrdom.

Luke 22:21

21. plēn idou hē cheir tou paradidontos me met' emou epi tēs trapezēs

21. However see{eidon} the hand of the one giving-beside me with me upon of the table.

21. Jesus went on to questions of discipline, to exclude wrong-doers from receiving the wine. He said that Judas had gone down to row 13, where he took the paten of gifts for the poor and added it to the jar of welfare tithes on row 12, keeping the money for himself. He was the impediment who must be removed before any fulfilment, as in the case of the sin of Achan (Joshua 7). .The table that now stood on row 12 was a 1x 1 cubit reproduction of the altar of incense, used for the elements in the form of communion given to Gentiles.

Luke 22:22

22. hoti ho huios men tou anthrōpou kata to hōrismenon poreuetai, plen ouai tō anthrōpou ekeinō di hou paradidotai.

22. that the Son M-N of the Man{anthrōpos} according to the boundary travels, However Woe to That Man through whom he (Son of Man{anthrōpos}) is given-beside"

22. Jesus also took the opportunity of condemning Agrippa, this time at :05 when Merari patrolling was at the outer edge of the platform. Judas was an agent of Agrippa. Agrippa caused trouble for the travelling missionaries following their map of the world. In 7 years's time, in March 40 AD, Agrippa would suffer from the non-appearance of a victory at the end of the Herodian Holy War.

Luke 22:23

23. kai autoi ērxanto syzētein pros heautous to tis ara eiē ex autōn ho touto mellōn prassein

23. And They(pronoun nominative, new subject) began to seek-with towards Themselves, the Certain One A-R-A might be out of them (Themselves), he (Certain One) about to practice.

23. When these matters had been dealt with the prepared cup was given. Theudas sat in front of Antipas who was on the west side of Jesus. Merari at :05 was at the outer edge of the platform . In three hours' time, at the true 12:05 am, he would give the first cockcrowing signal for the fast 3:05 am. A fulfilment of the prophecy of the Restoration could be expected at the true midnight.

9:05 pm

Matthew 26:27 At the time for the sacred fermented wine, Jesus gave it to Antipas to drink from.

Matthew 26:28 Jesus continued the practice of treating fermented wine as a symbol of blood, putting a smear of blood on the cup. Those who drank from it were prepared for martyrdom. It also stood for the celibacy of a warrior. Sadducees used the same imagery for their spiritual war of evangelism.

Matthew 26:29 Jesus said to Antipas that when he was in the abbey in the outer hall he would have another ceremony with fermented wine at midnight.

Matthew 26:27

27. kai labōn potērion kai eucharistēsas edōken autois legōn, Piete ex autou pantes

27. And he (RLR to Jesus v. 26) receiving a cup. And he (Jesus) having given a eucharistic blessing gave (no object) to them (RLR to "disciples" James Niceta v. 26) saying, Drink{pinō} out of it (the cup) All Ones.

27. At 9:05 pm it was time for the sacred fermented wine. A common cup was used and given a eucharistic blessing. Jesus gave something unstated to James Niceta on row 10, but it was to Antipas that he said, "Drink from it." Matthew, like Mark, allows it to be inferred that James Niceta as a Nazirite received only holy water. He does not allow the additional fact given by Luke, that at 8:30 pm a sip of wine from what was left over in the cup was given to James Niceta, beginning the Christian practice of taking a sip only.

Matthew 26:28

28. touto gar estin to haima mou tēs diathēkēs to peri pollōn ekchynnomenon eis aphesin hamartiōn

28. This Thing for is the blood of me of the Covenant, it (blood) around Many shed at a removal of sins.

28. Jesus repeated the association of fermented wine and blood that had been introduced in 6 AD by militants prepared for martyrdom. They had belonged to the Herodian New Covenant. A smear of the lay leader's literal blood was put on the cup. It also meant that the holy warrior was committed to temporary celibacy (1QM 7:6-8). The imagery was preserved by Sadducees like Annas, who treated evangelism as spiritual warfare,

Matthew 26:29

29. legō de hymin, ou mē piō ap' arti ek toutou tou genēmatos tēs ampelou heōs tēs hēmeras ekeinēs, hotan auto pinō meth' hymōn kainon en tē basileia tou patros mou.

29. "I say to you (plu. pronoun Antipas v. 27), not-not I drink{pinō} from now{arti} out of the produce of the vine, until{heōs} That Day when{hotan} I drank{pinō} it (RLR to blood v. 28) with you (plu. pronoun, Antipas) new{kainos} in the Kingdom of the Father of me."

