Complete Pesher of the Resurrection © 2005 Dr. Barbara Thiering |
All miracles are accounted for by the pesher. The virgin birth, the resurrection , and absurd stories such as the walking on water, feedings of the multitude, turning water into wine, raising others from the dead, were carefully composed, many by Jesus himself. All are giving an exact and reliable history, in their pesher, of what Jesus actually did. He was a fighter against oppressive religion, one who freed people - Gentiles, women, the physically handicapped - from an intolerant system that treated them as unclean. He was also an intellectual and teacher, who approached people's ignorance with humor, and found ways of educating them into maturity. The detail needed to substantiate the claim of proof is set out here, giving what actually happened at the "resurrection". The facts of exactly where it was and when each stage took place are given through the pesher, and can be known. They are subject to testing by the criterion of consistency of usage in all occurrences. To follow the argument will require close study, but for those with the interest and inclination to do such work, it is deeply rewarding. And, since true religion values truthfulness and integrity, the study should prepare for the healthier religion that the world needs so much now. Another overview can be seen in Section 2: Crucifixion and Resurrection
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