29. Jesus continued to Antipas that he would have another drink of fermented wine at midnight in the abbey, when the Julian 31st for the equinox began. He would do so as a member of the Herodian New Covenant that used the Julian calendar.

9:06 pm           (John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:06 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:06 pm

Luke 22:24 As Thomas served the wine on behalf of Agrippa's Vineyard abbeys, a dispute between the two Herods arose. Antipas was the established Herod in Rome, favored by Tiberius, but Agrippa was gaining ground in the mission, and might be able to draw on its funds to buy his way back into the monarchy.

24. Egeneto de kai philoneikia en autois, to tis autōn dokei einai meizōn

24. It came-about{erchomai}. And a dispute in them (RLR to Themselves, Antipas, v.23), the Certain One of them (Antipas) has the doctrine to be greater.

24. Thomas on behalf of Agrippa's Vineyard abbey began to serve the wine. Agrippa had an abbey both in Caesarea and in his house in Rome, which was called the Vineyard. During the discussion of the next half-hour Antipas raised the question of his status in regard to Agrippa. If Antipas was to be simply a presbyter grade 5, and not the grade 2 that he claimed in his Rome house, then Agrippa, who in the eyes of Rome was only a deacon grade 6, could claim superiority to him in his role of a graduate grade 3. Agrippa was already gaining favor among mission members with his aspirations to regain the Herodian monarchy. But Antipas at present had the support of the emperor Tiberius.

9:06 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

After 9:06           (John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

After 9:06           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

After 9:06 pm

Luke 22:25 Jesus told Antipas that Thomas in Agrippa's house in Rome also claimed high status. His role was to be the superior of the Chief Proselyte, a eunuch in the royal house .

Luke 22:26 Jesus spoke of the different Herodian missions in Rome.

Luke 22:27 Jesus described the threefold Herodian structure of Agrippa in the center, Thomas on the east, and Antipas on the west. Jesus frequented Antipas' houses because he accepted uncircumcised Gentiles, whereas Agrippa with Thomas wanted proselytes.

Luke 22:28 Jesus while in the married state could be in the house of a married man.

Luke 22:29 Jesus allowed Antipas to exercise a lay ministry, like the lay ministry that Annas gave Jesus while in the married state.

Luke 22:25

25. ho de eipen autois, Hoi basileis tōn ethnōn kyrieuousin autōn kai hoi exousiazontes autōn euergetai kalountai

25. He (RLR to Jesus v. 22) said to them (RLR to Themselves, Antipas, vv. 23,24), "The kings of the Gentiles lord over them (RLR to They v. 22, Theudas, genitive). And those having authority of them (RLR to kings) are called well-workers.

25. Jesus said to Antipas, "Thomas the deputy of Agrippa acts as a grade 2 in Agrippa's Rome house, where he is called Rufus, from 'red', the Hebrew of Esau, the Twin. The chief proselyte Nicolaus, a eunuch in Agrippa's house, uses the title of a Herodian.

Luke 22:26

26. hymeis de ouch houtōs, all' ho meizōn en hymin ginesthō hōs ho neōteros, kai hēgoumenos hōs ho diakonōn

26. "You (plu pronoun, Antipas v. 25) are not thus, nevertheless the greater one in you (plu pronoun) let him (greater one) come about, as the newer{neos} one. And the governor as the serving one.

26. "Antipas, you are not a bishop, but only a presbyter. Agrippa as a grade 3 graduate comes to the Tiber Island for his Noah mission, in rivalry with the Magian Jason mission to Gentiles. Theudas the Chief Therapeut also works with you, Antipas. Pilate visits your house, and so does Thomas.

Luke 22:27

27. tis gar meizōn, ho anakeimenos ē ho diakonōn; ouchi ho anakeimenos; egō de en mesō hymōn eimi hōs ho diakonōn.

27. "A Certain One for a greater one, the lying-up one or the serving one. Not-X the lying-up one. I in a middle of you (plu.pronoun, Antipas) am,and the serving one.

27. " The Herodian structure in Rome consists of Agrippa in the center as a grade 3 graduate; on the west you Antipas as the third Herod a married man; and on the east Thomas the crown prince, a celibate serving the wine. The third Herod uses the emblem of X on O, signifying that he is neither Sadducee nor a militant Magian. I as a bishop frequent your house because you accept the uncircumcised, whereas Agrippa with Thomas wants only proselytes.

Luke 22:28

28. hymeis de este hoi diamemenēkotes met' emou en tois peirasmois mou.

28. "You (plu pronoun, Antipas) are the ones remaining with me in the temptations of me.

28. " Also while I was in the married state I could be in your company as a married man.

Luke 22:29

29. kagō diatithemai hymin kathōs dietheto moi ho patēr mou basileian

29. "And -I place-through to you (plu pronoun, Antipas) down-as the Father has placed-through to me a Kingdom,

29. "I admit you, Antipas, to my lay ministry, of the same kind that Annas allows me to have while I am in the married state.

After 9:06           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:30 pm           (John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:30 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:30 pm

Luke 22:30 At 9:30 pm James Niceta on row 13 was given a sip of fermented wine by Antipas on row 12, as a stage in the development of the Christian Eucharist.

Luke 22:31 Judas on row 13 then tried to offer money to Peter on row 10 to require Gentiles like James Niceta to be circumcised.

Luke 22:32 Jesus advised Peter to follow Sadducee views on Gentiles, unless Annas gave untrue teaching on the authority of priests. Peter should bring James Niceta to give up remaining Jewish practices.

Luke 22:33 Peter said to Jesus that he preserved some Baptist doctrine, and was in danger because as a missionary to the Diaspora he had sometimes co-operated with Simon Magus.

Luke 22:30

30. hina esthēte kai pinēte epi tēs trapezēs mou en tē basileia mou, kai kathēsesthe epi thronōn tas dōdeka phylas krinontes tou Israēl

30. "In order that you (plu no pronoun Antipas) may eat. And you (plu no pronoun) may drink upon of the table of me in the kingdom of me, And you (plu. no pronoun) will sit upon of thrones, judging the number 12 tribes of Israel.

30. "At 9:30 pm after Jews have been served you, Antipas, allow James Niceta to have a sip of fermented wine from what is left over in the common cup, as would be given to a boy.You stand on the west center of row 12 beside the 1x1 cubit altar-table that I use for the fermented wine. James Niceta kneels on the dais step on the west center of row 13, as a "woman", and you take from the cup yourself and give him his sip. It was here that he was given the "body" as a "woman", an hour before, you sharing the extra loaf 3 with him as a "husband'". This ceremony was a stage in the development of the Christian Eucharist, in which the bread in small pieces and a sip of wine were given together, and a small table could be interpreted as an altar.

Jesus continued to Antipas "You belong on the west side of the Herodian triple throne where decisions on initiation are made. You act as judge to the men of Asher, tribe 12 in the plan of the Temple Scroll, which contains both proselytes in the house of Agrippa the Messiah of Israel, and uncircumcised Gentiles like James Niceta."

Luke 22:31

31. Simōn Simōn, idou ho Satanas exētēsato hymas tou siniasai hōs ton siton.

31. "Simon Simon, see{eidon} Satan has asked-out you (plu. pronoun) to sift, as the wheat.

31.At 9:30 pm Peter was on the center of row 10, as John Mark had take the place of James Niceta in the novice's position on that row. As James Niceta stood receiving communion wine on the west center of row 13, he was beside Judas, who had been sent down to row 13 when he was excluded from the table. Judas knew that James Niceta, who was also the "wheat" in the Diaspora field imagery, paid some fees, as he still observed some Jewish practices. His method of payment in instalments is given in Revelation 6:6. Being unclean Gentile money, his payments were kept separate and used for the work of his mission. Judas wanted his money to be added to Jewish money, as further income for Agrippa. Judas on row 13 spoke to Peter on row 10, the superior of James Niceta, and offered him a bribe to change the arrangements. Jesus on row 7 was aware of it and warned Peter against it.

Luke 22:32

32. egō de edeēthēn peri sou hina mē eklipē hē pistis sou. kai sy pote epistrepsas stērison tous adelphous sou.

32. "I ask around you (sing.) in order that your faith is not eclipsed. And you (sing.) when{hote} you turn-upon strengthen the brothers of you."

32. "I act as your priest, Peter, so that Annas will not teach you error about the authority of the Jewish priesthood.When you go to Galilee to the house in Tiberias where both Antipas and Agrippa meet, convince James Niceta to be independent of Judaism".

Luke 22:33

33. ho de eipen autō, Kyrie, meta sou hetoimos eimi kai eis phylakēn kai eis thanaton poreuesthai

33. He (Peter v. 31, addressed) said to him (not Satan v. 31 as he could not be called Lord), "Lord, with you (sing.) I am ready. And at a prison. And at a Death to travel,"

33. Peter said to Jesus, "I am in your party. But I preserve some Baptist doctrine. I am threatened with prison because as a missionary to the Diaspora I have sometimes co-operated with Simon Magus."

Later that night Peter did suffer from a suspected connection with Magianism.

9:30 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:35 pm

John 13:31 At 9:35 pm Judas left the room altogether. Jesus and Annas moved forward to the vacant row 7 center, called the "Glory".

John 13:32 Jesus said that Annas gave him permission to teach the Law beside him.

John 13:33 Jesus then spoke to James Niceta west of the center of row 10. He wanted Jesus to keep ministering to his married Gentiles, but Jesus was now on his way out of the married state, as he had informed Antipas.

John 13:31

31. Hote oun exēlthen legei Iēsous,Nyn edoxasthē ho huios tou anthrōpou, kai ho theos edoxasthē en autō.

31. When{hote} therefore he (RLR to That One, Judas, v. 30) came-out{erchomai}, Jesus says, " Now{nyn} the Son of the Man{anthrōpos} is glorified. And God is glorified in him (Son of Man)"

31. At 9:35 pm the wine drinking period ended (unstated in John). Judas left row 13 to go outside. Jesus and Annas moved forward to row 7, which was now vacant. It was called the "Glory" as the place for "Moses" with his veil to issue the law (Exodus 33:18-23; 34:33-35). It was part of the structure of Kingdom (King), Power (Priest) and Glory (bishop), the formula used in versions of the Lord's Prayer.

John 13:32

32. kai ho theos doxasei auton en autō, kai euthys doxasei auton

32. And God will glorify him (RLR to Son of Man{anthrōpos} Jesus v. 31) in him (God). And immediately{euthys} he (God) will glorify him (Son of Man).

32. Jesus continued speaking, saying that Annas allowed him to teach the law as a "Moses" from 9:35 pm onwards.

John 13:33

33. teknia, eti mikron meth' hymōn eimi. zētēsete me, kai kathōs eipon tois Ioudaiois hoti Hopou egō hypagō hymeis ou dynasthe elthein, kai hymin legō arti.

33. Children, still a little{mikros} with you (plu., pronoun) I am. You (plu.) will seek me. And down-as I said to the Jews that, "The where I (pronoun)lead-under you (plu., pronoun) do not have power to come{erchomai}. And to you (plu, pronoun) I say now{arti}.

33. Jesus from his seat on west center row 7 spoke to James Niceta out from the center of row 10, "You James Niceta as an uncircumcised Gentile of the married order of Asher, are a Gentile in the place of a Prince, so a lay bishop equal to me. You want me to minister to your married Gentiles . But I now say to Antipas the chief married man that I am on my way out of the married state."

9:35 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:35 pm.

Luke 22:34 Jesus then gave the first form of the cockcrowing saying, predicting that at 10:05, 11:05 and 12:05 Peter would have denied that Jesus could be a priest. In this form, he said that Merari would keep the true time and not give the signal at the fast version at 12:05 am.

Luke 22:35 Jesus appointed James Niceta as a Gentile missionary, ruling on what he carried, showing that he was not a proselyte and not a beggar for alms. He was a subordinate of John Mark the permanently celibate uncircumcised Gentile.

Luke 22:36 Jesus added further rules concerning Peter and John Mark in the independent Gentile mission. Peter could travel, owning private property. John Mark was to adopt the full monastic rule as practiced by Essenes, giving all property into the common stock.

Luke 22:34

34. ho de eipen, Legō soi, Petre, ou phōnesei sēmeron alektōr heōs tris me aparnēsē eidenai

34. He (addressed, Jesus) said, "I say to you, Peter, Today a cock will not voice, until{heōs} thrice you deny-from to know{oida} me."

34. Jesus then gave Peter the first form of the cockcrowing saying, earlier than the one quoted in John given at 9:55 and Mark a few minutes later. In this earlier form he said that Merari, who gave the wake-up signal to village workers every day at 3:05 am., would resolve the problem of the fast times that night by keeping the true times only, not giving the signal at 12:05 am. When that sound was not heard at 12:05 am, Peter by not keeping the vigil would have denied that Jesus could be a priest three times. However, Jesus subsequently changed it to say that Merari would keep the fast time and also the true time for cockcrowing.

Luke 22:35

35. Kai eipen autois, Hote apesteila hymas ater ballantiou kai pēras kai hypodēmatōn, mē tinos hysterēsate; hoi de eipan, outhenos.

35. And he (RLR to Jesus v. 34) said to them (RLR to "brothers" of Peter v. 32, James Niceta), " When{hote} I sent-from{apostellō} you (plu. pronoun) without a money-bag. And a knapsack. And sandals. You (plu) lacked a Not- Certain One." They (addressed, James Niceta) said, " Of a No- thing (genitive)."

35. Jesus said to James Niceta, "At 9:35, the time for your communion service, I appoint you as a Gentile missionary who does not beg for alms. You may wear a knapsack for your possessions. As a layman walking outside, you wear sandals, not only because they are necessary but because they show that you are the opposite of a priest who has bare feet in the sanctuary. You do not wear letters indicating that you are a proselyte." James Niceta accepted Jesus' rules, saying, "I as in the married class am a subordinate of John Mark, a permanently celibate uncircumcised Gentile."

Luke 22:36

36. eipen de autois, Alla nyn ho echōn ballantion aratō, homoiōs kai pēran, kai ho mē echōn pōlēsatō to himation autou kai agorasatō machairan

36. He (RLR to Jesus v. 35) said to them (RLR to James Niceta vv 32, 35), " Nevertheless now{nyn} the one having a money-bag let him lift up, likewise. And a knapsack. And the one not having let him sell the garment{himation} of him (rule of possession, not of :"one not-having", not Jesus who is speaking, but Peter vv, 31, 33). And let him (one not-having) buy a sword{machaira}.

36. Jesus added further rules concerning the independent Gentile mission. "Let Peter, who works for a living and has private property, also be a missionary to Gentiles. Let him travel also, carrying his possessions in a knapsack. Let John Mark, who under monastic rules would have no property of his own, leave the class of Peter in which he has ben placed as an "unclean" Gentile.Let him sell all property of his own, including the linen surplice that he wore when with Peter. When he puts all his possessions into a common monastic stock he will become the chief monastic Gentile, ruling on admissions to their 'Eden' with the 'sword of the cherubim'.

9:35 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

After 9:35 pm

John 13:34 Jesus said to James Niceta that the Sadducee New Covenant meant that Antipas could join in the Agape meal, ministering to Asher Gentiles.

John 13:35 Jesus said that Antipas should recognize James Niceta as Jesus' student, while he shared the Agape meal. There was an implication that Antipas should give up his sexual profligacy.

John 13:36 Peter wanted Jesus to remain as a village bishop, but Jesus told him that as a dynast he was on his way back to the celibate state and would no longer be able to work with a married man. But Peter could continue outside in the west.

John 13:34

34. entolēn kainēn didōmi hymin, hina agapate allēlous. kathōs ēgapēsa hymas hina kai hymeis agapate allēlous.

34. A new{kainos} commandment I give to you (plu. pronoun, James Niceta v. 33), in order that you love one another. Down-as I have loved you (plu. pronoun), in order that. And you (plu pronoun) love one another.

34. Jesus said to James Niceta that he should share the Agape meal with Antipas when he was acting as a Sadducee, accepting his ministry.

John 13:35

35. en toutō gnōsontai pantes hoti emoi mathētai este, ean agapēn echēte en allēlois

35. In This Thing All Ones will know{gnōstos} that to me disciples you are, if{ean} youhave love in one another.

35. Jesus continued that Antipas should recognize James Niceta as a student of Jesus, while sharing the Agape meal. There was an implication that Antipas should reform his sexual profligacy and learn the purely spiritual human love of the Agape meal.

John 13:36

36. Legei autō Simōn Petros, Kyrie, pou hypageis; apekrithē Iēsous, Hopou hypagō ou dynasai moi nyn akolouthēsai, akolouthēseis de hysteron

36. Says to him (RLR to Jesus Son of Man{anthrōpos} v. 32) Simon Peter, "Lord, where you lead-under. Answered Jesus, "The where I lead-under you (sing.) do not have power to me now{nyn} to follow. You will follow afterwards."

36. Peter from row 10 center east said to Jesus,"Lord, you are still a village bishop." Jesus spoke as a bishop, "I will soon be returning to the celibate state, so I will no longer be working with you as a married man. You may continue as a deacon in the west."

After 9:35 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

After 9:35 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

After 9:35 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:55 pm

John 13:37 At the time for the closing prayer, 9:55 pm, Peter said that he as a married man could no longer minister with Jesus, but he wanted to act for him as an Adam to celibate Gentiles.

John 13:38 At the end of the session Jesus said to Peter that he could indeed act as an Adam to celibate Gentiles, but since Peter rejected the view that Jesus could act as a priest, he would illustrate it by not joining in the vigil in the abbey at 10:05, 11:05 and 12:05, when Merari would give the cockcrowing signal for the fast 3:05 am.

John 13:37

37. legei autō ho Petros, Kyrie, dia ti ou dynamai soi akolouthēsai arti; tēn psychēn mou hyper sou thēsō.

37. Says to him (RLR to Jesus v. 36) Peter, "Lord, on account of T I do not have power to follow you now{arti}. The soul of me above you I put."

37. Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, according to Sadducee rules using the sign of the cross I as a married man cannot minister with you from now on. But I can act for you as an Adam to celibate Gentiles."

John 13:38

38. apokrinetai Iēsous, Tēn psychēn sou hyper emou thēseis; amēn amēn legō soi, ou mē alektōr phōnēsē heōs hou arnēsē me tris

38. Jesus answers, "The soul of you (sing.) you will put above me. Amen Amen I say to you, not-not a cock will voice, until{heōs} of which you deny me thrice.

38. Jesus spoke as a bishop,"You may indeed be an Adam to celibate Gentiles, teaching them on my behalf. But because of your disagreement with me on the matter of my priesthood, you will deny my priesthood at 10:05 pm, 11:05 pm, and 12:05 am when Merari gives the cockcrowing signal for the fast 3:05 am" Jesus, knowing Peter's attitudes, and the fact that he did not keep night vigils as a married man, anticipated what he would do during the next two hours, failing to help Jesus when he would go through severe conflicts. Jesus did not use the word "twice" which would be added later to refer to Merari's cockcrowing at the true 3:05 am.

9:55 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:55 pm

Luke 22:37 Jesus added that if there was a fulfilment of the prophecy of the Restoration it would be in his favor. Thomas, however, expected it to favor Agrippa.

Luke 22:38 James Niceta said that John Mark belonged in the west. Jesus said that John Mark was to observe both equinoxes, March and September, as Jewish monastics did.

Luke 22:39 At 9:55 at the end of the session Jesus went out to the pillar bases in loc 100. He stood with John Mark on row 14, for the "oil"class, with James Niceta on the west.

Luke 22:37

37. legō gar hymin hoti touto to gegrammenon dei telesthēnai en emoi, to Kai meta anomōn elogisthē.kai gar to peri emou telos echei

37. " For I say to you (plu.pronoun, James Niceta) that This written thing must have an End in me. And with anti-law ones he (RLR to one not having v.36) was given a Logos. And for the one around me has an End."

37. Jesus said that if there was a fulfilment of the prophecy it would be in his favor, as he was independent, neither for Agrippa nor for Simon Magus. Jesus was the Logos for Gentiles, who did not observe the Jewish law. He added that Thomas the Herod crown prince expected the fulfilment of the prophecy at midnight in favor of Agrippa.

Luke 22:38

38. hoi de eipan, Kyrie, idou machairai hōde dyo. ho de eipen autois, Hikanon estin.

38. They (addressed, James Niceta)said, "Lord, see{eidon} swords{machaira} here number 2. He (Jesus addressed) said to them (swords, John Mark), "It is a worthy.thing"

38. James Niceta said, "John Mark on row 10 is a western Gentile, a grade 2/8 village novice by Jewish rules." Jesus said to John Mark, "You are to observe both equinoxes, retaining some Jewish monastic practices."

Luke 22:39

39. Kai exelthōn eporeuthē kata to ethos eis to Oros tōn Elaiōn ēkolouthēsan de autō kai hoi mathētai

39. And he (subject of participle Jesus, RLR to subject of verb before speech in v. 38) coming-out{erchomai} traveled according to the custom at the Mount of Olives. They (RLR to swords 2, John Mark v.38) followed him (Jesus). And the disciples.

39. At 9:55 pm at the end of the session Jesus went to the place of pilgrims according to the rule of Therapeuts on row 14 above the south base. John Mark was with him as a Gentile acolyte on the same row, which stood for Bethsaida, the "house of oil", where John Mark's community had a center. James Niceta stood on the western side of the same row. This account does not mention Antipas' rise to the north base after a few minutes.

9:55 pm           (Matthew has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

Figure 9c

Figure 9C. Pillar Bases Loc 100.

Figure 9c

Figure 9C. Pillar Bases Loc 100.

9:56 pm           (John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:56 pm

Mark 14:26 Antipas led a hymn at the close of the vestry session, and all went out to the pillar bases in loc 100.(Figure 9C) The south base and the row above it reproduced Antipas' house on the Mount of Olives.

26. Kai hymnēsantes exēlthon eis to Oros tōn Elaiōn

26. They (subject of participle to Antipas subject of verb v. 23.) having sung a hymn, came-out{erchomai} at the Mount of Olives.

26. At 9:55 pm the session was closed with the singing of a hymn led by Antipas. He led them out to the pillar bases, 1 minute away from the vestry, . The south base on the extension of row 15 stood for the Mountain, the Roman power.Row 14 was for the married laity, the "oil" class, oil coming from olives. The two rows reproduced Antipas' house on the Mount of Olives. He stood at first on row 14 beside Jesus. .

9:56 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:56 pm.

Matthew 26:30 At 9:55 pm the four hour session closed. The leaders went out to the pillar bases in loc 100 beside the vestry. The south base could be called the Mount, and with the row in front of it it reproduced Antipas' house on the Mount of Olives.

30. Kai hymnēsantes exēlthon eis to Oros tōn Elaiōn.

30. And they (RLR to Antipas v. 27) having sung a hymn came-out{erchomai} at the Mount of Olives.

30. At 9:55 pm when the four- hour session closed, Antipas led the singing of a hymn in the manner of the Therapeuts, then he came out to the bases, to the row for the laity next up from the south base. The south base could be called the Mount, and the row next up, row 14, was the place for the laity called "oil". The two rows stood for a reproduction of Antipas' house on the Mount of Olives. He went to stand on row 14.

9:57 pm           (John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:57 pm .

Mark 14:27 At 9:57 pm Antipas took the north base. As a minister he required the circumcision of Gentiles, making the north base a "stumbling-block."

Mark 14:28 Jesus said that Antipas as a married man belonged at Ain Feshkha, and that Jesus himself as a dynast outside the monastery belonged there also.

Mark 14:29 Peter defended Antipas' right to stand on the north base and require circumcision, even though Peter himself taught uncircumcised Gentiles.

Mark 14:30 Following their disagreement Jesus gave Peter a variant form of the cockcrowing saying.

Mark 14:31 Peter admitted that he would be accused of Magianism if he said that Jesus was a priest, so he would deny it.

Mark 14:27

27. Kai legei autois ho Iēsous hoti Pantes skandalisthēsesthe, hoti gegraptai, Pataxō ton poimena, kai ta probata diaskorpisthēsontai

27. And he (RLR to Jesus v.24) says to them (RLR to Antipas vv. 23-26) that, "You All Ones are scandalized, that it is written, "I will strike the shepherd. And the sheep will be dispersed.

27. At 9:57 after the priest left Antipas came up to stand on the north base to give the time signal and prayer.

Jesus remained on row 14. He said to Antipas, "You act as a minister on the north base, which means that you require circumcision for Gentiles. The circumcision requirement is a stumbling-block for Gentiles (Mark 9:42-43). It causes men to trip up, as they trip over the north base. A verse of scripture (Zechariah 13:7)says, 'I will strike the David, the shepherd, and the sheep, the married villagers under Peter, will make their headquarters outside in the Diaspora. " This verse is quoted in the Damascus Document, CD 19, .in the context of the coming Visitation.

Mark 14:28

28. alla meta to egerthēnai me prosaxō hymas eis tēn Galilaian

28. Nevertheless after me to arise I will lead-before you (plu. pronoun, Antipas) at the Galilee."

28. "When I am in the status of a dynast outside the monastery I lead you at Ain Feshkha."

Mark 14:29

29. ho de Petros ephē autō , Ei kai pantes skandalisthēsontai, all' ouk egō .

29. Peter uttered to him (RLR to Jesus shepherd v.27), " if{ei}. And All Ones will be scandalized, nevertheless not I."

29. Peter expressed doubt to Jesus. He said that Antipas had a right to require circumcision and stand on the north base. Peter did not do so himself as he taught uncircumcised Gentiles.

Mark 14:30

30. kai legei autō ho Iēsous, Amēn legō soi hoti sy sēmeron tautē tē nykti prin ē dis alektora phōnesai tris me aparnēsē.

30. And says to him (RLR to Peter v. 29) Jesus, " Amen I say to you that you (sing.) Today This night prior to twice a cock to sound, thrice you will deny-from me."

30. As a result of their disagreement, Jesus now gave Peter the cockcrowing saying in a slightly different form from the way he had given it to him in the vestry a few minutes before. He added the words "prior" and "twice". Instead of referring to the hours between 10 pm and midnight, it now referred to the hours 1:05, 2:05 and 3:05 am, with an extension to 4:05 am. The cockcrowing signal would be the second one, at the true 3:05 am. Peter would still have denied Jesus' priesthood three times, expressing it in a different way. Peter insisted that Heaven was in favor of the married class and workers, and would send the fulfilment of the prophecy at their hours for rising and starting work. But he continued to deny Jesus' priesthood.

Mark 14:31

31. ho de ekperissōs elalei, Ean deē me synapothanein soi, ou mē se aparnēsomai hōsautōs de kai pantes elegon.

31. He (Peter, addressed) spoke overflowingly, " If{ean} I must die-with you, not-not to deny-from you. As the same." All Ones said.

31. Peter now gave an additional spoken prayer, and said, "I will be accused of Magianism if I agree that you are a priest. I will continue to deny that fact." At 9:58 pm Antipas led them from the north base for the 2 minute walk to the outer hall, the abbey.

9:57 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:57 pm.

Matthew 26:31 At 9:57 pm when the priest left Antipas replaced him on the north base. He was permitted there because he required circumcision. Jesus said that the circumcision requirement for Gentiles was a stumbling-block symbolized by the north base. Jesus should be standing there at midnight because the Julian day began then, and his followers belonging in the Diaspora used the Julian calendar.

Matthew 26:32 While still in the married state, Jesus belonged on row 14, and Antipas as tetrarch of Galilee should be at Ain Feshkha.

Matthew 26:33 Peter said that he would allow circumcision until a fulfilment of the prophecy revealed new truth.

Matthew 26:34 Jesus then varied the wording of the cockcrowing saying to Peter, so as to refer to Merari giving the cockcrowing signal at the true 3:05 am, with a possible extension to 4:05 am.

Matthew 26:31

31. Tote legei autois ho Iēsous, Pantes hymeis skandalisthēsesthe en emoi en tē nykti tautē, gegraptai gar, Pataxō ton poimena, kai diaskorpisthēsontai ta probata tēs poimnēs

31. Then Jesus says to them (RLR to Antipas vv, 27, 30), " All Ones you (plu. pronoun) will be scandalized in me in This night, for it is written,' I will strike the shepherd. And the sheep of the flock will be dispersed.

31. At 9:58 pm Jesus said to Antipas, "You have now stepped up to the north base when the priest left it. You are permitted there because you require circumcision of Gentiles. The north base, which causes people to trip over it, symbolizes the stumbling-block of circumcision. I should be standing on it at midnight. A scripture verse ( Zechariah 13:7) says, " I (the priest) strike the David. The Diaspora members under Peter are his true followers and are scattered ." This meant that as the Diaspora used the Julian calendar and Jesus' true followers came from there, he should be standing on the north base at midnight. He would be sent away from the homeland.

Matthew 26:32

32. meta de to egerthēnai me proaxō hymas eis tēn Galilaian.

32. after me to rise up, I lead-before you (plu. pronoun) at the Galilee.

32. "Now that I am still in the lay married state, I stand on row 14. You, Antipas, at Ain Feshkha as the tetrarch of Galilee, head of pilgrims from Galilee."

Matthew 26:33

33. apokritheis de ho Petros eipen autō, Ei pantes skandalisthēsontai en soi, egō oudepote skandalisthēsomai.

33. Peter having answered said to him (RLR to shepherd, Jesus, v. 31), " if{ei} All Ones are scandalized in you, I not-when will be scandalized."

33. Peter acting as a bishop said to Jesus, "It is questionable whether Antipas should teach circumcision on the north base. But I will allow it until the fulfilment of the prophecy, when truth will be revealed."

Matthew 26:34

34. ephē autō ho Iēsous, Amēn legō soi hoti en tautē tē nykti prin alektora phōnesai tris aparnēsē me.

34. Uttered to him (RLR to Peter v. 33) Jesus, " Amen I say to you (sing.) that in This night prior a cock to sound, thrice you will deny-from me."

34, Jesus, aware of their disagreement, varied the wording of the cockcrowing saying, adding "prior", to refer to the hours of workers at both 3 am and 4 am. Matthew does not include "twice" to refer to an observance of the fast times. Peter would deny until 3:05 or 4:05 am that Heaven would favor any but married workers, and that Jesus could be a priest.

9:58 pm           (John has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:58 pm           (Mark has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:58 pm           (Luke has no verse for this time. Scroll down for next time.)

9:58 pm

Matthew 26:35 Peter was afraid of being accused of Magianism if he said that Jesus could be a priest, so he would continue to deny it.

35. legei autō ho Petros, Kan deē me syn soi apothanein, ou mē aparnēsomai. homoiōs kai pantes hoi mathētai eipan.

35. Says to him (RLR to Jesus v. 34) Peter, "And I must die with you, not-not to deny-from you. Likewise All the disciples said."

35. Peter said to Jesus, "I will be accused of Magianism if I say you are a priest. I will deny it." Antipas, who also ministered to the uncircumcised Gentile James Niceta left the north base at 9:58 pm and led them for the 2 minute walk to the outer hall, the abbey/

C. Crucifixion Word for Word Pesher: (Combined Gospels)